"...I'm sorry, I can't say..."

Peter gritted his teeth all of a sudden, but his right hand held the wrist of his left hand tightly, as if he was trying his best to restrain something: "I can only say that there was someone beside Dumbledore that I absolutely could not trust at that time, and I could never trust him." Unforgivable, even now..."

"It was that person who revealed the contents of the prophecy to Voldemort, which led to the tragic death of the James family!"

Lupine's back hit the wall, and the floor beneath Sirius screamed again.

"who is it?"

Sirius' eyes suddenly narrowed, flickering faintly in the darkness, like a hungry wolf: "Tell me who that person is, Peter, tell me!"

"Then you're going to go and kill him like you did to me, right?"

Peter glanced at Sirius a little tiredly: "I can't let you do this - that man is still useful to Dumbledore, he can't die yet."

"it works?!"

Sirius roared again: "Voldemort has been caught! Now Dumbledore has also obtained a Horcrux! He can kill Voldemort alone without anyone's help!"

"Who's that guy? Snotlout? Or Mundungus?!"

Peter Pettigrew said nothing, quietly watching the imprisoned Black roaring at the top of his lungs, and did not stop until his voice became completely hoarse.

"It's useless if you don't tell me."

He glared at Peter fiercely, but this time his eyes were full of pure anger, no longer full of hatred and murderous intent like before: "I will find him myself! No matter who it is, he can't run away in the end! I swear!"

"That's best."

Peter also snorted: "The reason why I became the Secret Keeper was exposed because of the prophecy - Voldemort captured a foreign master of prophecy, I don't know who it is - he deduced the Secret Keeper from the prophecy of that prophet. It’s me, this guy probably came up with this idea too…”

"But anyway,"

He then continued to explain: "After hearing that Voldemort had been eliminated, I knew that due to the existence of Horcruxes, he would not really die and would come back sooner or later, so I secretly lurked in the corner of the magical society to investigate. ——Before I lived in Arthur’s house, I visited many places, including the Lestrange house, the Avery house, the Nott house, and all the places where Voldemort had set foot... I finally discovered it. Some clues.”

Peter finally showed a slightly proud smile: "I am 50% to 60% sure that I have found the location of a Horcrux."


Sirius and Lupine asked at the same time, two completely different voices overlapping.

"We'll talk about this later. I would rather Dumbledore go there and eliminate the Horcruxes immediately after learning the location, instead of just adding variables..."

His face darkened again: "There are countless magical protections there, and they are all in the style of Voldemort... I couldn't get in, but I didn't dare to tell Dumbledore directly, so I simply lurked at Arthur's house. Let's see if he can give me some opportunities... As a result, Voldemort was sealed after waiting, and Dumbledore probably also discovered the secret of the Horcrux - I think I have probably done nothing in these years."

"To be honest, when I heard the news that Voldemort was sealed, I couldn't help but want to go directly to Dumbledore - it was really hard to be a mouse for more than ten years. But, after hearing about him After his speech, I changed my mind again."

He took a deep breath: "Padfoot probably doesn't know this, but you must have heard of Moony-Dumbledore publicly refuted the blood theory the year Voldemort was arrested."

"He is right. The elimination of Voldemort does not mean that the matter is over. As long as the lineage theory is still there, and the pure-blood families who funded Voldemort and trained countless Death Eaters are still there, the magical society will not be completely peaceful. James and Lily's revenge has not yet been avenged... Thinking of this, I know that there is probably something I can do."

"Voldemort is not dead yet, which means he still has the possibility of being rescued. And those core Death Eaters all know that I am actually one of theirs, and if they know that I am not actually dead, they have secretly collected a large number of If I use the intelligence to rescue Voldemort from Dumbledore... do you think how big of a fish I can catch?"


Neither Sirius nor Lupine spoke.

"...Okay, I know what you are worried about."

Peter smiled bitterly: "Are you thinking, is this guy in front of you acting? Is everything he said made up lies? Could the place I'm about to send Dumbledore actually be a fatal trap? ? Could it be that my proposal to go undercover with the Death Eaters was just to escape and completely escape your sight?"

"Does Dumbledore know you're coming, Moony?"


Lupine nodded.

"Then how long will it take for him to come?"

"Probably soon. Once he confirms that Black is not in the castle, and I haven't been back for a long time, he will probably come over to take a look."

"Then I'll wait for him here."

Peter threw the wand in his hand to Lupin: "But hurry up, this wand belongs to Ron, Arthur's son, I just borrowed it while he was sleeping, but I have to return it soon. "


Sirius looked at Peter blankly - he was very hesitant now.

The hatred accumulated over the past twelve years made him unwilling to believe a word of the mouse in front of him, but he looked so much like the familiar one who ran with him, James and Remus under the moonlight. Best friends, just like they should be.

Two thoughts were fighting in his mind, in a space that even he himself was not aware of, leaving him wondering for a moment whether he should trust Peter Pettigrew again and whether he should call him "Wormtail" again. …


Avada was a little scared.

He's in the Shrieking Shack now. He could clearly see the conversation between the three people and the performance of Peter Pettigrew - because of this, he could easily know that everything Peter said before was so sincere.

He was a little scared - even though everything that happened now was expected by him, and he even deliberately caused it.

He knew what Peter Pettigrew was like. He was a complete traitor, cowardly, greedy, and would do whatever it took to survive... Therefore, it was even more difficult for him to imagine that Peter Pettigrew was the same as the current one who was about to actively put himself in danger for the future of the magical society. The guy is actually the same person...

It wasn't until this moment that he finally realized the horror of what he had done before - he was wantonly distorting his memory and spirit.

Although there are elements of Peter in his success, deep down he regrets his betrayal, and he also has some traits that would make him recognized as a Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat. In this case, as long as he fabricates a reasonable reason for his rebellion, he will be madly convinced and move in the direction Avada expects...

But this still cannot conceal the horror of the power that twists people's hearts. It can easily turn close friends into mortal enemies, traitors into heroes, opponents into loyal servants, make everyone no longer themselves, and even make life no longer life, but a machine that can be programmed at any time...

Should Pettigrew now be called a traitor? Should he bear the responsibility for crimes that he doesn't even remember?

And can he control this power that distorts people's hearts by tampering with memories and not abuse it?

If such technology is leaked and gets into the hands of people with ulterior motives, how many incredible tragedies will it cause?

Avada's palms were a little sweaty - he was holding tightly a small bottle filled with white light.

That was Peter Pettigrew's real, original memory.

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