Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 273 Sponsor: Durmstrang

As the upper class students stirred up the atmosphere almost crazily, gradually the lower class students, including the confused first-year freshmen, gradually no longer feared Moody's terrifying face. The second half of the auditorium also became lively again...

Probably except for Harry, he and Ron were having a heated argument with Hermione. Hermione was so angry that she put down her knife and fork and didn't even eat much. She didn't know if it was because of a quarrel or something else.

So in such a generally pleasant atmosphere, the sumptuous food on the table was swept away very quickly, followed by an equally exquisite and delicious dessert.

After the last desserts were eaten and the table became completely clean, Principal Albus Dumbledore stood up again: "Then, I still have a few important things to announce. "

"First of all, Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to tell you that this year, there are more items prohibited in the castle. They are Screaming Balls, Wolf Fang Flying Saucers, Combo Boomerangs... uh... the whole The list, which contains approximately four hundred and thirty-seven items, can be seen in Mr. Filch's office and interested parties can check it out."

The corners of Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times, and he quickly turned over a large pile of parchment in his hand.

"Then," he continued: "As before, I want to remind everyone that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue, and in Hogsmeade Village, any students below the third year without the signed consent of their guardian are not allowed to enter. Patronize.”

"And finally..."

He paused deliberately and confirmed that he had aroused the curiosity of most students before opening his arms happily: "I am very happy to announce to everyone that the Triwizard Tournament, which has been suspended for more than a century, will be held this year. Reopening!”


"The Triwizard Tournament?! The one that was forced to stop because too many people died? Will it start again this year??"

The effect caused by these words was almost exactly the same as the scene when Professor Moody first entered - the senior students in the front row of the long table jumped up and down in surprise, bluffing; while the junior students in the back row were once again trapped in Confused, looking at the seniors who were having a heated discussion, they began to wonder if they had missed a class at Hogwarts... although most of them could only sleep in the History of Magic class.

"The Triwizard Tournament was founded about seven hundred years ago."

Dumbledore also realized that about half of the people in this school did not know the meaning of the Triwizard Tournament, so he simply explained: "These are the three largest magic schools in Europe, Hogwarts, and A friendly competition between Sparton and Durmstrang. In this competition, each school will select a warrior, and then three warriors will compete in three magic projects."

"The Triwizard Tournament was supposed to be held every five years, hosted by the three schools in turn. Everyone agreed that this was an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to establish friendships - but later, due to various measures at the time, The imperfections resulted in too many deaths, and the Triwizard Tournament gradually became unacceptable."

"And finally, it was not until 1792, during the Triwizard Tournament held in Durmstrang, that a terrible loss of control not only destroyed all the warriors, but even seriously injured the three headmasters at the time, the Triwizard Tournament We had no choice but to stop and remain suspended until today.”

"All three principals were seriously injured?!"

Some students below were startled: "Doesn't that mean that the harm caused by the loss of control was greater than three Dumbledores? Are there such powerful things in the world?"

"I've heard of that - it was a rampaging cockatrice."

"It's a magical creature?! That thing can beat three Dumbledores?!"

"It shouldn't be possible...The principal at that time was not on the same level as the principal now..."


Seeing that the situation was getting out of control again, Dumbledore had to raise his hand again to suppress the students' voices, and then continued to speak: "For more than a century, people have tried to resume the competition many times. , but all failed due to various reasons. However, this year, after complex and serious negotiations between many parties, the host of the last failed Triwizard Tournament a century ago, the Durmstrang School, decided to Let’s continue the unfinished game, while washing away our own stains, and at the same time continue the advancement of the three largest magic schools in Europe..."

'Durmstrang? ! ’

This time, no one else reacted, only Avada was confused.

‘What is this...even the organizer has changed? ? ? ’

‘Then is there a pure-blood family conspiracy behind this competition? If so, why wasn't it even at Hogwarts? And if not... what about that fake Moody? ? ’

'Oh, by the way, the current principal of Durmstrang is also a clean-up Death Eater... But what are they planning? If the organizer was in Durmstrang, Dumbledore would have been the only one to bring a group of selected warrior candidates, and the fake Moody would have stayed in the school and continued to teach... What the hell? ! ’

Avada suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter: 'Are you trying to lure Dumbledore away and then do whatever you want to Hogwarts? ’

'Wait, that's not right either...'

He felt that his thoughts were completely confused by the word "Durmstrang": 'What is there in Hogwarts now that the purebloods can covet? Dominance? But this time it is not like driving Dumbledore away through formal procedures like the year before last. If something goes wrong, he can justifiably fight back with his own strength! ’

‘Voldemort’s main soul? I don't believe Dumbledore didn't take that thing with him...'

‘Kill a few random people to avenge Voldemort? ...and then take the initiative to hand over the handle of liquidating the pure-blood family to the angry Dumbledore? ’

Gradually, Avada gave up thinking.

'Forget it, I'll ask Dumbledore directly later. I don't believe he can just let an impostor do whatever he wants in Hogwarts without his own place...'

Just as Avada's brain gradually stopped functioning, Dumbledore on the stage over there continued to speak: "...So, according to the agreement between the three parties, our warrior candidate will go with me in October. Durmstrang, followed by the official selection of the Warriors on Halloween.”

"Furthermore, since we have deployed very strict safety measures, we can completely guarantee that all contestants will not encounter the slightest real danger. Therefore, in this competition that restarts after more than a century, we have decided to give up the previous It is stipulated that only adult students are eligible to be elected as warriors, and candidates for warriors are determined through a notarized comprehensive ability test.”

"That is to say, whether you are a seventh grader who is about to graduate or a freshman who has just entered the school, as long as you pass the next series of tests perfectly, you are eligible to go to Durmstrang and transfer your Put your name on the list of warrior candidates and get the chance to win trophies, earn fame, and get a thousand galleons bonus!"

Looking at the increasingly eager eyes of the students, especially those in the lower grades, Dumbledore couldn't help but smile again: "But I have to say up front, this test will not be because of your young age and lack of knowledge. The minimum is to reduce the difficulty, but to let everyone face a difficult problem in the same way - so I personally do not recommend students below fifth grade to take the test, unless some of you are really talented..."

"That's right, Professor!"

Someone suddenly raised their hands: "If our fifth-grade students pass the test, go to Durmstrang, or even become warriors, what about our O.W.L.S. exam?"

"Similar to the seventh grade method, the fifth grade students who go to Durmstrang will participate in the Hogwarts o.w.ls. assessment under their supervision."

Dumbledore seemed to have anticipated this kind of question, and the old god replied: "And if the fifth-year student is elected as the Warrior, then the final score will automatically be all O's, and if he wins the championship - then the O.W.L.S exam The certificate is actually not that important to you."

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