Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 208 Unexpected Reunion

"Here, one last check...Okay."

"Mr. Trimble, the Apparition Restriction has been installed. Please check it yourself."

Avada wiped her sweat with her sleeves out of habit, then stood up and put her wand back in her pocket. Judging from his skillful appearance and natural tone, he looks like an old technician with more than ten years of service...

The previous three days had been relatively uneventful. There was no abnormality on Crewe Imprey's side, and he successfully completed the previous commission from Mr. Fenwick and made another small profit of Galleons - as for At Hogwarts, with the end of the Christmas vacation, the school was back on track. Except for Professor Lupin, who had not returned for the entire vacation, looking a little worried, everything was calm.

And such as the savior Harry Potter suddenly took out a Firebolt and caused cardiac arrest among the Quidditch players of the other three houses, Dumbledore announced the lifting of the ban on Hogsmeade on Saturday morning, and Snape Lupine seems to be even more unpleasant to look at, and there are many other small episodes.

As for now, Avada has just completed the commission of the "Trimbu" whose origin and purpose are very suspicious, and is waiting for the employer's acceptance. After the matter is over, he will use the same trick to find out what they plan to do... …

"let me try……"

Trimble took out his wand and waved it, drawing several beautiful trajectories in mid-air, as if he was verifying something; then he tried to rotate his body in different positions to try to apparate, and then after fully confirming the apparation After the form restriction did cover every corner of the prescribed area as he said, he showed a relaxed smile to Avada.

"Well done, Mr. Imprey, you are indeed an excellent space expert - how many galleons do I need to pay?"

"One hundred and five galleons, sir."

Avada glanced at the guy who was still very nervous, and his mental strength was not consistent with his relaxed and happy expression: "The original price was one hundred and twenty Galleons, and you have already paid fifteen Galleons. Long’s deposit.”

"Okay, I kind of forgot..."

Trimble still maintained that smile that showed no flaws at all. He spent a short time counting out the corresponding number of gold coins and handed them to Avada: "By the way, Mr. Imprey, I heard that you have been here since There have been calls for temporary employment since the UK got its status - have you ever considered a stable income?”

"I remember I mentioned to you that a friend of mine opened a travel tent design company. I think he would be very happy to see young talents like you cooperate with him..."

"Sorry, Mr. Trimble."

Avada shook her head decisively and refused: "I still like a more comfortable life - for me, this is pretty good now."

——This guy is still testing himself now.

"Oh, I said too much."

Trimble smiled apologetically, while intentionally or unintentionally guiding Avada closer to the edge of the Apparition Restriction, and finally shook hands with Avada: "Then I look forward to working with you next time, Your professionalism is very trustworthy..."

"Thank you for your love, then it's time for me to leave."

Avada was also happy to get down to business as soon as possible, so she stepped out of the restricted area: "See you next time, Mr. Trimble."

With that said, before Trimble could reply politely, he quickly turned his body and jumped into the space mezzanine with a soft sound...

'Let me see what you are planning to do...'

in normal space.

The moment he saw Avada disappear, the relaxed and friendly smile on Trimbu's face disappeared completely, as if he had a different face. But then, he used the wand to tap lightly on his cheek, causing the facial muscles of the middle-aged wizard's face to twitch, and his facial features to move slowly like foam on the water.

With these subtle changes in details, Trimble really seemed to have a different face - he still looked like a middle-aged man based on his age, but no one could compare him now with the one before. Faces are connected. After doing all this, he took a few steps away from the restricted area, took out a delicate and small badge from his pocket, and pressed it lightly with his finger...


The figure of another wizard suddenly appeared next to him with a snap. It was also a tall, thin, middle-aged wizard: "That person left?"


Trimble nodded solemnly: "It's unlikely that he has a problem, at least with my level of inspection, I can't find any problems - I'll leave the rest to you."


The wizard who suddenly appeared took out his wand, closed his eyes, and slowly circled around the restricted area of ​​​​Apparition. A brilliant blue light appeared on the tip of his wand, and at the same time, the surrounding space began to flash with various colors as if it was glowing on its own, and the light and dark complemented each other with the wizard's wand...

"It's really no problem."

After a while, the wizard finally extinguished the light on the wand, and his face relaxed a little: "Same as the previous three restrictions, it seems that he really has nothing to do with those things."

"Can you be so sure?"

Trimble still seemed a little worried: "Don't you think it was too coincidental that that guy showed up? A guy with no trace of his past, forged his identity, and quietly disappeared just over two months after the incident. He appeared silently and mastered space knowledge skillfully, even during his final assessment..."

"Tell me, is there a possibility, Trimbu."

The wizard interrupted the guy who was really named Trimbu, shook his head slowly, and his expression became serious again: "It's not that that guy came by chance, but that there were already too many victims? "

"In the Ministry of Magic alone, more than ten staff members in the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports have been recruited, and many of them even hold important positions. As for society, , we are almost unable to find it..."

"...Is it already this serious?"

Trimbu was silent for a long time before speaking softly, his voice becoming much hoarse.

"It will only be more serious than expected, and the support they have received is beyond imagination."

The wizard sighed heavily: "And this is our luck. If they hadn't just targeted one of our professors, God knows how big they could have grown under our eyes... To be honest, actually right now It’s already very tricky.”

"...Is there any progress over there at Belby?"

"It's very slow and has almost no effect on the current situation, so he and the principal still hope to sneak into Azkaban once."

"That's the job for both of us. All thanks to Sirius Black..."

As if they felt that they had stayed long enough, the two wizards stepped out of the restricted area in unison, and disappeared in the place with the explosion caused by the phantom, leaving only them hiding in the space mezzanine. They were so shocked that they almost forgot. The Avatar lost his breath.

He knew the wizard who suddenly appeared just now...

It was Benjamin Baker who had been away for three years!

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