Chapter 68: Go, Impaler.

The statue’s flexible operation at the critical moment stunned Leonard.

Although it is not to the point of despair, the ultimate move that he finally managed to save was actually dodged, which made Leonard a little disappointed. The thunder dissipated, and the stone sword completely guided the power of the thunder into the ground, causing the floor to dissolve into a deep hole. The pit, and without the thunder snake, the stone statue regained its ability to move, and once again raised the stone sword to slash at Leonard.

This time its target was quite clear, and that was Leonard, who almost sent it away with a big move. Even Midgard, which is relatively close to it, doesn’t care.

Although Leonard is a little disappointed, he will not be so disappointed that he even risks his life. It’s just that the range of the stone sword that suddenly came was too large, and Leonard doubted that he could avoid it. Even if you can’t avoid it, you have to hide. It’s better to be hit by the aftermath than to be hit from the front.

”Armor protection!”

Leonard rolled sideways and put a strengthening armor spell on himself.

The giant sword with violent wind pressure passed Leonard’s iron armor spell, and the wind pressure exploded on the shield. The light spot and unstable fluctuations spread along the light spot towards the shield.

Immediately afterwards, the giant sword hit the ground heavily, the ground trembled, and the scattered smoke and stones were turned into deadly missiles by the terrible impact.

The shield became precarious. Leonard rolled to the ground and jumped forward suddenly, trying to distance himself and reduce the pressure on the shield. However, his speed was still too slow, and a stone the size of a fist hit him. On Leonard’s shield, the shield squirmed like water waves, trying to buffer it, but the shield that had long been riddled with holes had reached its limit.

There was a crisp shattering sound, the shield was broken, and the rocks roared The sound hit Leonard’s head.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and Midgard appeared behind Leonard. With a flash of cold light, the stone was cut into three pieces. Then she grabbed Leonard Virtue, flexibly avoid subsequent impacts.

”Leonard, keep attacking!”

Midgard roared

”Your magic is working, give it a few more hard blows!”

Compared with the magic Midgard tried before, Leonard’s magic not only left obvious traces on the surface of the stone statue, but also almost melted the stone sword in the stone statue’s hand.

Such an obvious effect is much more effective than his own magic. Got it

”It’s not that easy. I can only do it for a while at most. If we are avoided again, we will be doomed.”

Leonard was trapped under Midgard’s arm and said helplessly.

He glanced at the ancient buds on his sleeves. At this time, the silver brilliance on the ancient buds dimmed a lot. It was obvious that the magic was used to destroy the ancient buds. Yao Ya was under a lot of pressure.

He could feel that half of the magic power reserve in Yao Ya’s body in ancient times had been lost.

”Just for a moment? You can’t do this either.”

Midgard sandwiched Leonard and ran away from the stone statue’s heavy attack, and couldn’t help complaining loudly.

Leonard became angry when he heard this

”Who do you think can’t do it? Put me down and find me. I will fight it for three hundred rounds.”

”Little brats, don’t imitate adults in making dirty jokes. Wait until your hair grows.”

Midgard squinted his eyes, and took advantage of the moment when the giant sword fell to move over. His sharp claws scratched the stone sword.

A dazzling spark flashed, and Midgard kicked his legs when the stone sword was raised. He glanced at his almost flattened nails and his face was distorted. The stone sword was too hard.

”What to do next?”

Midgard jumped onto a broken pillar and stared at the movement of the stone statue.

”Your magic can’t hit it, and we can’t get close. Even if we get close to such a large size, we have no way to deal with it.”

Midgard felt a little frustrated. At first, she thought that such a large stone statue was easy to deal with. She could grind it to death just by turning around.

She didn’t expect that the other party was such an inexperienced master.

”The solution lies in my magic.”

Leonard said seriously

”It’s just that we have to find a way to limit its actions”

”Limit it?”

Midgard pointed to the stone statue walking towards them.

”How to limit? Use the petrification spell?”

She told a very cold joke

”Don’t worry, aren’t I thinking of a solution?”

Leonard said calmly.

The more critical the moment, the more calm and leisurely he must be, otherwise he will only make frequent mistakes and make the results worse. Restrict the opponent’s actions……..

Leonard looked at the huge stone statue waving a stone sword, with a helpless expression on his face.

The excessive size is nothing. The problem is that such a huge stone statue has its own magic resistance and can move so dexterously. This is very frustrating.

Doesn’t this guy have any weaknesses? weakness···weakness···

Leonard looked up and down at the stone statue, trying to find some inspiration in it that would be enough to destroy the stone statue. Suddenly, Leonard noticed something.

The current stone statue is not unscathed!

Except for the parts that showed signs of melting after being baptized by thunder, a large part of the surface of the stone statue had large-scale cracks. The cracks are not deep. For the stone statue, I am afraid it has not damaged its fur. By analogy, it is just a little more scratches on a person’s hand.

But this large area of cracks is particularly conspicuous on the stone statue.

Because without exception, these cracks retain traces of scorch.

Where did the scorch marks come from? The fire magic clearly did not hurt the opponent. scorch marks······

Leonard suddenly understood.

Those are traces of plants growing on the stone statue being burned away by Midgard’s fire magic.

Although the flames could not harm the stone statues, they still burned the plants, including their roots, completely. And those cracks are the result of plant roots!

Although this stone statue has a powerful magic immunity effect, it is just a particularly tough stone when it is not activated. No matter how tough the stone is, it has no resistance when it comes to plant roots!

Leonard’s eyes traveled over the body of the stone statue, and he discovered cracks in various parts of the body in just ten seconds.

Those are the weak points of the stone statue. Although the wounds are insignificant to the stone statue, to Leonard, it is the stone statue’s breakthrough point.

When a thousand-mile embankment breaks in an ant nest, that is the ant nest.

And all Leonard has to do is throw the”ants” in!

”Midgard! Run towards the feet of the stone statue!”

Leonard patted Midgard, grabbed the hair on her arm, turned her over, and landed firmly on her back.

”I have a way to limit its actions!”

”good! Then hurry up!”

Midgard did not question, and took advantage of the moment when the stone statue struck down with his sword and rushed towards the leg of the stone statue.

The stone statue reacted quickly. When it felt Midgard approaching, it did not pull out the stone sword, but like a plow pool He also pulled the sword and chased Midgard.

The hall shook violently, and a three-meter-wide crack was ripped out of the floor amidst the loud roar. A huge stone sword chased Midgard’s body. shape, tearing the earth apart and trying to swallow the two of them.

At this time, Leonard and Midgard had already approached the feet of the stone statue.

”It’s now! Go ahead, Impaler!”

Leonard took out a bitter thorn seed full of spikes from his pocket and threw it towards the crack in the stone statue’s leg.

This was a seed with dual enhancements of piercing male enhancement and root enhancement!

Behind him, earth-shattering Amidst the sound, the seemingly insignificant seed fell into the crack in the stone statue’s leg.

The next moment, green thorns pierced out from the crack. Under Leonard’s control, they clung to the stone statue’s legs and grew upward, almost In an instant, the green thorns weaved a”trouser leg” full of spikes on the legs of the stone statue.

Although the spikes of the thorns were not worth mentioning to the stone statue, they did not even pierce the surface of the stone statue, and the paralyzing venom flowed. It didn’t have any effect.

But the roots spreading inside the stone statue and the tough thorns locking the movable joints of the stone statue became the key factors in blocking the movement of the stone statue.

The power of plants should not be underestimated!

Soon, the thorns withered and became soft. The green thorns turned into solid dead branches, and the cracks were squeezed open by the roots of the thorns. The power coming from the inside caused the stone statue to lose its balance, and the giant sword that

swallowed the earth was forced to stop.


Leonard shouted

”Another leg!”

It is not appropriate to restrict one leg of the stone statue. At this time, in order to be sure, it is best to control the limbs of the stone statue.


Midgard deftly landed on a raised boulder, turned quickly, and rushed towards the other leg of the stone statue. At the moment when he was close to the leg, Leonard took the opportunity to throw out the second seed


Another bitter thorn covered the other leg of the stone statue. Although its venom had no effect on the stone statue, the root system it grew in the body of the stone statue and the strong dead branches left behind after withering combined with the bitter thorn that formed the other leg. It became a cage that restricted the actions of the stone statue.

The stone statue, whose legs were bound, grabbed the stone sword with both hands and tried to swat Midgard to death, who was swinging like a fly beside him, but Midgard deftly dodged it.

”Next up are two hands! This is the most important thing. Don’t let the stone statue have the opportunity to use the stone sword to distract the thunder!”

Leonard shouted

”Jump on it.”

There is no difference between jumping up at this time and seeking death. Midgard is in the air and has nowhere to use her strength. If she is not careful, she will be struck to death by the sword of the stone statue.

Midgard did not hesitate, but she did not jump up without thinking., although in terms of daily life and development arrangements, Midgard is not as good as Leonard.

But in terms of combat, none of the ten Leonards can match the fighting consciousness of a natural werewolf!

Midgard has grown from the legs of the stone statue The rising bitter thorn understood Leonard’s intention. She quickly moved away from the stone statue, turning the stone statue’s small slashing movements into wide-open slashing movements.

But because its legs were restrained, its actions became particularly unusual. Slowly, it takes a moment of pause before the giant sword falls. And that short pause is the opportunity Midgard needs!

The moment the stone sword in the stone statue’s hand fell to the ground, Midgard jumped on the stone sword, using the stone sword as a runway. Carrying Leonard on his back, he quickly ran towards the arm of the stone statue.

Upon seeing this, the stone statue raised an arm and asked Leonard and Midgard to pat it away.

”too slow! too slow!”

Midgard let out a hearty laugh, grabbed Leonard with one hand, rolled to avoid the slap, and landed on the back of the stone statue’s hand. At such a close distance, even if Leonard was shaken by Midgard, he would be dizzy. He would not miss this opportunity.

A seed took the opportunity to fall into the crack in the hand of the stone statue. The rapidly growing thorns instantly wrapped the arm of the stone statue, locking its joints and palms tightly.

At the same time, because the movements of the stone statue were real It was so good, the spreading thorns locked the palm of the stone statue and the giant sword together…….

The stone statue struggled to raise its hand, pulling on the thorn bushes and making a tooth-gripping sound. Thorns and wood chips flew everywhere, and stone chips fell off the arms of the stone statue, trying to break free from the shackles of the thorns.

Another seed fell on the last unbound arm of the stone statue. This time, with the help of Midgard, the seed fell on the second half of the stone statue’s arm.

The growing thorns locked the stone statue from its upper arm to its shoulder armor, making it impossible for the statue to lift its arm for a period of time! It can no longer block the thunder falling from the sky with the stone sword in its hand!

Midgard jumped off the shoulders of the stone statue, threw Leonard into the air when he was about to land, and caught Leonard again when he landed.

Although it was embarrassing to be thrown around like a toy, Leonard also knew that Midgard was doing it to prevent him from being injured by the impact of falling from a high altitude.

He does not have Midgard’s werewolf body, and the ancient sprouts only strengthened his physical fitness to a level slightly higher than that of an ordinary child, but did not turn him into a superman.

This is necessary, but now is not the time to lament this.

Leonard jumped out of Midgard’s arms, waving his wand to pull the magic in his body. He wants to use ancient magic again to avenge his shame!

Ancient buds swayed on Leonard’s body, and the silver magic power in his body merged into Leonard’s body like a tide. On the roof, dark clouds were forming rapidly, and lightning was brewing in the clouds.

As if sensing the approaching danger, the stone statue struggled even more fiercely, and the withered thorns wrapped around its legs, wrists, and arms were disintegrating.

This is a battle of time. If the stone statue breaks free first, Leonard and Midgard will die. If Leonard charges up first, then the stone statue will inevitably be destroyed.

Leonard held the wand, his eyes were filled with silver light, and the blood vessels on his face were bulging, making him look extremely ferocious.

While racing against time, Leonard had no intention of enjoying the devastating scene after the ancient magic was cast.

A large amount of thunder fell from the sky, and under Leonard’s active control, it avoided the thorns that bound the stone statue and fell on the stone statue. The body of the struggling stone statue froze, and its struggling movements paused.

At this time, the balance of victory completely tilted towards Leonard and Midgard. The dark clouds on the roof are brewing, and the dull power of God echoes in the ruins.

With Leonard’s unrestrained magic output, the ancient magic’s charge was completed ahead of schedule!

”Give it to me, drop it!”

Leonard gritted his teeth and waved his wand downwards forcefully. The huge thunder column fell down and swallowed the stone statue completely under the shining silver lightning. The stone statue gradually fell apart. The thunder snake wandered on the ground without the guidance of the stone sword. The power of this terrible ancient magic was released wantonly, almost melting the surrounding ground.

The lightning raged for half a minute, but the thunder pillar finally dissipated.���By that time, the original majestic stone statue had disappeared, leaving only a pool of semi-melted material like a candle in place.

Leonard put away his wand and didn’t feel anything was wrong, except that the ancient buds that coexisted with him looked wilted like potted plants that hadn’t been watered for more than ten days.

The silver light on it was so dim that it was almost undetectable. If it hadn’t been entangled in Leonard’s hand and acted coquettishly, Leonard would have doubted whether the two ancient magics would have drained it dry.

Fortunately, it’s still strong and survived.

”call! Survived.”

Midgard lay on the ground without any image and breathed a sigh of relief. Even though she was in werewolf form and her body was furry, she had no image at all.

”Ha ha···”

Leonard smiled, fell to the ground and smiled

”Yes, survived.”

His face couldn’t hide the fatigue. Although he didn’t consume much in this battle. Midgard took care of the physical strength. The release of ancient magic mainly played the role of ancient buds.

But this is a battle of life and death. During the battle, Leonard’s nerves were always tense, and now that the crisis was over, he felt more exhausted than ever before.

The same was true for Midgard. This battle did not consume as much physical energy as her normal exercise, and she was not the main attacker. Except for one At first, they didn’t pay attention to being hit by rubble and didn’t suffer any damage. They were just tired.

Neither of them wanted to talk more. One lay down and the other sat to recover their strength. It wasn’t until the sound of cracking walls suddenly came from around the ruins that the two of them turned around. People woke up with a start.

Not only did they wake up with a start, they were frightened out of their wits.

”No time to rest.”

Leonard stood up

”After exploring this ruins, we can retreat as soon as possible.”

The aftermath of the battle just now was so strong that it almost destroyed the ruins. Now, although the ruins have not been destroyed, they are teetering on the edge of collapse.


Midgard turned over and jumped up, but soon became confused again.

”But what are we looking for?”

Yeah, what are you looking for?

Leonard doesn’t know what the origin of this ruin is. He only knows that it is inseparable from the so-called ancient magic. Leonard took a deep breath and opened his magical vision again.

Under the magical vision, Leonard saw different traces of magic in the stone statues destroyed by ancient magic. First, there were mysterious symbols floating in the air, and an illusory door behind the mysterious symbols.

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