Avada didn't quite understand the phenomenon in front of her.

Originally, Barty Crouch Jr. was able to escape from his father's trap because Barty Crouch Sr. took him to watch the Quidditch World Cup when he quietly escaped from his trap and threw a Dark Devil into the sky. The mark attracted Voldemort's attention, and then Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort found him, and were rescued after easily subduing Old Barty. He was able to impersonate Moody because he and Pettigrew reasonably sneak-attacked the poor old Auror...

But what about this time?

Voldemort had been completely sealed a few years ago. Peter Pettigrew alone was no match for the former Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement, let alone the legendary Auror. And according to what his classmates just said, everything was basically normal at this Quidditch World Cup. Not to mention the Dark Mark, even the troublemaking wizards in the original book were nowhere to be seen.

And the most important thing is... Peter Pettigrew is Dumbledore's man this time!

No matter what task the big fish caught by Pettigrew assigned him, he should let Dumbledore know it as soon as possible - and Dumbledore's character did not look like he could treat an old friend half to death. Imprisoned in a small box, a person who is deaf to such things.

So, why do things still overlap strangely in the places where the development of the original work should be least expected?

How did little Barty come out? How was Moody defeated? ? Did Dumbledore know that this old friend in front of him was fake? ? ?

"Ah, what a coincidence... I'm sorry everyone, it seems I have to break my promise a little and say a few more words before dinner starts."

Dumbledore retracted his open arms and stroked his beard: "Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Alastor Moody!"

At this time, a strange phenomenon that was probably unprecedented occurred in the Hogwarts auditorium - all the lower-grade students sitting at the back of the four long tables were silent and seemed to be shocked by Moody's strange appearance. They stopped applauding and just stared at him intently; while the senior students at the front clapped their hands like crazy after a brief silence, and some even jumped up... …

"Moody! Mad-Eye Moody!!"

"He's this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?! Merlin's beard, he's going to teach us in person?!"

"Oops, my Defense Against the Dark Arts grade in last year's O.W.L.S. was only E...am I qualified to take his advanced class?"

A group of senior students were shouting in confusion, while the junior students in the back row looked confused and didn't know why the seniors reacted so hard. But Moody himself seemed unmoved by the reaction. He ignored the large pitcher of pumpkin juice in front of him. Instead, he reached into his traveling cloak, took out a curved wine bottle, and took a silent sip. When he raised his arms to drink, his cloak that was dragging on the ground was pulled up a few inches, revealing a few inches of wooden carved prosthetic legs under the table, with a claw-shaped foot underneath.


Dumbledore cleared his throat and silenced the Great Hall a little.

"It seems that many people have recognized his identity."

He looked at the many students in front of him with a smile - they were still staring blankly at Mad-Eye Moody: "Yes, this is the legendary Auror who almost filled half of Azkaban, ala Stowe Moody. His achievements and strength level need no unnecessary elaboration, and his teaching ability is equally reassuring. I don’t know how many outstanding young Aurors came from his disciples."

"I believe that under his guidance this year, you will gain richer knowledge and training than ever before, laying an extremely solid foundation for your future... Okay, let's talk about this first. Then the next step is The last word..."

Dumbledore waved his hand with a smile: "Let's eat!"


Cedric, who was reserved, was uncharacteristically holding on to his knife and fork tightly. When he saw that the plate in front of him was suddenly filled with rich food, he started to eat like a cathartic. He also muttered vaguely: "Alastor" ·Moody can be my Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!!"

"When I was a kid, my dad told me his stories almost every day... At that time, I thought he was omnipotent. Even if Voldemort came, he would be captured and thrown into Azkaban. But when I was old enough and I Dad had already retired when we went to the Ministry of Magic cafeteria to eat together... This was the first time I saw him in person!"

"Oh, by the way, Ken, you are a Muggle-born, right? Do you know who Alastor Moody is?"

"What's the problem...how could you not know?"

Avada almost spit out the food in her mouth with laughter: "I have studied Defense Against the Dark Arts for five years but have never heard of Alastor Moody... Who is that person? Just the combat skills and techniques he pioneered The practical cases contributed could fill a book!”

He wasn't surprised that Cedric was so excited - in the era when he was a child, people like Alastor Moody were almost universally known as heroic models.

At that time, Voldemort had just fallen, but the remnants of the Death Eaters had not yet been completely captured. At that time, people could curse Voldemort without any scruples without fear of retaliation. The Ministry of Magic urgently needed to establish several heroic images to inspire people after the cruel war. Therefore, Moody, who had great military exploits, was naturally remembered by people. The best choice.

He himself has made great contributions to the magical society, and has permanently dedicated his face and limbs to this end; he also happened to catch up with the publicity trend after the war - so he took the initiative to promote it at the Ministry of Magic Thanks to the dual effects of the sincere admiration of wizards, Alastor Moody's name was known to everyone at that time...

It is even said that his retirement was related to the turmoil at that time - he really couldn't stand the days when he had to shake hands with more than 20 people and take photos with more than 20 people every time he went out for lunch.

Therefore, as a group of people who grew up with stories about this hero in their childhood, Cedric and the others were quite sane if they did not jump up on the spot after seeing Alastor Moody in person - they did not see the front Several Gryffindors almost rushed forward with pens and paper, and they were still being scolded by Professor McGonagall.

'I don't know what they will think after the final truth is revealed...'

While Avada was stuffing delicious food into her mouth, she was muttering silently in her heart: "Although Barty Crouch Jr. does have no flaws, his teaching level is really high——" Even if the real Moody himself comes to give lectures, the effect will be similar to that of Barty Jr., right? ’

'By the way, do you want to tell Dumbledore later that this Moody is fake? What if he really doesn't know? Anyway, he should have pretty much guessed my ability...'

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