Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 206: Planning something evil?

"Well...all are very reasonable requests."

After trying almost every checking magic he could think of, "Trimbu" slowly handed the contract back: "I can see that you are a very careful person... Should we do it now?" Just sign?”

"...I'm sorry, sir, I'm afraid that's not possible for the time being."

The guy in front of him has his brain firmly protected with Occlumency. Coupled with his superb fighting skills, Avada does not dare to use mental magic to act rashly: "Generally speaking, before signing a contract, I need to personally inspect the target location and negotiate the details before I can formally sign it - only in this way can I avoid default as much as possible. I am not willing to let my credit be tarnished, and I also want to reassure you."

"I see."

Trimble nodded calmly: "When is it convenient for you to leave?"

"It's okay today and tomorrow. It depends on when it's more convenient for you."

"Really? That's great - shall we go now? I'll Apparate you?"


With that said, the two people, who had their own secrets, stood up and walked out of the Leaky Cauldron Bar, and then they apparated together to a matchbox house that looked square and without any extra decoration.

"...How much wider do you need to install the ban?"

Avada glanced at Trimbu beside him rather speechlessly.

That building, which I don't know whether it should be called a "house" or not, doesn't even have a permanent solidification magic on it. It's all made up of temporary pieces. He can guarantee that if no one replenishes magic regularly, this house will collapse in less than two weeks...

And there are no other traces of magic inside the house - generally speaking, as long as they are not living in seclusion in the Muggle community, wizards will use magic to assist their lives, and naturally there are various small props, such as those powered by magic that do not require batteries. Clocks, rags that float up to wipe furniture, broomsticks, traffic fireplaces, and the like. But none of the above was found in that house.

Anyway, no matter from which angle you look at it, it doesn't look like it's habitable.

"It's not very big, just a fifty-foot radius centered around the house."

Trimble seemed to have no intention of letting Avada get close to the house: "Don't worry, I don't have any space magic in my house, and it will not interfere with your construction at all. After all, I am not like you who can learn such profound and difficult knowledge—— So you just simply look around.”

"Oh well."

Avada didn't say anything more, took out her broomstick and flew into the sky.

'trap? Or is it a target used to test me? ’

While controlling the broom to move around and pretending to check the terrain, Avada used her magic senses to keep an eye on Trimble's every move, not daring to be careless at all: "This house was definitely put together to fool me." , but judging from the traces of magic on it, this house was built more than a week ago... roughly the same date as when I completed my second client commission. ’

'He's been targeting me for a while? Why? ’

‘I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary in my capacity, whether it was taking an exam or installing restrictions on those two clients... Or, does he know something that I don’t know yet? ’

He silently raised the broom a little higher and narrowed his eyes slightly: "By the way, when I brought up the topic of children, he acted very nervous and guarded, as if he was worried that I would harm him." Same. And most of my previous clients also had young children... Was he trying to test me? ’

‘And the interviewer named Taylor... Ha, there is a high probability that something has happened to the magical society again. ’

‘What will happen this time? Is it a chain reaction of what happened before, or are those lurking Death Eaters planning to come out and cause trouble again? Dumbledore hasn't brought them into line yet? ’

"…Okay, Mr. Trimble."

The terrain in the area where this house is located is quite simple, just an ordinary flat land, so it shouldn't take too much time - so after thinking for a while, Avada controlled the broom and landed. Come down: "As you said, the conditions here are very convenient for me to cast spells... If you want to install the ban here, you need to pay one hundred and twenty Galleons, and pay a deposit of fifteen Galleons in advance when signing the contract ,"

"It's not expensive."

Trimble nodded: "Then we sign the contract now?"

"Of course - the start date can be set in three days. When I prepare the materials tomorrow, I can prepare it together with yours."

Avada took out the contract again, and after watching the other party carefully check the parchment from beginning to end, he signed it with less nervousness.

"That's all right, sir. You can meet me at the Leaky Cauldron in three days—so shall I leave first?"

"Please, see you in three days, Mr. Imprey."

"Well, see you in three days..."

Avada gently rotated his body and disappeared with a soft "chi" sound - but what he used was not apparation, but the "Surrounding the World Curse" to hide himself in the interlayer of space...

He wanted to see what this guy with unknown origins planned to do.

So, under his gaze, the wizard who called himself Bill Trimble immediately pulled out his wand after seeing Avada disappear. First, he summoned a large flow of water to wash away the surrounding area, and then for himself He turned on a super-sensory spell for a moment. After completely confirming that no one was invisible around him, he carefully checked every location that Avada had just passed, including the area in the sky, and then began to check himself again. …

'His appearance seems to be that he suspects me of evil intentions...'

'This guy definitely knows something. ’

After exhausting various means and finally confirming that the guy who just left did not leave any hidden hand behind, Trimbu finally relaxed a little, pierced his mental power into the space, and prepared to move towards a certain The location begins to apparate...

‘Follow up and have a look. ’

Avada in the space mezzanine held the wand firmly.

Generally speaking, wizards have no way to track where another wizard has apparated to, not even a master of space magic. After all, the channel opened by mental power will disappear instantly after the mental power is withdrawn, completely Untrackable - but obviously, Avada is not limited by this, after all, he can directly see the space channel before it is opened...


With a crisp sound, the wizard's body disappeared immediately, and Avada also spotted the opportunity to open the space channel, and used his own strength to maintain it at the moment when the original mental power was withdrawn. existence, and then immediately moved his body over...

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