Avada leaned stiffly on the back of her chair, staring directly at the ceiling above the Hogwarts auditorium that had gradually darkened with the sky outside, trying to divert her attention as much as possible. There are thousands of floating candles that have been lit under the ceiling, and the gurgling sound from his stomach can still be heard vaguely in his ears...

He felt more uncomfortable than ever before.

Because now he is the only one sitting down in the entire auditorium, but the teacher's seat is already full of professors who are waiting for the students. He was so alone, bearing the gaze of almost all the professors at Hogwarts...

Except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, of course. That seat is still vacant, but if nothing else goes wrong, it should still be Alastor Moody, and there is a high probability that it is the real thing.

Since last week, Avada has been able to get out of bed and walk around again and began rehabilitation training. Fortunately, due to the convenience of magic and his own attainments in magic, it is not difficult to simply repair a body with muscle atrophy. After only a week, his body shape has basically returned to the state before coma, and his complexion looks much better, but overall he is still a little thinner.

After all, the Triwizard Tournament involves real battles. In addition to magic, the physical requirements are also quite high - especially for a newbie like him who has only fought a handful of times since entering the magical world. Even more so.

"It's ridiculous to say that since I entered Hogwarts, I have actually only had three serious battles - once with the fake Baker, once with Baron, and once with the real Professor Baker. For a little while…and then it’s gone?”

While trying his best to focus on the night sky on the ceiling, pretending not to notice the gazes cast from time to time by the large row of professors not far away, Avada thought about what he would probably do if he really participated in the Triwizard Tournament. What does it look like: "And these three games were once a back-to-back strategy, once a normal training session, and once a fake body was used... I don't even have any actual combat experience with real swords and guns??"

"Is this a weakness compared to other warriors?"


Just as he was thinking about it, there was finally a heavy turning sound from the door in the distance, and then the roar of people's voices came through the crack in the door - the next moment, the second-year students of Hogwarts and above cheered. A sudden rush of people came in from the door that had not been fully opened.


Someone immediately saw Avada, who had been sitting on the Hufflepuff table for a long time, coming, and then waved her hand and greeted her loudly. Almost all the Hufflepuff members quickened their pace and gathered around her. They did not sit down directly, but instead started greeting Avada around her. The acquaintances from other colleges, their eyes lit up after seeing Avada, and they returned to the long table in their own colleges first. It seemed that they planned to wait until the opening dinner was over to have a good chat...

"How is your recovery? You look good now."

Several of his roommates who had been away for a long time, as well as Cedric, who was the most able to talk to him in Hufflepuff, sat down on the seats next to him almost immediately and looked at them curiously. This old friend whom he had not seen for more than four months said hello, and Avada was very happy to reply to these questions one by one - he finally no longer had to bear the gaze of all the professors alone.

"Oh, it's not bad. I was able to get out of bed a week ago..."

"Prefect? ​​If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten...I didn't receive that thing. It's probably because Dumbledore was afraid that I wouldn't be able to wake up when school starts."

"Don't be too hasty to regret it. I got something unexpected after this trip... What is it? Hey, keep it secret. I'll tell you after a while."

"Quidditch World Cup? How did it end? Did it end well?"

"There was no trouble?? Uh, I mean...the football hooligans didn't get into a fight?"

"Ludo Bagman and Viktor Krum almost had a fight? Was this the only accident? Other aspects were smooth?"

"...Everyone, please be quiet, new students are coming!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted, and the crowded auditorium suddenly fell silent. All the old students suddenly put on solemn faces and sat upright...

Not long after, the door to the auditorium slowly opened again. Professor McGonagall led a long row of first-year students to the top of the auditorium. But what was different from the past was that this time the new students were all wet, as if they had swum from the lake instead of taking a ferry. They stood in a row along the staff table, stopped, and faced the entire school. They were all shivering because of the cold and nervousness - there was even a little boy who was wrapped in Hagrid's moleskin coat, making him look like he was carrying a tent. He had probably just returned from the lake. Fish it out...

At this time, Professor McGonagall placed a three-legged stool on the ground in front of the new students, and placed the tattered, dirty, and patched Sorting Hat on the stool, and then picked up a long-standing Sorting Hat from beside him. Parchment laid out: "Whoever's name I call puts his hat on his head and sits on a stool," she said to the first years. "When the hat announces the house, he goes and sits at the corresponding table." beside.

"Stuart Ackley!"


"Malcolm Bardock!"


"Eleanor Branstone!"


"Kevin Whitby!"


After all the freshmen completed the sorting ceremony and took their seats at the long tables of their respective houses, Principal Dumbledore stood up again and looked at the students below with a smile as they prepared to go and grabbed their hands one by one. Knife and Fork, opened his arms and said loudly: "Very good. Now, I will only say one word -"



The originally closed door of the auditorium suddenly opened with a loud noise, revealing a man standing at the door. He carried a long cane and was wrapped in a black traveling cloak. Everyone in the auditorium turned to look at the stranger. He took off his hood, shook out his long gray hair, and began to limp towards the staff table. And every time he takes a step, he will make a thumping sound, which seems to be the sound of two hard objects colliding with each other...

Then, as the distance gradually came closer, every student who saw his face clearly couldn't help but gasped - that face was as if the worst carpenter had forcibly carved it out of a piece of rotten wood, and his eyes were What's even more surprising: one of his eyes is very small, while the other is very large, round like a coin, and a bright blue color. The blue eye kept moving without blinking, and turned around gurglingly, completely unrelated to the normal eye.

Among all the people who were surprised by the arrival of the stranger, the most surprised was Avada who was holding a knife and fork just now.

"This Moody...is still fake??"

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