Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 205 Kruimprey is targeted

Chapter 205 Crewe Imprey is targeted


Avada frowned and waved, pulling the letter over: "I know less than ten people with this identity, and it has only been a week since I entered the British magical society!"

There was only a normal letter in that envelope, without any messy magic or tricks. After confirming this, he quickly moved to a corner where few people passed by, neatly opened the envelope, unfolded the neatly folded parchment, and started reading...

[Dear Mr. Crewe Imprey:]

[Sorry for the abrupt letter. My name is Bill Trimble, and I am one of the people who wants to install anti-Apparition restrictions on their homes. 】

[You probably won’t see the recruitment information I sent out in newspapers. Because I originally had a friend who worked in a travel tent manufacturing company, he promised me to help install the restraints, but due to work reasons, he had to wait until at least next month to spare time. But I happened to hear recently that a very young space magic expert came from the UK, and he has successfully solved the needs of three customers to install the ban, so I also hope to save some time and install the Apparition ban as soon as possible. In addition, I am also very happy to get to know a young talent...]

[If you happen to have time, please come to the Leaky Cauldron at three o'clock this afternoon - I found out that you live there, so I won't bother you to make an extra trip. Although given your space level, it is very comfortable. Disapparating must be the easiest thing to do. 】

【Looking forward to meeting you very much. 】

【Bill Trimble】

"...Am I already famous now?"

After quickly reading this relatively short letter, Avada couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: "That's right, the pure-blood family circle is only that big, and the news should spread quickly..."

"It's outrageous - I've only made a tiny bit of progress on the information I really wanted to check, but I've earned almost enough galleons to buy a high-end broomstick! It's only taken a few days!"

"Is this the benefit of high-end talents? Making money is just like drinking water...or am I just catching the wind?"

While folding the letter and putting it away, Avada walked towards the magic material store again - it was not yet afternoon, and it was still a while before the person agreed to meet, so it was enough for him to go and use it the day after tomorrow. All materials are purchased.

"You have to find time to go to Gringotts and open a vault for this identity. Otherwise, how a person without his own residence can hold so many Galleons will definitely arouse suspicion..."

After purchasing some materials, he returned directly to the room in the Leaky Cauldron, returned his mental energy to his body and took a nap for a while. He got up on time at two o'clock in the afternoon, controlled his body to open the door, and went downstairs. , came to Old Tom’s bar and bought a glass of cider...

"Oh, Crewe, someone just happened to be looking for you,"

Old Tom pointed to a certain table in the bar while pouring the wine: "That's that person - he told me that he made an appointment to meet you here, and asked you if you are here now... You have been using You apparated back to your room, right? Damn it, I almost never saw you go upstairs..."

"How about if you have time, you can also install a disapparation ban on my bar?"

"Ha, your bar was originally hidden on the street using space technology. Under such conditions, the price of installing a ban is completely different from usual. Plus, with such a large area, it's really hard for me to do it. Probably."

Avada complained while picking up her glass of wine, turned around and walked towards the table pointed to him by Old Tom, where a wizard who looked quite young was sitting, flipping through a book in his hand. A copy of the Daily Prophet...

"excuse me,"

He stepped forward and interrupted the wizard: "Are you Mr. Bill Trimble?"

"Yes, it's me..."

The wizard raised his head and glanced at Avada, then immediately stood up with a smile: "I think you must be Mr. Crewe Imprey - although it has not yet arrived at the appointed time, since you You took the initiative to come to me, so I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind if we sit down and talk now?”


Avada pulled out the chair and sat down opposite him, and then secretly focused most of his energy on this body again - he could easily see that the wizard in front of him was not using his true appearance, but He used some magic potion like Polyjuice Potion to change his appearance...

'what's the situation? How secretive is it to install a disapparation ban? ’

While thinking secretly, he explained before Trimble tried to say anything: "I'm sorry, Mr. Trimble, it's a bit unlucky for you to come - I just picked up a guest this morning. Entrusted, so I won’t be able to spare time to deal with your matters in the next three days.”

"Three days is fast enough for me."

Bill Trimble laughed: "It will take a full month for my friend to find time!"

'lie. ’

The man's mental state betrayed him without hesitation - if he even had to make up the reason for coming to Avada, then this guy would probably be a little suspicious...

"It's nice to hear you say that."

Avada smiled calmly, not showing the slightest abnormality: "But I think we can understand your situation in advance - for example, how much area of ​​​​restriction do you need to install? Do you have any other space magic in your home? props? Or something like that... For example, last time I installed a restraint for a client, his kids always tried to play pranks on me. If you have kids at home, I hope you can let him Be more at ease..."

'Um? ’

Avada noticed that when she mentioned the topic of "children", the mental state of the guy opposite suddenly changed dramatically, and the state he displayed was one of nervousness, suspicion and alertness...

‘The clues just came to your door? ’

"Ha, don't worry, my son has graduated a long time ago and is working abroad now..."

The man continued to smile and lied: "The area here is not large, only about a quarter of an acre, and there is no other space magic, so it will not cause any interference to you... I Can I see your contract?"


Avada also handed over the sample of his contract quite naturally, and then watched as he seemed to be reading every word carefully. In fact, all kinds of messy detection magic was silently and wandlessly going up one by one. Smashed...

‘This man is a master of combat. ’

He felt a shiver in his heart - his mental level was already much higher than that of ordinary people, and he could also use so many silent and wandless spells so quickly and covertly... If he had to fight head-on, he might be able to fight. But him!

Such a master targeted him with purpose... What did he want to do?

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