Chapter 67 You can dodge even if I use my ultimate move?.

The huge knight statue slowly stood up, the gravel and dust on its body shook off, and the smoke filled the air as if it were a mythical giant spirit standing tall on the sky.

It picked up the giant sword that had been inserted into the ground. As the giant sword was withdrawn, the cracks left on the ground expanded, and spider web-like cracks snaked along the floor.

Under the control of the knight statue, the giant sword pointed at Leonard and Midgard, and the powerful force made the entire hall tremble. Midgard looked at this huge stone statue and took a breath of air.

”What kind of monster is this?”

No one explained, the stone statue slowly raised the giant sword in his hand above his head, and without any warning, the stone sword hit the two people’s heads.

Leonard became anxious when he saw it, and quickly shouted

”Don’t be stupid, run away.”

Is this the time to sigh in a daze? If you don’t run, you will turn into a pulp. Leonard doesn’t want to die yet.

As he spoke, he threw out two biting cabbage seeds. The seeds took root on the ground and grew to maturity in an instant. The biting cabbage jumped towards the stone statue.

However, the stone statue only moved its feet, and the huge impact tore the biting cabbage into shreds of cabbage on the ground, and the fallen giant sword did not have the slightest impact. Slow.

Midgard woke up from a dream, and immediately grabbed Leonard and jumped to the side, avoiding the frontal crushing of the huge stone sword.

However, the huge stone sword hit the ground and immediately triggered a terrifying The ground in the hall cracked due to the vibration, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the scattered rocks flew like bullets, with a crack extending more than ten meters away.

Although the stone sword was not too sharp due to its size, the powerful wind pressure and huge The size of it shows that this is not a weapon that relies on sharpness to kill enemies.

Nothing can withstand this thing at once, and the huge force and weight alone can defeat all enemies! Although the stone sword is due to its size The problem is that it is not too sharp, but the strong wind pressure and huge size show that this is not a weapon that relies on sharpness to kill enemies.

Nothing can withstand the force of this thing, just the huge force and weight can defeat all enemies!

”Iron armor protection!”

Leonard, who was protected by Midgard behind him, raised his wand and blocked the two of them with a light blue magic shield.

Bullets as powerful as small-caliber bullets hit it at any time and smashed it into a pile of debris., causing ripples on the shield.

Midgard, who was about to bear the impact, breathed a sigh of relief, but she heard Leonard shouting in her ear,”Don’t be stunned, the attack is coming again.”

With the same momentum just now, The huge blow is not a big move that needs to be cooled down after being released. It is just a casual blow from the huge knight statue! After missing 890 points in one blow, the stone statue raised the giant sword again and faced Lun mercilessly. Nader and Midgard came. Midgard was not superstitious about Leonard’s Iron Armor Curse. He hugged Leonard and rolled over.

Another huge crack appeared on the floor of the hall, and the entire building was here. It was crumbling under the attack, as if it would collapse at any moment.

”We can no longer run, running is useless, we must fight back.”

Leonard shouted

”This building won’t last long. If we keep hiding like this, we’ll be buried alive sooner or later.”

”Damn it, with such a big guy in this building, don’t you know how to make the house stronger?”

Midgard yelled

”Don’t forget what the goblin who brought us to the vault said before. This is a vault of the same age as Gringotts. It is a relic left hundreds or even nearly a thousand years ago. No matter how powerful the magic is, it cannot sustain it for so long!”

”So what’s going on with this big guy? You can’t just let someone in when you’re bored, right?”

Midgard dodged the attack of the knight statue again and watched as a crack followed the wall to the roof. A huge boulder fell in the direction where she was standing. Her face turned pale and she rolled over again with Leonard.

But in reality The rolling world is not a game, and it can also cause an invincible frame.

The splashing gravel scratched Midgard’s robe and hit her back with a muffled sound. Midgard bared her teeth and let out a low roar, But he still kept Leonard in his arms

”This kind of magic used to guard and the magic that supports the building are not the same concept. The magic that supports the building has been passively consumed, and the stone statues guarding here will only be activated when someone invades.”

Leonard took out a stick of white essence and smashed it on Midgard’s back. At this time, he didn’t care about wasting it. A small injury might deform Midgard’s movements. By then, the two of them would everyone must die

”No matter what, you’re right, you can’t run away anymore!”

Feeling the coolness coming from behind, Midgard grinned and rolled away more than ten meters deftly. He took out his wand and pointed at the giant sword in the stone statue’s hand.


There is no need to aim at all. With such a big shot, it is impossible to miss even if you close your eyes. A magic beam as thick as a thumb hit the giant sword in the hand of the stone statue, but the magic power exploded and the stone sword did not move at all.

”No use?”

Midgard was stunned for a moment and turned to Leonard.

”Let’s run, leave this ruins”

”Damn it, there is no exit where the entrance is.”

Leonard couldn’t help but swear.

”It seems I was wrong this time, I shouldn’t have come in”

”It’s useless to say this now, let’s think about what to do first? My magic doesn’t seem to work.”

Midgard said

”How can your magic work on such a big stone statue? Look at me!”

Leonard pointed his wand at the stone statue, and the strong wind formed by the surge of magic blew his hair.


At this moment, Leonard felt the excitement of the wand. It was trying its best to help Leonard gather magic power and form a powerful magic.

Leonard’s front end of the wand condensed a huge magic light ball, and its volume was even It was bigger than Leonard’s whole body. The huge magic power made Leonard’s arms tremble a little and even became difficult to control, but it was this violent and huge magic power that made Leonard full of confidence.

This super-enhanced version of the disarming spell went on, I’m afraid it can flatten a mountain.

Midgard opened his mouth involuntarily, and he was even more surprised when he saw the powerful magic released by Leonard than when he saw the huge stone statue moving.

At this moment, the stone statue He raised his huge stone sword again. It didn’t have any thinking, only mechanical means of attack. This was exactly what Leonard wanted. Only enemies with slow movements and mechanized behavior could allow him to have the opportunity to accumulate power and use it. This kind of powerful magic.

Otherwise, a normal wizard could interrupt Leonard’s energy storage with a coma spell.

Of course, if facing a normal wizard, Leonard would not need to use such troublesome energy storage at all., a simple powerful magic spell can educate the other party.

Seeing the stone statue slashing the giant sword, Leonard showed a confident smile, waved his wand and threw out the terrifying magic ball.

”The battle is over.”

Leonard put away his wand with a confident look on his face.

Then he began to urge Midgard to run.

No matter how effective the magic was, it would be the stupidest idea to stand there and watch the collision between magic and the giant sword at this time. If If the magic is effective, the giant sword will definitely spin and fly in the direction of Leonard and Midgard.

The force of that thing is even greater than the force of the stone statue swinging the giant sword. He is crazy to stand there.

Lun Nader lay on Midgard’s back, watching the magic and the giant sword collide. He thought it would produce a huge sound and impact, but what Leonard didn’t expect was that a sudden flash of light flashed on the giant sword. There was a silvery white light.

The next moment, the charged and strengthened disarming spell that Leonard had high hopes for was easily split in half. The magic collapsed instantly, but the giant sword was not affected in any way and fell to the ground..Another huge crack extended to the wall, almost connected to the crack next door. The wall was crumbling. Just as crumbling as the wall was Leonard’s confidence.

”Damn it!”

Leonard curse

d in his heart. He stared at the giant sword as if he wanted to see the flowers. Something was wrong, there was something wrong with that giant sword.

Leonard had not released the magic vision. In his eyes, he noticed the stone statue. At the moment when the magic was broken, a strong silver light erupted from the body to the giant sword.

It was this light that blocked the enhanced effect of the disarming spell.

”That silver light······Is it ancient magic?”

A guess arose in Leonard’s mind. But how to deal with ancient magic?

Use ancient magic?

Leonard thinks the possibility is very high.

According to his guess, this relic is likely to be a relic with the goal of inheritance. It is impossible to make a fatal game and let the successor die.

The silver light on this stone statue seems to be immune to all magical powers. As a trial, the so-called ancient magic may have a very effective effect on this stone statue.

Just like A game character has unlocked a skill. In order to let players understand this skill as soon as possible, a hostile target will be arranged that has strong immunity to other skills, but is very vulnerable to the new skill.

This stone statue is very likely to be this”vulnerable” enemy. Target

”I need to experiment again to confirm my guess.”

Leonard thought for a while and said to Midgard

”Try to attack the opponent with other evil spells”

”Can it be useful? Those magics are useless against large targets, and might as well be disarming spells.”

Although Midgard said doubtful words, there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands.

”Thunderbolt explosion!”

”The flames are blazing!”

”Flying sand and flying rocks!”

Evil spells were cast on the stone statues one after another, but without exception, they did not have any impact on the stone statues. Instead, they removed a lot of plants on the surface of the stone statues, making them look much cleaner.

Midgard ·Professional Gua Sha·Greberg

”It’s no use.”

Midgard deftly avoided another attack from the stone statue and shouted helplessly.

Although Leonard was still hanging on his body as a”burden”, Midgard did not feel any fatigue. For a werewolf in its prime state,, Leonard is not even considered a load, only a pendant.

If the ruins hall had not been unable to hold it up, Midgard could have played with this stone statue all night

”I know.”

Leonard’s eyes flashed with silver light. He had carefully observed that every magic spell in Midgard would cause the silver light to light up slightly and eliminate the effect of the magic.

It was not to offset it, but to directly eliminate it. This would directly cancel it. Leonard’s idea of using magic to consume the stone statue

”Regular magic didn’t work, Midgard, drawing the statue’s attention gave me time to cast.”

Leonard shouted

”put me down”

”you sure?”

Midgard asked

”Sure, this is our only option.”

Leonard said


Midgard stopped, and the moment the giant sword fell, he threw Leonard in the opposite direction. He tore off his clothes, revealing a furry but not cute werewolf body, and used The shaped path was approaching the stone statue.

Leonard was not a fragile child. With his ancient bud-strengthened physique and Midgard’s soft strength when throwing him, Leonard fell to the ground easily..

On the other side, Midgard, who was approaching quickly, made the stone statue strike again and again, and the original slashing turned into stabbing again and again.

Although the area of damage was much smaller, the power was not there. Attenuation, each thrust will bring up large amounts of smoke and gravel, covering most of the battlefield after a while.

Leonard watched the smoke disappear and appear, the sensitive and ferocious Midgard’s eyelids twitched, shouted

”Don’t get too close!”

If you get too close, it will probably activate the third attack mode of the stone statue, stomping its feet.

Those biting cabbages will be the end.

A girl stomping her feet and acting coquettishly is called love, a man stomping his feet is called a sissy, and the stone statue stomping its feet is destruction. Sexually offensive means. Of course, if a girl is thirty meters tall, then she can also turn her cute stomping into an offensive means.

In the smoke, Midgard suddenly showed his head and gestured to Leonard that it was okay gesture, and then hid in the smoke and dust during the stone statue’s attack.

Seeing that Midgard was at ease, there was no need to worry about her for the time being. Leonard breathed a sigh of relief and touched the cuffs of his sleeves. of ancient buds

”Now it’s up to you whether you can leave alive or not.”

Leonard said softly. The ancient bud shook its leaves and nodded towards Leonard. Leonard closed his eyes and began to recall the magic that appeared in his memory.

That magic was very special and covered a wide range. It is powerful and requires time to accumulate energy and concentration.

Because the range is too large, Leonard has no chance to practice. Now he can only see if he can use this magic with the help of ancient sprouts.

Ancient sprouts The silver light on it shone, and the silver light spread from its branches and leaves to Leonard’s body. Leonard’s skin was gradually covered with a layer of silver light, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes were covered with silver light.

No There was a mysterious spell and no special casting method. Leonard slowly raised his head and controlled the flow of magic in his body according to the memory in his mind.

A thin layer of gray mist suddenly appeared in the huge ruins hall., the fog condensed in the air, and finally formed a dark cloud on the crumbling roof.

The atmosphere in the ruins hall became particularly solemn, and the amazing aura emanating from the dark cloud made people feel chest tight and breathless.

Boom! A silver thunder fell from the sky and landed on the ground., the floor exploded, and pieces of rubble flew into the air and were dyed with silver flames and were burned up.

This thunder and lightning seemed to be a signal, and thunder fell from the sky.

As the tallest and largest stone statue present, it was the first to bear the brunt of countless Wrapped in thunder, the electric current formed by the silver magic power flowed on the surface of the stone statue, quickly offsetting the silver brilliance in the stone statue.

This caused the stone statue’s movements to slow down, and the frequency of the giant sword falling also attenuated.

”quick! Midgard, get out of that area!”

Leonard shouted loudly, struggling to control the wand in his hand.

Under such a powerful flow of magic power, this high-imitation old wand did not have any difficulty and reliably guided the convergence of magic power. On the contrary, it was Leonard who controlled the magic power. De couldn’t bear it any longer, and the hand holding the wand trembled slightly.

The magic had not been officially released yet, and those dense thunder snakes were just an appetizer.

Midgard, who was within the range of the thunder, had already felt chest tightness. Short of breath, he retreated without hesitation after hearing Leonard’s voice. He dodged the thunderbolts that did not distinguish between friends and foes and left the minefield.

The stone statue was not so dexterous. It seemed to be continuously bombarded by the dense thunderbolts. It was difficult to raise his hand.

Seeing this, Leonard’s eyes lit up. He waved his wand, and the scattered magic power in the dark cloud condensed into a point, turning into a bolt of lightning and falling towards the stone statue.


Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Leonard couldn’t help shouting.

However, just when the inevitable blow was about to fall on the head of the stone statue, silver burst out from the slow-moving stone statue. The sudden burst of silver dispersed the previous thunder. The snake suppressed the stone statue and regained its ability to move.

The stone statue raised the stone sword in its hand and faced the thunder. When the thunder was introduced into the stone sword, it inserted the stone sword into the ground. It showed a high jumping ability that was unmatched by a huge stone statue. Leap high.

The thunder that was directed into the ground exploded instantly, and the huge force dissolved a huge hole in the surface. The stone statue fell into the hole, grabbed the stone sword that showed some signs of melting and jumped out of the hole.

Are you kidding?

Renner De’s eyes widened, unable to accept what he saw. The special move that he had worked so hard to master was actually dodged?

This is not a level where he is familiar with skills. This is a level where he is fighting a boss, right?

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