Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 296 Hogwarts: Get used to it

"Due to the tragedy of Mr. Ludo Bagman, we need to restructure our schedule for this semester."

In the hall of Durmstrang Castle, the principal Igor Karkaroff was still sitting on the middle principal's chair, flanked by Dumbledore and Madame Maxime on both sides. Barty Crouch Sr. was still sitting next to Dumbledore, while the place that should have belonged to Ludo Bagman next to Madam Maxime was empty.

The round tables symbolizing festivals and banquets were no longer in the hall, only a handful of neatly arranged chairs were left. Durmstrang's students were sitting in the middle, with Hogwarts and Beauxbatons on both sides, and the three warriors who were still under suspicion were also present...

"First of all, there is the change in the original date of the Triwizard Tournament."

Karkaroff tapped the parchment on the table with his wand and projected the content on it again: "The project originally scheduled for November 24th will be postponed, and the specific date depends on the case. It depends on the progress. But don’t worry, everything needed for this project is ready, and there will be no further delays due to preparation problems.”

"And I have to remind you, please don't treat your warriors with suspicion or malice because of unfounded suspicions - their strength and conduct have been recognized by the Goblet of Fire, and their daily performance has also been recognized by you. It is obvious to all. And the latest evidence also shows that they probably have nothing to do with this murder case. They are just unfortunate enough to be slandered and framed..."

He paused, then moved his wand and released a new projection: "The second point I want to talk about next is about the latest developments in the murder case and the investigation team members from the UK in our school. Living and working issues.”

"Some students may have noticed that there are some extra tents next to the Hogwarts train - those are the residences of the members of the British investigation team. They just arrived here last night and are now working with Mr. Barty Crouch to crack the code Mr. Bagman’s murder. They will not affect your normal study and life. Their work scope is limited to the area around the crime scene on the second floor. But just at noon today, those gentlemen brought me some... …Well, sensational news.”

"This is also the last point I want to make today, and it is also the most important point. It is related to the personal safety of all students, so please be sure to listen carefully."

Karkaroff suddenly raised his voice, startling some students who were deserting: "According to the results provided so far by members of the investigation team, Mr. Ludo Bagman's death is likely to be directly related to goblins. And this also means that there is a certain possibility that Durmstrang Castle, which has been stable and safe for thousands of years, has been secretly infiltrated and invaded..."

His words directly had the effect of setting off a thousand waves with one stone - Durmstrang's students were silent for a short time, and then the sound of exclamations and nervous discussions burst into the calm air. It floated up constantly, and the Beauxbatons students next to them were also whispering nervously, while Hogwarts was the most calm - no way, I'm used to it.

Over the past few years, being invaded has almost become a repertoire of Hogwarts: first it was Voldemort himself, then the dark magic props left behind by Voldemort, and last year Sirius Black came... This year they are out. I don't know the situation at my alma mater. I'm sure someone might be taking advantage of Dumbledore's absence to secretly invade Hogwarts...

But in the eyes of Durmstrang's students, this incident was of another level of seriousness entirely.

Unlike Hogwarts, a back garden where you can come and go whenever you want, Durmstrang has always been known for its strict confidentiality measures. Even most of the school's professors have no right to know the school's real address. Durmstrang has never been invaded in history. Even the Dark Lord Grindelwald who came out of here was unable to control Durmstrang. This shows how strict the security and confidentiality measures here are. strict.

"Quiet, everyone, quiet!"

Karkaroff pointed his wand at his throat, and used his magically amplified voice to suddenly change all the noise: "It seems that everyone has realized the seriousness of the current situation, so you will probably be willing to sacrifice for your own safety." A little convenience of life - although there is no direct evidence that Durmstrang has been penetrated, just in case, I think we still need to take certain measures..."

"First of all, the curfew regulations will continue for a period of time. From today on, the castle will be closed after eight o'clock every night, and no one will be allowed in or out. Guests of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons please also pay attention to this. At the end of the last chapter It’s best to go back to your place directly after a class or dinner.”

"Second, the investigation team is always digging for new clues, and the process may involve everyone here. So if you are notified to make inquiries, please cooperate as much as possible - of course, these notifications will be made by the school. The professor will bring it to you personally, and the investigation team will try to avoid disturbing you outside of work."

"And during this extraordinary period, please also pay attention to your own safety at all times, try to travel in groups, and if you find anything abnormal, be sure to inform your superiors or professors immediately... There are more specific precautions, which should have been done by now It’s been posted in your lounge, you can check it out for yourself later...Okay, let’s say that much for now. Everyone can go back.”

"...Do you need our help?"

Before leaving, Cedric touched Avada with some worry and asked. Everyone else also looked over - Avada is now alone in Durmstrang Castle and cannot follow them. Let’s go back to the room on the train together.

"Thank you, but I won't need it for now."

Avada smiled at them: "My room was decorated by Dumbledore himself, so I don't have to worry about safety. And didn't Karkaroff say that my suspicion is very small now? In my life without a wand, I don't have to worry about it." I’m also somewhat used to it…”

He tried his best to calm down his classmates and show that he was fine, then watched them get up and disappear at the entrance of Durmstrang Castle. Then he turned around and walked towards the underground classroom where he currently lives, and then... ...Standing in front of his house, waiting for something.

Soon, another set of footsteps came from everywhere in the building. It was Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum. It seemed that they had just been talking to their classmates for a while and had not returned until now. After seeing the two warriors approaching, Avada immediately stepped forward and stopped them:

"You two, I need your help."

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