Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 185 Dumbledore Arrives

Suddenly, a ball of extremely dazzling golden spiritual power suddenly bloomed in the dark screaming shack, causing Avada to narrow her eyes subconsciously - Dumbledore appeared here, with a... The perfect illusion spell...


He observed quietly for a while, only to see the three of them sitting or standing silently before his figure appeared, which startled them.


Before Peter and Lupine could react, Sirius shouted: "Tell me, who leaked the prophecy to Voldemort?"

"Please, Professor, you must know! Tell me!"

"I'm sorry, Sirius - but before that, can someone help me understand the current situation? To be honest, I'm a little confused..."

Dumbledore glanced at the three people in the Shrieking Shack with complex eyes, feeling that he was no less surprised now than when he received the letter recording the structure of Voldemort's mental power two years ago...

Pettigrew is not dead?

Sirius, the guy who just ran away from Azkaban, seems to get along well with Lupine and the others?

He also knew that someone leaked the prophecy to Voldemort?

What happened just now? ?

An hour ago, when Professor Lupine came to him while he was inspecting the castle, he told him that he had received a note from Peter Pettigrew inviting him to the Shrieking Shack. In order to prove his identity, he also attached a bunch of information that only they When he learned the little secret, he was already quite surprised. But at that time, he was still worried that this might be a ploy to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so he specifically asked Lu Ping to wait for a while, and then carefully inspected Lu Ping's office...

In the end, he chose to believe in the strength of Lupine, a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and sent him to the Shrieking Shack after giving him a Fox feather and telling him to be cautious.

And now, after completing the search of the castle and discovering that Professor Lupin had been gone for a long time, he came to the Shrieking Shack to check - and then he saw such a strange scene.

The dead person was resurrected, and the two people who were supposed to be enemies were living in the same house peacefully...

"Let me explain, Professor."

Lupine sighed, and then slowly told what had just happened - from the reason why Black escaped from prison, their ability and reason to transform into Animagus, to what Peter said about the "event" twelve years ago. the truth"……

As he narrated, Dumbledore's brows almost knitted into a hill. But after he heard the whole story, the hill slowly melted away.

"Using the principles of Horcruxes to cut out the secrets protected by the Chidan Loyalty Curse... I have to say, it is indeed a very genius idea."

He closed his eyes and thought for a long time before opening them again: "What Pettigrew said should be theoretically feasible. To do that requires a very high level of soul...at least Horcrux technology. level, and Voldemort obviously has such qualifications. And what he said is consistent with the information I collected. Voldemort may indeed have made more than one Horcrux... But I still have a question."

"Please, Professor."

Peter looked calmly into Dumbledore's eyes.

"You said before that you had to kill twelve people in order to get rid of the Unbreakable Oath, and used the power of the soul to be torn to pieces to peel off the oath, right?"


Peter's eyes dimmed again: "I have studied it specifically. The Unbreakable Oath is different from ordinary magic contracts. Its power is rooted in mental power and vitality. It uses changes in mental power as the triggering condition and attacks with vitality as the target. In other words, once the subject's mental power determines that he has violated the oath, his vitality will immediately be attacked by the oath and die. This is the principle of the unbreakable oath."

"In this case, if my soul is torn into pieces, the oaths rooted in it will naturally be destroyed - this is the method I came up with to crack it."

"Theoretically it's possible."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly - the three-layer theory of the soul is a very secret knowledge. Most people confuse the three concepts of "vitality", "spiritual power" and "soul", but the brokenness of the soul is indeed real. It will affect vitality and spiritual power, so it is entirely possible for Peter to think of this method and get rid of the oath, but the price is...

"If you really used this method...how is your soul now?" He asked, staring closely into Peter's little eyes.

"...I don't know, Professor."

Peter pondered for a long time before replying: "During the time when I just killed someone and split my soul, I did feel unprecedentedly weak, and my heart was tightly wrapped in an indescribable emptiness... But as time went by , that feeling is gradually dissipating, and my energy is slowly recovering... This makes me a little scared, Professor, I am afraid that I will just forget my crime, forget..."

"You regret your murderous behavior, right?" Dumbledore suddenly asked.

"all the time."

"……I see."

Dumbledore looked at Pettigrew's mouse-like face with extremely complex eyes, his silver-white beard trembling slightly, as if he was planning to say something...


Sirius on the side suddenly interrupted his thinking: "Since everything he said is true...can you tell me, the person who leaked the prophecy?!"

"Sorry, Sirius."

Dumbledore looked at him sadly: "I'm sorry enough for you - I failed to notice those things, so you suffered in Azkaban for twelve years... But I am very heartbroken, I I must apologize to you again."

"But, I can assure you,"

Before Sirius roared again, Dumbledore quickly comforted him: "I assure you, killing James and Lily was definitely not that person's intention, and it was even contrary to his ideas - in a sense, He, like you, is the last person in the world who wants that to happen."

Sirius stared at Dumbledore in disbelief.

"Maybe it's hard for you to accept now,"

He sighed heavily, feeling an inexplicable fatigue welling up from deep inside his body: "I will tell you the identity of that person - after you have calmed down completely and will not do anything drastic. "

"……All right."

Sirius muttered something under his breath, and the Shrieking Shack fell into icy silence.

"Then next, Peter, please tell me the location of the Horcrux you found."

Finally, Dumbledore decided not to waste time anymore: "Let's see what Voldemort has done."

"I want to give Ron's wand back first."

Peter forced a smile and pointed to the wand in Lupine's hand: "It may take some time to break through those protections. I don't want him to wake up and find that not only his pet, but also his wand is missing... "

"All right."

Dumbledore nodded, took the wand from Lupine and disappeared into the room instantly, but reappeared a few seconds later: "Okay, Peter."

"Thank you, Professor."

Peter took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "The location of the Horcrux is in a cave - a cave by the sea."

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