
From the beginning to the end, Avada never believed that "Ludo Bagman was killed by a goblin" was extremely outrageous in his eyes.

Not to mention that as Cedric said, it is impossible for the goblins to directly kill an important official of the British Ministry of Magic over the debt; the cause of Bagman's death alone is completely inconsistent with the goblins - he But those who died were killed by the Killing Curse, and it was most likely a silent Killing Curse!

There have indeed been many cases of goblins attacking wizards in history, which fully proves that the magical abilities of goblins cannot be underestimated. There may be many ways for goblins to take away wizards' lives, but these will definitely not include the killing curse.

If there are still a few extremely powerful wizards who can perform the silent killing curse, then releasing the killing curse without a wand has completely exceeded the limits of all magical creatures - and the upper limit of their own talents is much lower than that of wizards. Goblins who are neither qualified nor accustomed to using wands are naturally not included in this category.

Even, as a product of the early development of human wizards, the concept of "magic wand" has been specially designed for human beings from the beginning. From the appearance to the inside, it completely fits the characteristics of human spiritual power, ensuring that it can only be used in the hands of human wizards. Exhibiting maximum power - this is also an important reason why human wizards can finally stand out from other intelligent races. The so-called "width selection wizard" is one of its specific manifestations.

Therefore, even if the goblin manages to use the wand through some means, the situation is even worse than when a human wizard gets an unsuitable wand. And the law prohibiting goblins from holding wands is more symbolic than practical...

"However, we cannot rule out the possibility that goblins are involved in this matter."

Avada walked into Durmstrang Castle, registered her name again on the table at the door, and walked towards the corridor leading to the underground floor: "After all, according to the currently known information, Ludo ·Bagman was indeed killed silently when the door was wide open and no one was aware of it. This may involve the goblin's space magic...'

Although he doesn’t know what the goblins’ space magic looks like, Avada has seen the goblins’ shielding magic. Almost all magical creatures with space talents are within the goblin’s shielding range, which probably means that they have already Once you master the principles, you can simulate similar effects, just like what Avada can do now.

"Let's first see what the so-called 'investigation team' coming over tomorrow has to say. Anyway, if I were a pure-blood family, I would definitely not let go of such an opportunity to sneak into Durmstrang in an honest way..."

"Besides, has the term 'investigation team' been used once?"

So, the night passed.

Just as Cedric said, one day passed, Durmstrang had indeed lifted the martial law, and students were seen coming and going in the corridor again. But this brings a lot more attention to Avada - now in addition to the warrior, he also has the identity of a suspect, and this dual identity is probably the first in the entire history of the Triwizard Tournament. Unparalleled.

But the only consolation was his Hogwarts companions - none of them really thought there was any chance that Avada could be the murderer. But the fact that Bagman was killed less than a minute after he left was indeed very strange. They could only express their helplessness, and if they could, they could only try their best to provide as much information as they knew about Ludo Bagman. gossips and rumors, or try to inquire about relevant things and see if you can provide as many clues as possible...

"The bet? You mean... the bet for this Triwizard Tournament?"

Avada looked at Baron in surprise - he was one of the most qualified people, and his pure-blood connections allowed him to speak volumes even in places far away from England like Durmstrang. Come with an acquaintance you can talk to.

"How did you find out this kind of news? Shouldn't Durmstrang be completely closed now and unable to even send a letter?"

"This is actually the news I got from Hogwarts."

Balon shrugged: "You also know that there are many senior Slytherins who are very happy to participate in these - almost on the second day after the Triwizard Tournament was announced, there were already related bets on the market. There are those who bet on the Warriors, and there are those who bet on the specific events... Therefore, the bet on who will win after the Warriors are selected must have started on the day you were selected by the Goblet of Fire, and with Ludo Bagman's With his temperament and current status, he is almost 100% sure to be involved..."

"So?" Avada didn't react for a moment.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

Baron frowned slightly: "It is obviously a competition hosted by Durmstrang, but two British officials have to be invited to be referees... What's more, in previous competitions, there have never been three referees other than the principal. Case study—even if it’s really to thank the British Ministry of Magic as they say, they wouldn’t go out of their way to change the tradition of the tournament, right?”

"What's more, there are so many weird things about Ludo Bagman who became the referee: two of the three warriors had direct or indirect conflicts with him before the game started, and this man himself was A notorious gambling addict - generally speaking, even if it is simply to avoid suspicion, such a person should not directly become a referee. Even at the Quidditch World Cup, Bagman is just a game commentator. The arrangement is to avoid any bad rumors..."

"Perhaps you can try to investigate from this aspect."

He gave Avada a somewhat teasing look - others didn't know it, but Balon knew how powerful his friend was at doing things in secret. Moreover, after being exposed to the comings and goings of various pure-blood families, and experiencing the secret room crisis in the third grade, he also had a natural sense of vigilance towards the so-called "investigation team" that was about to come...

"All right."

Avada, who immediately understood what Baron meant, nodded amusedly: "I'll try my best."

After finishing the brief conversation with Baron, Avada continued to endure strange looks all morning, and then something that could divert people's attention finally happened during lunch time: Karkaroff came to the cafeteria and announced , a meeting will be held in the hall after dinner today to announce the next series of arrangements after the accident. All students, including visitors from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, are required to be present.

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