Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 48 Dumbledore's Preparations (Please Subscribe!)

Lockhart's performance on Valentine's Day was like an episode, and it caused some waves in the first few days, but as time went by, the little wizards had to focus on their studies.

Days passed, and soon it was March. For Eisen, these days have not had much ups and downs, but for the school's professors, they ushered in a piece of good news. That is, the mandella grass under the care of Professor Sprout is about to mature.

This also means that those who were attacked and slept stiffly on the hospital bed will soon be revived.

During the Easter break, second-year students also encountered a major event, which was to choose electives to study in preparation for third-year courses.

In addition to the original seven courses to be studied, elective courses include ancient runes, arithmetic and divination, protection of magical creatures, divination and Muggle studies.

While the trio was studying the list of new courses, Eisen came to Dumbledore's office.

The walls around the headmaster's office are hung with portraits of successive Hogwarts professors, which still look so conspicuous. Eisen noticed that Fox, who had been nirvana before, had grown a bit.

"Professor Dumbledore, did you come here for something?" Looking at Dumbledore sitting behind the desk, Eisen wondered why he came to him.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, I have something to tell you." Dumbledore nodded and said the matter slowly.

"You mean you want me to watch Harry and the others at school so that they don't come into danger?" Eisen said, but showed doubts.

"Yes, you know, Gryffindor's students, in addition to being brave, always like to take risks." Saying this, Dumbledore smiled. But then, his expression became serious, "However, the basilisk is still roaming around Hogwarts castle, although it is not controlled by Tom's Horcrux, but Harry is a crapton—"

"So, if Harry accidentally opens the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets with the snake tongue, it will be a very dangerous thing for Harry and the whole of Hogwarts!" Eisen took Dumbledore's words, feeling rather worried For exclamation.

Perhaps, after Eisen intentionally or unintentionally reminded, Dumbledore already knew that Harry was Voldemort's Horcrux.

"That's right, Harry and the others are still second-year students, they don't have enough ability to protect themselves in danger!" Dumbledore said, looking at Eisen in a daze.

"Okay, I'll watch Harry and the others!" Eisen gave an affirmative remark, but then looked at Dumbledore later, "But Dumbledore doesn't need me to come here and say this—"

"I have some bad premonition!" Dumbledore's eyes flashed with worry, and he handed Eisen a newspaper.

Eisen took it and found that it was a copy of the Daily Prophet with an article called "Dumbledore's Mistakes". After reading the content of the article, let Eisen directly call "good guy"!

"The eccentric Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has always been a controversial wizard, our special correspondent Rita Skeeter reports.

As the greatest wizard recognized by the wizarding world, Dumbledore became famous for defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, but is Dumbledore really that great?

The author recently received letters from parents of some students, claiming that appalling attacks occurred in schools. For this matter, Dumbledore not only failed to find the murderer, but also allowed the attacks to happen many times. Even, the headmaster blocked the news..."

After reading this article, a word popped up in Eisen's mind involuntarily, that is "talent". If he didn't know what kind of person Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, was, Eisen would have believed the content of this article.

Because although the angle of this article is very strange, it really looks like that.

"I don't think what's written on it is true!" Eisen looked up at Dumbledore, giving him a look of firm trust.

"If it's what you said, Malfoy gave the Horcrux to the little wizard to bring into Hogwarts, then he will definitely not miss this opportunity!" Dumbledore pointed to the newspaper in Eisen's hand, although he didn't make it clear, But Eisen understood what Dumbledore meant.

Obviously, Lucius Malfoy, as the master of the pure-blood wizard family, has always respected the theory of pure blood, but Dumbledore, the headmaster, is close to Muggles. So he will definitely find a chance to fire Dumbledore.

In the past, after all, Dumbledore was a formidable figure who could fight against and defeat two generations of Dark Lords by himself. If there was no fault, other Hogwarts school board members would definitely not agree to dismiss Dumbledore.

But since the attack was caught, Dumbledore might actually be fired. Besides, it seems that in the original plot, Dumbledore was deposed for this reason.

"So, you mean that Lucius Malfoy will join forces with other school trustees to take the attack at Hogwarts as an opportunity to drive you out of Hogwarts?" Eisen followed Dumbledore's meaning. .

"He's definitely going to do it, and is already doing it!" Dumbledore nodded.

It seemed that Dumbledore already knew about some of Lucius Malfoy's tricks.

"But I think, as long as we tell the real culprit of the attack and the Horcrux, there will be no problem!" Eisen hesitated, and then proposed a solution to the problem.

"No, the matter of the Horcruxes is of great importance and cannot be leaked out easily." Dumbledore spoke in a firm tone.

"Do you think the news that Voldemort was not killed should not be announced, or are you worried that some people will not be able to resist the temptation to make Horcruxes?" Eisen showed a thoughtful expression.

"That's right, Malfoy used to be a Death Eater. I'm not sure what his attitude towards Voldemort is now, so I must never let him know about the Horcruxes." Dumbledore said, taking a deep look at Eisen, "And, other People are not like you, who will not waver in the face of the Philosopher's Stone, which is more perfect than Horcruxes and can make people immortal."

Nodding his head, Eisen didn't speak, but there was a look of embarrassment on his face. It was Dumbledore not knowing about his Gold Finger, otherwise he would never have said so.

"So, Professor Dumbledore, what are your plans next? Are you going to find Voldemort's other Horcruxes?" After a moment of silence, Eisen opened up the topic.

"I need to look up Tom's experiences over the years, maybe I can find some clues!" Dumbledore nodded.

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"Will Voldemort put some protective magic or jinx on the Horcruxes he made?" Eisen raised this question appropriately, "I can feel that there is a powerful black magic in his diary, which seems to be able to absorb and It communicates the human vitality."

"You're right, it's definitely in his character to do that." Dumbledore nodded approvingly, admiring Eisen's caution.

"Is that so?" Eisen nodded, and then took out the healing bracelet that he made some time ago, "It's a prop I made with unicorn hair, it can resist a certain degree of curses and curses, I think you can Useful. I mean, while you're the greatest wizard of our time, I don't think you'd say no to it, would you!"

In anticipation that Dumbledore might seek out Voldemort's other Horcruxes, Eisen has been tweaking the Healing Bracelet recently, making its ability to counteract jinxes and curses greatly enhanced.

The purpose of Eisen's doing this, of course, is to change the plot of Dumbledore being directly disabled after finding Marvolo Gaunt's ring directly.

Although Eisen had also thought about finding the ring directly before giving it to Dumbledore. But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out what reason I used to find this ring.

Could it be that he told Dumbledore that he was free to wander around Voldemort's old Gaunt's house, and then found it? Obviously, this is not appropriate.

"I have to thank you, Eisen!" Dumbledore smiled and took the healing bracelet that Eisen handed over, and put it on his wrist directly in front of his face, "Great alchemy props, Professor Eisen, you are very good at alchemy. His talent is also very good!"

"Thank you, I think, I still need to work harder!" After hearing Dumbledore's praise, Eisen did not feel complacent at all. After all, Eisen knew very well how far his alchemy was from Dumbledore and Nick Flamel.

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