Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 750: Big sister's task

"Is it so scary? It's just Quidditch..."

Charlie Weasley looked at his two petty brothers and shook his head disapprovingly.

Over the years, he has heard his mother's roar in the kitchen more than once. The twin brothers are the well-deserved trick and pistachios of their Weasley family. Such an exaggerated description is so familiar to him.

"George and Fred, if you have experienced the experience of an adult female black dragon in a grumpy mood on the sea off Romania, you will understand what the most dangerous aerial project in the world is—"

"Oh, Charlie, you are the one who doesn't understand-that's not the most terrible."

Fred gave a strange cry and waved his hand exaggeratedly, his face showing the appearance of telling a horror story.

"Believe me, death is definitely not the worst thing, Miss Kaslana is far more terrifying than the fire dragon."

"Yes! My innocent brother, you may not even imagine falling from the sky three times in a day, and then you hear a sentence at the moment you open your eyes-[You are cured, you can continue to fly] The horror of time—"

George Weasley nodded his head with a sad face, shaking involuntarily.

If there is anything more terrifying than meeting Elena, then it is undoubtedly when the captain of their team was a Quidditch fan-under the dual magic of Wood and Elena, A coma is an extravagant hope.

"But you have to face Elena Kaslana this year, don't you?"

Hermione Granger raised her eyebrows and glanced at the exaggerated Weasley twins with a smile.

"Granger, please, today is the first day of school." George Weasley sighed helplessly.

"The benevolent Gryffindor goddess of wisdom, can you please let us have a good meal first."

Fred Weasley nodded sadly, raised a glass of milk and drank it.

"Then after the first Quidditch game, Charlie, you remember to write to Dad. When we faced the Silver Moon Lord of Hogwarts, we didn't shame the Weasleys, at least we kept our dignity as The "Phantom in Residence"..."


Before Fred could finish speaking, someone slapped him **** his shoulder and almost spilled his milk.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely excited and emotional voice came from everyone's ears.

"That's different, hey! Guys. This year is completely different—"

When everyone turned their heads, they saw a tall, sturdy boy who did not know when to stand behind them.

Oliver Wood, the Quidditch captain of Gryffindor College, is a man who can marry Flying Broomstick.

At this time, Wood's face was filled with the ecstasy that a good person who had been single for many years could finally get married. First, he swept around vigilantly, making sure that people from other colleges were eavesdropping on their conversation, then lowered his voice, and said mysteriously.

"I just met Professor McGonagall on the stairs. Guess what she told me, Fred? She said Elena will join the Gryffindor team this year. Over the years, I have never felt that we are far away The championship is so close-just pass the ball to her, and the rest is to see the opponent can hold on for a few minutes."

"Don't be too optimistic, Wood."

Fred Weasley snarled at the long table next door.

"Hufflepuff also has a Miss Abbot Hannah who is no less than Elena. She shot down the Slytherin player one-on-one in last year's final. Do you remember? I heard my dad say , She beat at least twenty strong alcoholics with her strength alone when she was helping out at her cauldron bar during the summer vacation. You are sure you can—"

"Then we have at least a 98% win rate, so it's not a big problem."

Oliver Wood waved his hand nonchalantly. They have played against the freshman team many times in the past year. In his impression, in addition to Elena, the shortcomings of the other freshmen are still very obvious.

"Believe me, Goddess of Luck is obviously on our side this year. As long as we play normally, I really don’t know how the other three academies can beat us—ha, unless one of them can catch the gold right away. Snitch."

"... Wood, luck may be..."

Hermione moved her lips worriedly, but in the end she didn't say anything.

As a "chocobo", she does not have much right to speak in the Quidditch domain, but in the past year she has seen so many unreasonable "lucky" that she started Some do not believe in the probability of logic.

If it’s the goddess of luck, it’s probably neither in Gryffindor nor Hufflepuff...

"Leave Oliver alone, Granger. Make him happy first..."

Percy Weasley smiled and shook her head, and took some sausages and roasted tomatoes to Hermione.

"You will have two new big classes in a while? Hurry up and eat and go to the classroom, and then tell us what the mathematics class and the Chinese class are about — to be honest, I don’t know at all. How to prepare for these two courses."

While speaking, Percy Weasley pointed to the timetable in front of Hermione.

[Nine o'clock in the morning: Mathematics and science class] (all students in second grade)

[10:30 in the morning: Chinese class] (all students in second grade)

Different from other courses at Hogwarts, the two new courses are both big courses.

In Percy Weasley’s impression, a situation similar to this, except for the extremely rare animal or celestial phenomena in the magical animal protection class and astronomy, which require all the students from the college to attend, it is rare that such a row class.

After all, in most classrooms, professors often need to take into account the learning situation of each student.

On the other hand, I don’t know why, these two courses always give him a vague ignorance-it seems that there is some terrible devil hidden in them, but he really can’t imagine what can be done with arithmetic and reading. challenge.


Meanwhile, Ravenclaw's long table.

Elena also received her new class schedule, or a strange schedule.

"Well, what a headache, old potatoes and old radishes are completely useless..."

Hogwarts' first lovely academy frowned, carefully examined the form in his hand, and muttered in disgust.

"I don't know why these two guys have not bought more books on basic subjects for so many years..."

In addition to the normal learning content, starting from every afternoon, she also needs to go to the potions classroom as agreed to serve as Severus Snape's potions teaching assistant, responsible for guiding and nursing students to complete "Magic Chemistry [Magichemistry] "The content of learning is different from last year who was mainly responsible for controlling the field. This year, she also needs to undertake some chemistry teaching.

After the afternoon course, she still needs to set aside three days a week and spend more than two hours a day to the "College Metropolitan Research Area" located outside the gate of Hogwarts to solve the problems of the experts from the former Soviet Union. .

This is not only academic confusion, but also some basic and extremely urgent daily needs.

For example, the electromagnetic chaotic field in the Hogwarts area seriously interferes with the operation of electronic equipment. This alone prevents most scholars from carrying out their research work. In addition, water sources and biogas It also needs to be re-planned and sorted out. In this aspect, the facilities previously provided by Hogwarts are too simple.

And there are many similar problems...

Constructing a magic city from scratch is much harder than Elena imagined.

After all, whether it's Dumbledore or Grindelwald, they are only good at magic. Maybe they have some advantages in politics, education and leadership, but this does not give them some basic municipal skills and experience. .

"There is no way, it seems that I can only rely on myself in the beginning."

Elena shook her head. She has a lot of ideas about the fusion of magic and technology, although most of them may not necessarily point to the most correct result, but for her at this moment, time is the most abundant resource. .

"Hey, Elena," Luna looked curiously at the parchment in Elena's hand, frowning slightly, "Is your schedule so full at the beginning of this semester? Even on weekends, there will be corresponding schedules— —Can you really be alone?"

"Don't worry about this, I still go to class with Hanna most of the time."

"But look," Luna corrected seriously. "The problem is precisely that part of the time. At 10 o'clock on Monday evening, the new energy project team. Next, at 10 o'clock on Tuesday evening, the Institute of Biology. And ——"

Luna looked at the densely packed itinerary carefully, and read a little confused.

"Wednesday at ten o'clock in the evening, the second-class containment item contact project...Elena, I know there are many mysterious responsibilities, but don't you think that you need to do too many things every day, and it takes too late. And if it is at night From ten o'clock, can you go in and out of the castle by yourself without fear of getting lost? If it's that late, Hannah and I shouldn't be able to get out..."

"Hush! Be quiet, quiet," Elena glared at Luna, and said quickly, "Of course I don't know the way!"

"then you--"

"Don't forget I can fly."

Elena blinked deftly.


"Very simple, everything is in my plan! Luna, you just need to open the window of the Ravenclaw Tower every night after ten o'clock, and quietly light up your magic wand by the window."

Elena shook her fingers triumphantly, and said in a relaxed tone.

"About this matter, I have thought about it and verified it several times. The sky will not get lost-no matter how complicated the roads of Hogwarts Castle are, as long as there is a flying broom and a beacon, I can directly Fly back."

"But I still think..." Luna said quietly, a little disturbed.

At this moment, a short gasp suddenly erupted from the Slytherin table not far away.

Accompanied by a series of clashes of tableware, several little wizards suddenly blushed and jumped up, breathing ceaselessly, as if they had been cast by someone, their lips swelled almost instantly Make a circle.

Among the freshmen, the only one who did not jump up was the newly promoted shadow prefect, Miss Ivanovic.

"So spicy, so spicy, so spicy! What the devil's test is this!"

The corners of Irina's eyes twitched slightly, and she looked at the red breakfast plates in front of her with solemn expression.

If it wasn't because of an unspecified smell in advance, she almost followed the other little guys~www.wuxiaspot.com~ accidentally treating these as dishes topped with tomato sauce and strawberry sauce, so she can feel confident and bold bingo.

But even if it only touched the tip of her tongue a little, Irina felt as if she had touched a flame at this time.

And not far from her, four or five senior students were looking at her, while unchanging face, they forkped a piece of roasted bacon and stirred it in the pile of death-red dip, then put it in their mouths. Chew slowly.

This, this is...

The knife and fork in Irina's hand hesitated.

In her original idea, she showed her own strength and subdued Slytherin College. Then, relying on the dual identity comparison between the shadow prefect and the first-year freshman, she should be able to successfully complete the task proposed by Elena. .

In fact, as of today before breakfast, she even thought that she had completed the test ahead of schedule.

"What's the matter, Irina? Is the cuisine at Hogwarts unappetizing?"

Next to Irina Ivanovich, a boy with pale blond hair looked at the girl with some curiosity, and absently pushed a stack of bright red devil pepper dipping sauce in front of her, using only Irina could Hearing voice said softly.

"Eat, Miss Ivanovich, this is also the task of the elder sister. Hot sauce, durian, coriander, these are the characteristics of Slytherin College, and they are also the rules of entry into the pure blood world. If you want to get everything People’s approval, then you have to show that you can sit at the same table with everyone...Yes..."

Draco Malfoy smiled slightly at Irina Ivanovic and raised his eyebrows friendly.




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