Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 201 Dumbledore personally opens the topic

"A Daily Prophet—yes, thank you."

Avada took the newspaper she had just bought and apparated back to the room at the Leaky Cauldron. She casually took off her coat and quickly read through it.

"It seems that nothing major has happened recently. The news above is all insignificant - the state visit to France, the sudden rise in the prices of some herbal medicines, the latest results of the research on the basilisk, Sirius Black has not been captured so far, Hogg Watts’ Hogsmeade ban on Saturday mornings will be lifted after the start of the second half of term…”

"Where is the pure-blood family's advertising space? The advertising space... was found."

He didn't turn a few pages before he saw the dense recruitment information - after all, the clients who posted the advertisements were all small and medium-sized pure-blood families, and the ones to be advertised were also large commissions worth hundreds of galleons, so he spent more money to buy one. The advertising space mentioned in the previous point is not a problem...

"It's quite a lot. I'll have to check it out from the "Pure Blood Directory" later..."

"This matter deserves an in-depth investigation. After all, several large pure-blood families were severely beaten by Dumbledore last year, and several family heads were even thrown into Azkaban. It cannot be ruled out that there are The possibility that they’re up to something secretly.”

"But where should I start? Should I just take a job from an advertisement, or should I investigate the Ministry of Magic interviewer named Taylor?"


In the Hogwarts auditorium, Avada, who was eating dinner at the long table, suddenly raised her head and asked Baron, who was also engrossed in eating across from him: "Do you have a ban on Apparition at home?"

Although society has resumed work, there are still a few days left for the students' Christmas vacation, so they can still sit around at the long tables in the four colleges.

"Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

Baron on the opposite side was stunned for a moment before replying: "Of course there is - the disembodiment ban is a must-have for almost every big family."

"Approximately how long ago was that restriction put in place?"

"It's been hundreds of years. Clothes have been attached to the manor since it was built. Now we still have to maintain it every few years."

"So did it work?"

"It has been used several times - it is said that they were all in several turbulent periods in history, including once during the period when Voldemort was raging more than ten years ago... By the way, why are you asking about this? Dumbledore has assigned you a task again. ?”

"...Not really this time."

Avada's eyes twitched and she shook her head: "I just noticed - I don't know if you noticed it. Recently, there were a lot of small families recruiting space experts in the Daily Prophet to install phantom shifters in their homes. There are no physical restrictions, so I’m a little curious about this issue.”

"Is this happening?"

Baron put down his knife and fork in surprise: "This doesn't sound very logical, does it? Generally speaking, this kind of large-scale installation of anti-Apparition restrictions means that people generally lack a sense of security, which probably means that Social unrest... But if society is really that dangerous, how dare they publicly post their contact information in newspapers and make appointments to meet with those who have contacted them?"


After Balon said this, Avada realized further problems: "Even after experiencing Voldemort's dark period, these small families who were publishing advertisements did not install anti-phantom invisibility restrictions at that time, because that period was too It’s dangerous, they simply don’t dare to show their faces in newspapers and indirectly express their fear and dissatisfaction with Voldemort in this way… So what’s going on now?”

"Maybe I can write and ask my dad. This phenomenon is indeed a bit abnormal."

"Then please."

"What's there to ask for? If something happens, my father will have to thank you for discovering the abnormality first..."

"Oh, by the way, speaking of Apparition - I remember that the existing Apparition ban can only intercept the Apparition of human wizards, right? What if a magical creature, such as a house elf from a hostile family, is sent here? If there is destruction, how will you respond?"

"So in addition to installing restrictions, we will also hide the location of our house to the greatest extent. Just like the last time you came to my house, you had to enter an inconspicuous small house first, and you can only go deeper after getting certification. And like this Another advantage is that you don’t need to block the owl and can send and receive letters normally. Anyway, even the owl itself doesn’t know how it flew in..."

"It's really tight."

After thinking about it for a while, Avada found that with this level of protection, even if she wanted to invade a pure-blood family, she would have to work hard, although it was mainly in terms of intelligence: "I really don't know what Dumbledore was doing at that time. Having collected so much evidence under the eyes of those purebloods, they also caught Lucius who was hiding even more closely..."

"After all, he is Dumbledore... He even plans to start studying souls!"

——Two or three days after the Christmas vacation, Dumbledore suddenly released a big news: he was about to personally start a research on the soul, black magic and potions, and also decided to recruit from students assistant.

At that time, the news almost blew up Hogwarts, but the subsequent recruitment conditions poured cold water on everyone: his requirements were that he was in sixth grade or above, and his OWLS scores in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions must be O, and before participating in the experiment, they must undergo a series of reviews, including psychological tests, and sign many agreements; or students who have made outstanding contributions in fighting black magic can also be specially recruited, but they must also accept subsequent Those reviews…

And in addition to Dumbledore, he also invited many academic leaders, including Nicol Flamel, to participate in this experiment, which made many students who only got E in the OLS exam beat their chests and beat their chests. By the way, he also made seven Internship applications for the second semester of grade are directly discounted - it seems that there will be a lot less cheap labor in society this year.

As for the condition of "making outstanding contributions in fighting black magic", almost everyone knows which people it refers to.

"Okay, I can't eat too much, I have to practice flying later - let's go now."

After taking a few last bites of food, Balon stood up, picked up the broom leaning on the chair and said goodbye to Avada.

"Well, see you later,"

Avada also finished the remaining food in three bites, controlled Crewe Imprey to go to bed and lay down, then temporarily took off the control device and went to the library to look for the "Pure Blood Directory" - in order to let Since he doesn't look that conspicuous, he specially added a disembodiment spell on the surface of the device. He is still researching how to further miniaturize it, preferably into an earring or a small spacer attached to the skin... …

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