Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 202 Letter from the Godfather

"School is about to start..."

In a certain dormitory in the Gryffindor common room, Harry spread out on his bed. He still held his glasses in one hand, but he was too lazy to move his arm to put them on. He just used a vague and vague His dull green eyes stared blankly at the morning light cast from the window and sighed feebly, with a hoarseness in his voice that was unique to waking up in the morning.

Even the feeling of hunger from deep in his stomach couldn't drive him out of bed - he and Ron stayed up all night last night to catch up on their homework and fell asleep too late, and for some reason they didn't sleep all night. Sleep well, now he feels that even if Voldemort is resurrected in front of him, he doesn't want to get up...

"Who says it isn't?"

Ron muttered, his mental state was even worse than him - just a few days before the Christmas vacation, his pet rat Scabbers died of old age, which made him sad for a long time.

At that time, he spent the whole morning happily, and then discovered that something was wrong after he found Banban in his pocket still motionless. And when he noticed this and took Banban out for examination, the mouse had no heartbeat. This incident made the Weasley family, who stayed at school for the holidays, sad for a while - after all, this mouse had lived with them for more than ten years.

In the end, they could only bury Scabbers on a piece of land near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and then try to do other interesting things to divert their attention: such as officially transferring the Marauder's Map to Harry, and then For example, taking turns borrowing Harry's invisibility cloak to sneak into Hogsmeade...

"What are we doing today?"

he asked feebly.

"Who knows, now I just want to lie here for the rest of my life..."


Harry's dragging groan was interrupted by a rapid knocking on the window - they turned their heads to look at the window sill with difficulty, and found a large brown owl pecking at the window with its beak, and its There is also a large long strip-shaped package under the paw...

"Did you buy something?"

Harry had to lift the quilt with difficulty, get up, open the window and let the owl in, and shivered from the cold wind blowing in his face.

"No—you close the window first."

Ron shrank his head into the quilt and wrapped it closer: "Perhaps Seamus or Dean bought something and wanted to send it to the dormitory in advance - is there any message on it? ?”

"Let me look for it...God!"

His hand that was opening the package suddenly stopped in the air and froze for a moment, and then he took a sharp breath of air - what was revealed in the package was a sparkling, exquisite flying broomstick.

It was a Firebolt - Harry had never forgotten the beauty of this broom, which he had dreamed of on his way to Diagon Alley. He quickly opened the package completely, took the precious broom in his hand, and slowly admired the shining broom handle. He could feel it vibrating and let go. The broom was suspended in mid-air, just at the height he could ride on. He stroked it with his eyes, and from the golden registration number on the top of the broom handle, he could see carefully the flexible and smooth streamlined broom tail made of white birch twigs.

"...Merlin's beard."

He murmured in a hoarse voice.

"A genuine Firebolt!"

Ron shouted excitedly: "Who sent it here?!"

"I don't know...wait, there's a card here!"

Only then did Harry see a card that had fallen on his bed at some point. It probably fell out when he was unpacking it just now. He picked up the card and took a deep breath nervously - he was extremely afraid that someone had got the wrong address and that the broom shouldn't be here at all; or that this was just another prank played by the twins. …

"Merry Christmas, Harry..."

Some scrawled writing rushed into his eyes as soon as he turned the card over, making him almost unable to believe what he saw.

"This is for you?!"

Ron lowered his voice as if he was afraid of disturbing something, and quietly approached Harry: "But the Christmas holiday is almost over, who would give a Christmas gift at this time? And who would give such a precious gift? s things?"

"I'm looking……"

Harry swallowed hard and then read on: "Unfortunately, this broom was supposed to be delivered to you on Christmas Day, but my current situation is a bit... um, inconvenient. Plus I have a friend who asked me to help out, so your Christmas gift arrived a little late..."

The notes on the card showed a serious scrawling - it was obvious from the handwriting that the writer wanted to make his handwriting more beautiful, but it seemed that he had not touched a pen in more than ten years, or perhaps It was as if his hand was cramped, making his handwriting a bit confusing and illegible.

"However, maybe we can look at this broom in a less traditional light. In this case, in addition to being a belated Christmas gift, it can also be a compensating thirteenth birthday gift for you?"

"I have seen your message, and it said that you are a great player, just like your father. And Dumbledore also told me the same thing. But my current situation is not suitable for me to go to the market to conduct research in person. , so I simply bought the most expensive one, I hope you like it..."

"Who is this person?"

Ron looked at Harry curiously: "Your relative?"

"It can't be the Dursleys anyway..."

Harry was also very confused - from the tone of his voice, that person seemed to be very familiar and close to him, but he was not a student of Hogwarts, and he could also buy the most expensive broomstick casually... But he But I never remember knowing such a person.

After a short moment of fruitless thinking, he could only continue to read: "By the way, I forgot to say before, Harry, you probably don't know yet, I am your godfather... I have a godfather? !”

"You still have a godfather!"

Ron also shouted in surprise: "Does this mean you don't have to be angry with those Muggle relatives anymore?"

"Wait a minute, let me finish..."

Harry felt that he was almost confused and could only continue reading like a machine: "I know your parents - your father and I were best friends back then. So when you were born, they entrusted me with Come be your godfather...God, why has no one told me about this?"

He sighed and then continued to read the card: "However, due to some sad things, I was unable to fulfill my obligations as a godfather after your parents passed away, and I didn't have the opportunity to contact you until today... I'm sorry, Harry. "

"You may be a little confused now - but I still want to apologize to you, Harry. I can't tell you my identity yet, and I don't dare to see you in person. I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble to you. But if you really can't hold back your curiosity, you can ask Dumbledore and let him decide whether to tell you about me."

"But believe me, this situation won't last long. After a while, and it's confirmed that there will be no other dangers, I will contact you - I heard that you are not living well with your Muggle relatives. Forget it, this is my fault...I will find a way to help you as soon as possible."

"In addition, I have heard about your recent affairs, so I also enclosed something with the letter. I hope you can have a happy life at Hogwarts in the future..."

That's it for the card. But when Harry's eyes glanced at the last line of words, another small folded piece of paper emerged from the card and slowly fell into his hand. There was only this line on it:

[I (name obscured by an ink stain), Harry Potter's godfather, gave him permission to travel to Hogsmeade. 】

[Give this to Dumbledore or McGonagall and they will be able to see the hidden content, so you can enjoy Hogsmeade like other students. 】

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