Avada even forgot to track the direction in which the two had left.

Just now, he was startled the moment Professor Baker appeared. It took him a while to confirm that the owner of that appearance was really the one he was familiar with. He had once imprisoned his main soul in the soul. The professor who also gave him the big book that still plays an important role today, and even the crystal ball that sealed half of Voldemort's soul came from him...

And this time, with the new soul perspective he gained last year, he was finally able to see the state of Professor Baker's soul.

After not seeing each other for several years, it seemed that he had successfully created a complete Horcrux, but there was a less obvious hole in his soul - and it was indeed the main soul that remained in his body this time.

However, in the scene just now, the reappearance of Professor Baker was not even the most shocking thing to Avada - what was even more shocking was the amount of information revealed during the conversation between Professor Baker and Trimble, which made him until I can't even react now...

A large number of staff within the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports have suffered some kind of harm? And judging from their tone, it seems that there are quite a few people in other departments of the Ministry of Magic who have had trouble?

Mr. Damocles Belby, whom he admired very much before, seems to be with them?

And they all seem to belong to the same organization, and most likely the same school? After all, they mentioned "principal" and "professor" in their previous conversation...

Which magic school is it? Beauxbatons? Durmstrang? Or schools in other areas?

And they actually plan to invade Azkaban? !

Who are they? What's the purpose? ?

"But in this case, if Damocles Belby is really a professor at a certain magic school, then it would make sense that he has teaching skills that are enough to make Hagrid understand... But according to Hagrid , shouldn’t he be planning a basilisk farm now?”

There was no point in staying where he was. Avada simply apparated back to the room in the Leaky Cauldron, and then temporarily broke off control of Crewe Imprey's body. His mind completely returned to his original body, and he concentrated on thinking. After realizing what happened just now - his real body is currently sitting in the examination room for the entrance exam, but anyway, he has almost finished writing the paper, and there is still a lot of time left, so it is not a problem to take a break.

"Calm down and sort yourself out..."

He subconsciously turned his pen: "They seem to have an organization, and at least they have intelligence capabilities beyond the Ministry of Magic. They can easily know the number of people who have been infiltrated in the Ministry of Magic, and they can also try to find the origin of my identity... Although they definitely can’t find it.”

"And this probably explains why the book given by Professor Baker contains so much knowledge left behind by the powerful dark wizard - he is not fighting alone, but has teammates to fight in a righteous group? Just by his side That Trimble is a good combat master, and given their courage to plan to sneak into Azkaban, there are probably more wizards who are good at fighting among them, and that book is also their common victory... …”

"But if you think about it, that organization is really full of talents - they have the combat power to hunt dark wizards in batches and sneak into Azkaban, and they have also gained so much high-end knowledge, and even have the means to make Horcruxes, and Research-oriented talents like Damocles Belby are... already as big as the Order of the Phoenix, right? What kind of person should their 'principal' be?"

"Just the content in that book can make students like me soar, and the knowledge in the hands of that organization will only be more... If everyone there can freely learn that knowledge, they should How powerful is it?"

As he was thinking about it, Avada suddenly felt that something was wrong with the touch in his hand, and then he realized that the quill in his hand had fallen on the table at some point, and just now there were only a few hairs spinning around between his fingers.

"The quill is really not suitable for spinning."

He rolled his eyes silently, picked up the pen again, and finished writing a few big questions smoothly, which made the progress of the paper further advance: "However, according to what they said, they sneaked into Azkaban is to solve the current crisis...but what is the relationship between the two? Or do they think there is someone who knows more information being imprisoned in Azkaban?"

"But if it's just like this, is there no need to go all out and forcefully infiltrate? Why don't you just take the initiative to commit a minor crime and stay there for a while? It's not like you can't let loose in Azkaban..."

"Forget it, I can't figure it out... The only thing that can be confirmed at the moment is that something is secretly happening in the magical society. Among them, the staff in the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports have been particularly seriously affected. This is probably why that interview The official's reaction would be so abnormal - he was probably one of the people affected.

"This is probably why so many pure-blood families have recently begun to install anti-Apparition restrictions. However, most of them probably only know that something happened, but they don't know what exactly happened. It's similar to my current situation..."

"Got to figure it out somehow."

He paused for a moment, and spent a few minutes to finish writing the entire paper. He settled a matter on his mind and allowed the remaining time to be spent fishing... no, thinking.

"Dumbledore must know something. After all, there have been so many advertisements for anti-Apparition bans placed there recently. He will definitely be aware of it. If he knows the truth, there is no need to worry about this matter, but what is worth worrying about is that Unknown organizations including Professor Baker and Belby..."

"Who are they? What is their purpose? And they seem to exist in the name of 'school'... Will it be related to next year's Triwizard Tournament?"

"Thinking about it now, since Professor Baker gave the book as a gift, I have probably come into the sight of that organization, and Professor Baker is aware of my trump card... I have to figure things out preemptively, at least I have to confirm whether they will pose a threat to me..."

"Then, let's start with that interviewer and proceed with the next step of investigation to see what happened..."

Jingle bell~

A bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of this exam and it was time to hand in the paper. Avada also put down his pen and asked the professor who was invigilating the exam to take away his paper. Then he stood up and walked towards the next examination room...

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