Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 47 Lockhart's Performance Moment (Please Subscribe!)

At the beginning of February, Hermione finally got out of the hospital bed in the school.

Apparently, after such a long period of treatment, Hermione's head had recovered, no beard, no cat hair. Hermione, who became a little beauty again, naturally felt much better.

However, because the teachers and students in the school did not know that the real culprit of the attack had been found, they were still suspicious all day long, for fear of encountering some terrifying monsters.

"I think we have to find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, find the basilisk and inform the professor." When Harry encountered pointing again, he finally couldn't help telling Ron and Hermione about his plans.

"But the murderer has been found, and after the chamber of secrets is closed, the basilisk may be trapped in it forever." Hermione did not quite agree with Harry's opinion, "I mean, if everyone sees that the attack does not happen again, No one will keep talking about you!"

"But don't forget that Malfoy has already told about the attack at Hogwarts, and if the basilisk is not found, Professor Dumbledore will definitely be in trouble.

I mean, you know, Malfoy's father is not only a pure-blood wizard family, but also a Hogwarts school trustee, and he has been trying to fire Dumbledore because of his closeness to Muggles. Gewartz was going to be in big trouble. "Harry explained his reasons.

"But the heir to the Chamber of Secrets has been captured, right? We all know that it's the diary!" Hermione looked around, and when no one was paying attention, she whispered back.

"But Dumbledore isn't going to announce it, is he?" Harry suddenly found a very valid reason.

"Well, maybe we do find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, find the Basilisk." Hermione opened her mouth, but finally agreed with Harry.

"Don't worry, at least we don't have to worry about anyone being attacked again." Seeing that the entrance to the secret room was still to be found, Ron suddenly became interested.

"Ron's right, we won't be in any danger." Harry said, "Don't forget, Professor Eisen gave us the sunglasses and snoring recorder, we don't have to worry at all!"

In the following time, although the atmosphere in the school was still depressed, as time went by, since Justin and Nearly Headless Nick were attacked, when there was no more attack, people's emotions were in the calming crystal. Under the influence of the ball, he gradually became optimistic.

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However, Peeves, the ghost of Hogwarts, has been making trouble in the corridors. He will always squeeze in the crowd, dancing a regular dance, and singing: "Oh, Potter, you bastard... "

Of course, seeing that the attacks tended to subside, Lockhart, a professor who likes to show off, took all the credit for himself.

"I don't think there's going to be any more trouble, Minerva! I don't think the chamber will ever open this time. Those criminals must already know that sooner or later I'll catch them. It's only a matter of time. See, before I get out When dealing with them, it is very wise to stop.

You know, what the school needs most right now is a morale boost, and it's very necessary to erase the memories of last semester. I think I'm pretty sure about this sort of thing, but I can't reveal it just yet..."

This is what the little wizards heard Lockhart say to Professor McGonagall during their Transfiguration class. Everyone didn't believe Lockhart's words, especially Harry and Ron who knew the truth, and directly regarded him as a complete liar. Even Hermione, was basically completely disappointed in Lockhart.

In the early morning of February 14th, when Eisen came to the auditorium to have breakfast, he was astonished by the scene before him like many little wizards.

After entering the gate of the auditorium, one after another red flowers are arranged on the four walls, which look extraordinarily bright and dazzling under the effect of magic.

In addition, what is more eye-catching is that the ceiling was enchanted at some point, and heart-shaped confetti kept falling from the ceiling, sprinkled on the long dining table and the floor.

Sitting at the professor's table, Eisen saw Lockhart's attire. He was dressed in pink wizard robes, which matched the color of the surrounding decorations.

This looks like a plot person? Thinking of this, Eisen glanced at the faces of the professors. All the teachers were stern, and Professor McGonagall's cheek muscles protruded, as if they were about to explode.

As for Professor Snape, Eisen noticed that his expression was not very good, as if someone had been poured a glass of strong drink.

Looking across the dining tables of the various colleges, the faces of those students were either darkened or dazed, basically there was not much difference. Of course, there are also some little wizards with smirks on their faces, who seem to like Lockhart's tricks.

"Happy Valentine's Day, everyone—" Lockhart stood up and waved his hand to quiet everyone, and then said loudly.

But he didn't stop, because then came his acting moment: "So far, forty-five people have sent me greeting cards, and I want to thank you for that! Yes, please forgive my self-assertion, for everyone A little surprise has been arranged - of course it's more than that!"

After the words fell, Lockhart clapped his hands.

As if at a signal, at Lockhart's motion, twelve sullen-faced short men strode in through the doors leading to the hall.

Perhaps it was Lockhart's arrangement, these dwarfs not only had golden wings on their backs, but also harps on their backs.

Looking at all this, the corners of Eisen's mouth twitched. He didn't know what kind of psychology Lockhart was, but he just felt embarrassed watching it all.

However, Lockhart ignored everyone else's faces and continued to wave to everyone beamingly: "My friendly little Cupids with greeting cards. They will be wandering around the school today and hand you Valentine's Day cards.

The fun doesn't stop there! Believe me, why not ask Professor Snape to teach you how to make Ecstasy? Professor Flitwick is more proficient at enchanting magic than any wizard I've ever met, that cunning old dog! "

Fuck! Awesome!

Eisen suppressed a smile, his face contorted, and he could see Professor Flitwick burying his face in his hands. And Professor Snape had a gloomy expression on his face. It seemed that anyone who really wanted to ask him for advice would probably be poisoned directly!

"Of course, there is also Professor Eisen. I think he will be happy to teach you how to identify the stars in the night. It's just on the highest astronomical tower. It's so romantic!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Eisen's distorted face froze. He turned his head and glanced at Lockhart, only to see that the other party was also looking at him, and winked, as if hinting at something.

This immediately made Eisen speechless, isn't it just a "tie" with you in the duel club, as for this? At that moment, Eisen lowered his head calmly and ate the bread rolls and eggs.

Of course, I have to say that Lockhart's campaign to encourage people to express love has changed the atmosphere of the whole school a little bit.

To say it really boosted morale, it's not necessarily true. But this whole day is definitely a torture for all the teachers. The students were a little more relaxed in class.

Because those short boys pretending to be Cupids kept breaking into the classroom to deliver Valentine's Day cards, making everyone very depressed.

Of course, if one were to choose the most depressed person on this day, Eisen would think it should be Mr. Harry Potter, the savior. Because in order to prevent Harry from escaping, the dwarf pretending to be Venus put his hands on his knees and threw him heavily to the ground.

If it was just that, it was nothing, but to Harry's embarrassment, the shorty sang him a Valentine's Day gift with vocals in front of almost all the first-year students.

Of course, the singing voice is generally more interesting: "His eyes are as green as a freshly pickled toad, he is as black and handsome as the night, I hope he is mine, he is really handsome, a warrior who conquered the Dark Lord. "

When the shorty sang this Valentine's Day gift with singing, everyone laughed.

In the next few days, Harry's green toad-like eyes had spread among the students.

Especially Fred and George, wishing to sing this kind of Valentine's Day greeting with singing in Harry's ear over and over again every day, which made Harry simply unbearable.

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