Early the next morning, the first day of the new semester at Hogwarts.

When the little wizards of Hufflepuff College walked into the auditorium for breakfast, they saw Elena Kaslana at first sight. The girl was sitting alone at the end of the Ravenclaw table, except for Luna. Apart from Lovegood, there were no other students around.

The academic barriers in Hogwarts have never really disappeared. This is a result of hundreds of years of grievances and collisions.

Compared to the tit-for-tat between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the antagonism between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff is much more subtle and obscure—the passionate Hufflepuffs do not Will show rejection of self-proclaimed innocent people, and smart Ravenclaws will not express contempt for stupid mediocre people very deliberately in their words and deeds.

The rising star of Hufflepuff, the man of Hogwarts... these are all deductions in Ravenclaw.

"Elena," Hannah Abbott hesitated for a few seconds, and took the initiative to walk over, "Or you should go back to our Hufflepuff long table and sit down. It really can't work. Let's go to Sprout together. Professor Special, let the school replace you back."

"This is just the beginning, don't worry..."

Elena glanced at the empty Ravenclaw table and replied nonchalantly, "Besides, my course schedule this semester is still arranged according to Hufflepuff College, but usually there is more room to sleep. ."

Unlike the other three colleges, Ravenclaw College can be said to be the least affected place last year.

Because of this, compared to the gradual changes in the other three colleges, most of the conflicting reactions presented here are also in Elena's expectations-in fact, in her original idea, it may even be more Harder.

No matter what field they are in, literary and artistic youths are always the most troublesome group of "elites."

Judging from the current situation, the eagle-ring assessment alone cannot defeat the psychological defenses of the Ravenclaw students. Some clever students are not equivalent to scholars keen on pursuing the truth. The two are still very different in nature. Something else.

After a school year of observation, Elena quickly realized her previous mistakes.

Physical rule, knowledge crushing, friendship fetters... these methods she used to attack the other three colleges were not so useful in front of the students of Ravenclaw College. What Ravenclaw pursues is transcendence and uniqueness.

Ravenclaw, they need more than pure knowledge, it is just the smallest character traits.

If we consider the age, gender, and distribution of personality traits of the students at Ravenclaw College, we can draw a general conclusion. Most of them are literary and literary girls who are not familiar with the world, sensitive and full of fantasy.

In other words, what they need is an idol.

A spiritual sustenance that can be used to look forward to and carry their beautiful fantasy.

And in this respect...

Elena turned her head and glanced at Gildro Lockhart, who was smiling on the faculty seat. A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of the girl’s mouth. She really couldn’t imagine. Who else would be Professor Lockhart More appropriate.


At the same time, the other side.

Hermione Granger led four or five Gryffindor students into the auditorium.

As Gryffindor’s "jack of all trades" lady and one of the few little witches who can beat Elena in class, Hermione’s popularity in Hogwarts is not much worse than Elena. The only thing that is inadequate, maybe She just can't fly.

Glancing at the white-haired dumpling who was talking to Hannah at the other end of the auditorium, Hermione shook her head, did not choose to "pass by accidentally" the area, but sat straight on a seat beside the Gryffindor table .

Next to her seat was Ginny Weasley and her large group of brothers.

"This is the second grade class schedule. Professor McGonagall asked me to send it to everyone."

George Weasley stepped over the golden dinner plate, handed over the timetable, and asked in a low voice at this opportunity.

"Don't you care about what's wrong with Elena, Granger? That I mean--"

"No need." Hermione said, took the timetable in George's hand and looked at it carefully, and answered casually.

"Elena is not the kind of fragile person. If she wants to have fun, she can sit down at the long tables in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor at any time, even in Slytherin College. Also has a pretty good popularity..."

After more than a year of getting along, although she still can’t see the mysterious fog that looms over Elena, she is definitely the one who knows Elena’s character and style best in the entire Hogwarts... at least. One.

If Ravenclaw really bullied Elena, even if there is only one night, it would be enough for the strong fool to stir Ravenclaw upside down-now he is so peaceful and aggrieved. , The only reason is that the white-haired dumpling must be planning something more important, so that it will temporarily show a well-behaved appearance.

While thinking about her, Hermione turned her head, just in time to see Elena also looked up, and squeezed a grimace at her.

Sure enough, I just don't know who is going to suffer again this time, anyway, she is not familiar with the people of Ravenclaw.

"Don't worry," Hermione wrinkled her nose and said calmly, "Don't you know Elena's character? She is such a proud person, even Pepy Ghost is not her opponent, let alone pull The girls in Wenclaw."

"That's true. I heard that she defeated the entire Slytherin team by almost one person."

Charlie Weasley nodded and glanced contemptuously at the long table of Slytherin College not far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hey, brother," George said, "Don't say such terrible things, we are Okay, the first victim..."

"It's just a little bit, really! There have been many times when George and I almost became ghosts on the Quidditch Stadium."

Fred Weasley nodded with lingering fear, and agreed exaggeratedly.

But with that said, Fred and George vaguely guessed one of the reasons why the girls at Ravenclaw College rejected Elena Kaslana-in those games last year. In the Diqi game, Elena led the freshman team in the two games against Ravenclaw, all of which completed the achievement of [the whole team fell].

They still remember how sad the Ravenclaw girls were crying after they woke up for the first time.

Compared to a little gentlemanly demeanor, there will be a bit of pity for the other three Quidditch teams. The battle between the little witches is so cruel, he even doubts whether Elena Kaslana I also secretly increased my efforts...



PS: There is only one chapter today~ Tomorrow, we will continue to guarantee the bottom of 4000 words and work hard for 4D!

PS2: Regarding why Ravenclaw is not dealing with Elena for the time being, if the fat chickens who still don’t understand can gather here, please help me to answer the question~cuckoo~

PS3: The following is a poll about the relationship between the number of words and chapters updated daily

A. Double change is guaranteed, and each chapter is evenly distributed according to the total number of words

B. According to a chapter of 2000 words, the number of chapters per day is determined according to the number of words.

C. According to the 3000-4000 word chapter, decide whether to change three or more according to the number of words.


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