Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 210 There is a shady secret!

Although the opening test has ended, those who have reviewed carefully during the holidays and completed their homework on time can already calm down and face their next destiny. However, it is rare that the entire school, especially the students in the fourth grade and above, The atmosphere was not relaxed at all, and many outstanding guys were even more anxious. Except for curfew time, the library was almost always crowded with students who were reviewing, and the fifth grade was just one of them. a small part of……

There is no other reason than that the second half of this year’s semester is too heavyweight.

Two of the four deans started recruiting for large-scale projects during this period, and there were countless other small projects such as "Inspection of the Ecosystem of the Secret Room" and "Analysis of the Architectural Style of the Secret Room", among which Professor McGonagall was in charge. You can even get your name on the paper on the research topic of the basilisk brain model - these extremely coveted opportunities attract the attention of students in the fourth grade and above, making them review knowledge desperately and squeeze in I am eager to join any of these topics.

There is no way around it. Basilisks have been the most popular topic in academic circles recently, and the professors at Hogwarts and the resources they have are enough to ensure the gold content of the subject. If you can add this kind of research to your resume, the expansion of your future will be unimaginable, and such an opportunity will be rare in decades...

However, everything mentioned above was eclipsed the moment after another news appeared.

That is the research topic set up by Dumbledore himself - the exploration of a dark magic ruins and the experiment of "trying to synthesize factors that can affect the soul through non-living substances."

That was a subject set by Dumbledore himself! Albus Dumbledore! One of the greatest wizards in the world!

Even a tiny bit of resources flowing out from the cracks of his fingers is considered inexhaustible for ordinary students!

What's more important is that in addition to Dumbledore himself, there are countless authoritative academic giants who also responded to his invitation and had their names appear on the main personnel list——

Nicol Flamel, a legend in the field of alchemy; Babajide Akinbad, an authority even better than Professor McGonagall in the field of transfiguration; Rutherford Pork, director of St. Mungo's Hospital; Potions master Xi Fleurs Snape…

The appearance of each name made the list become heavier and golden countless times, and eventually it became as dazzling as a supernova, directly becoming the top academic topic in the international magic world - and those who participated in this level of topic Opportunities are now opening up for the students of Hogwarts.

Anyone who has the slightest idea of ​​the identity of those wizards will be completely crazy for this opportunity.

I heard that after this news was released, many graduated students even took the initiative to reveal a lot of dirty information about violating school rules during their student days, hoping that the school would revoke their diplomas and force them to repeat the grade. As for the mentality of those students who are still in school and have the qualifications to participate in the experiment, it goes without saying...

Even Avada was a little tempted - although he already owned two top magic research notebooks and had to spare his energy to deal with other matters, the opportunity to observe or even directly consult the top wizards still made him a little bit excited. It feels unbearable.

Not to mention that this topic was an unexpected professional counterpart for him - the most soulful field in the wizarding world was originally poorly understood, and for a normal magical society where it is difficult to carry out experiments under various humane constraints, the soul It’s almost a whole new field…

And as someone who can directly see the soul, has studied Horcruxes for three years, has a masterpiece in the soul field, the Resurrection Stone, and has achieved some results... Avada is not sure whether he can be considered a soul now. Top experts in the field.

It just so happened that his recent research had hit a bottleneck to a certain extent. At least the project of stripping away Horcrux fragments without destroying the items had been delayed for a long time - in this case, it was even more impossible for him to let go of this project that could interact with countless people. An opportunity for the minds of genius giants to collide!

So... before he could take the initiative to apply, he was called to the principal's office and was announced to skip all the assessment procedures and start signing the final agreement.

"Professor, do you think this would be a good idea..."

In Dumbledore's wonderful principal's room, Avada was pointing at herself in confusion and looking at the smiling white-bearded old man across the table. And between them was a quill pen and a large pile of densely written parchment...

"What's wrong?"

After a holiday, Dumbledore still looked kind and cheerful, as if there were countless things that made him happy every day: "That ruins were originally left by Voldemort, and you, as the number one person who defeated him many times, Hero, is there anything wrong with participating?”

"I specifically stipulated that students who have made significant contributions to the fight against black magic can be admitted without taking the exam - who do you think this is for?"

He told the dark story without any blush.

"But the problem is, it seems that I was the only one you dragged in in the end... Harry Potter?"

"I'd rather have him involved."

Dumbledore shrugged regretfully: "But it's a pity that Professor Hagrid and Kettleburn insisted on dragging him to study deciphering Parseltongue. Even Newt, an old friend of mine, wrote to Harry asking for help. Help...I can’t beat them.”

"...Baron, Hermione, Luna and the others?"

"Like you, they have a clear understanding of their true level, so just like you, they choose the topic that suits them best."

Dumbledore maintained a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes revealed a profound look: "Do you still remember the two guesses I said when I gave Nico's notes to you? Although they are still I didn’t see it intuitively, but my intuition increasingly drove me to think that those guesses were correct... I’m afraid you are more qualified to participate in this research than I thought, Ken.”


Although Dumbledore's current mental state indicates that what he said still contains a certain element of testing. After all, Avada has been silent for a whole year after the secret room crisis was resolved - but the feeling of being manipulated is also real. Not wonderful.

What's more, both his personal strength, the trust between him and Dumbledore, and the current situation have reached a special stage - it is almost time to reveal the Horcrux in his hand to Dumbledore. It's time.

But he still needs to prepare for a while - firstly, he still wants to keep those Horcruxes for a while, and continue to try to study the magic of peeling off soul fragments; secondly...

He was still not sure how Dumbledore would change due to the sudden appearance of the Resurrection Stone.

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