Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 49: Dueling Team

When leaving Dumbledore's office, Eisen's mood was not worried because he knew that Dumbledore might leave Hogwarts, but he was relieved to hand over the healing bracelet to Dumbledore.

When Eisen came to the library after lunch, he found the trio was there. In the blink of an eye, Eisen had already seen the list of new courses placed on the table by the trio, and the list was marked with a mark.

"Five elective courses will be added in the third grade. Have you already selected them?" After taking out a copy of "Practical Defense Magic and Its Restraint against Black Magic" from the bookshelf, Eisen came to the trio.

"I want to give up Potions class!" Harry was listless and seemed unable to cheer up.

"Yes, I'd like to drop Defense Against the Dark Arts too." Ron looked equally downcast.

"You can't give up the compulsory courses in the first grade." Eisen sat down beside him and knocked on the table, "What courses did you choose?"

"I took the same course as Harry, both divination and protection of magical creatures!" Ron showed Eisen the list of marked courses.

"Why don't you take Muggle Studies?" Eisen glanced at the list, then looked at Harry, "For you, Muggle Studies should be very easy! This should be your strong point!"

"I think my strong point is flying lessons, but it's not an elective." Harry said with a strange look in his eyes. Obviously, Harry was more interested in Quidditch.

"In that case, maybe you can consider becoming a professional Quidditch player in the future!" Eisen made a little suggestion.

"That's right, Harry, you are the youngest Seeker in Gryffindor, and becoming a professional Quidditch player is definitely the best choice!" As a Quidditch fan, Ron's eyes froze when he thought of Harry walking on the court. lights up.

"But electives don't really have much to do with Quidditch, do they?" said Hermione from the sidelines.

These words seemed to pour a basin of cold water on the two of them, and Harry and Ron were instantly discouraged.

"Hermione, have you taken all the courses?" Glancing at the course list where Hermione signed all the elective courses, Eisen asked with a surprised expression even though he knew this was the case.

"Yes, I think it's okay to take these courses!" Hermione said confidently. Harry and Ron on the side showed envious expressions.

Looking at the confident Hermione in front of him, Eisen was almost dazzled by her brilliance for a moment. Is this the aura of a bully? So scary!

"By the way, what do you think of the Dueling Club?" As if remembering something, Eisen suddenly looked at the three of them with a meaningful expression.

"That's too bad!" After hearing Eisen's words, Ron suddenly showed a hint of disdain, "Like Lockhart's teaching method, I don't think it's possible to learn anything from him except for letting the elves out." !"

"That's right, and it hasn't been since Lockhart held the first Dueling Club meeting," Harry echoed.

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"But, at least we learned the Disarming Charm, didn't we?" Hermione on the side looked a little troubled, but she retorted slightly.

"That's because you learned the Disarming Charm, we didn't. And in a duel, but the enemy won't bow to you—" Ron mentioned this, his expression becoming more and more disdainful.

"By the way, Professor Eisen, you mentioned the Dueling Club as—" Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Harry quickly looked at Eisen.

Hearing Harry's words, Hermione and Ron also stopped the tendency to quarrel, and looked at Eisen eagerly.

"Since you feel that Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class can't learn much, why not form a dueling group similar to a dueling club, and let me teach you how to actually fight!" Eisen said his purpose with a smile.

"Really?" Ron looked surprised. "That's really good!"

"Professor Eisen, are you going to teach us actual combat?" Harry also showed a look of surprise.

You know, although the three of them don't know how strong Eisen's true strength is, judging from the performance of some previous shots, they are definitely not comparable to Lockhart.

"Professor Eisen, are we the only ones in this dueling team? When will it start?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"That's right, I think the three of you are too adventurous, so it's necessary to teach you some self-defense methods." Seeing the three of them staring at him eagerly, Eisen nodded and said with a hint of teasing .

When the three of them heard this, they all showed embarrassing expressions when they recalled what they had done since they entered school.

"As for the time, what do you think about every night from 8:30 to 9:00?" Eisen said, looking at the three of them.

"Then it's a deal!" Ron spoke first, looking genuinely interested in the matter.

Hermione on the side nodded and didn't speak, just looked at Eisen and smiled silly.

"I'm going to Wood's for Quidditch training after dinner, but it's over at eight o'clock. I don't think it's a problem between 8:30 and 9 o'clock." Harry said, although equally happy, but somewhat Some tangled.

Because in this way, there is almost no time for Harry to arrange freely.

"By the way, Professor Eisen, since we are going to practice actual combat, where are we going to do it? It can't be in the auditorium, right?" Suddenly, Harry seemed to think of something, and asked this question.

Ron on the side was also stunned for a moment. If the actual combat practice was really held in the auditorium, then the matter of the dueling team would definitely be exposed.

"Don't worry, I'll find a secret place, and no one will know about it!" Eisen pondered for a while, then remembered the Room of Requirement, and then gave the three of them a mysterious smile, "At eight o'clock in the evening in the Gryffindor common room Wait for me, I will find you."

The Room of Requirement, if there were no accidents, Harry and the others would have to wait a long time to get in. But since he wants to train a trio right now, the Room of Requirement is a good choice.

As for whether the dueling team formed will be discovered, Eisen said that as long as they are cautious, there will be no problem.

Besides, even if the matter is exposed and other people know about it, Eisen doesn't think it's a big deal.

After all, Lockhart was the first to host the Dueling Club, and by then Eisen could say he got the inspiration from Lockhart for forming dueling groups to train the trio.

That way, Eisen's behavior doesn't come across as too abrupt. Anyway, there have been several attacks at Hogwarts, so Eisen's actions seem entirely plausible.

Of course, the most crucial point is that Dumbledore personally confessed to him, asking him to protect Harry and the others. Then Eisen taught them how to fight and how to protect themselves, wouldn't it be the most effective means of protection.

Therefore, it is logical for Eisen to form this dueling team.

As for what kind of master the trio can be trained into, Eisen is really not sure at the moment. After all, the age of the three of them was there. But Eisen thinks that after his own teaching and training, their actual combat ability can always be increased, which is enough.

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