Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 76: Ways To Deal With Avada Kedavra

Lying on the recliner, Eisen's thoughts raced through his mind. Then, he remembered Voldemort's common offensive spell - Avada Kedavra.

Thinking of Avada Kedavra, Eisen thought of ways to resist Avada Kedavra.

Previously, Eisen imagined what to do if he faced the Avada Kedavra. For a long time, Eisen's idea was to avoid the attack of Avada Kedavra in advance by relying on his nerve reaction speed four or five times higher than that of ordinary people.

Or, simply use the Transfiguration technique to conjure some stone slabs, walls, and metal shields anytime, anywhere to force the Avada Kedavra curse. Both approaches are clearly feasible.

Because of the casting of Avada Kedavra, the attack speed of this spell is actually limited. So, as long as the reaction speed is fast enough, you can dodge when the spell hits the body.

In addition, if you use real objects to resist, although the bunker will be destroyed, the Avada Kedavra will also be offset. Hence, both methods are effective against Avada Kedavra.

Leaving aside these methods for now, Eisen suddenly remembered something just now. It seems that I have seen it somewhere in my previous life. There is a method that can open my mind to deal with the Avada Kedavra. That is to wear a "anti-death curse armor" stuffed with small animals.

After stuffing the clothes with small animals, if you are attacked by Avada Kedavra, the spell will hit the small animals in the clothes first. In this way, the Avada Kedavra is consumed, and people are naturally safe.

Theoretically speaking, although this method has a lot of brain holes, it seems to be able to deal with the Avada Kedavra. But in fact, how to wear a dress stuffed with small animals when fighting is also a headache.

However, since we are talking about this, even small animals can resist the Avada Kedavra, so we might as well open our minds a bit more and use the bacteria on our body to resist the Avada Kedavra!

If it is said that bacteria cannot be resisted, then can the bacteria be resisted if the bacteria are enlarged with the transformation technique and the enlarging spell?

Of course, this kind of brain hole Eisen thinks is a bit outrageous. However, there is a situation in the original book, that is, the wand with twin cores will cause the effect of the flashback spell when the spell is attacked.

To put it simply, even if a person casts the Avada Kedavra, it will lose its proper effect in this situation.

How this happens, Eisen doesn't know. But if he directly customized a wand made of exactly the same material as Voldemort, wouldn't he be invincible?

All kinds of thoughts rolled in Eisen's mind, but Eisen didn't have the courage to practice them one by one.

But when it comes to dealing with Kedavra, Dumbledore's pet phoenix, Fawkes, is pretty awesome in Eisen's opinion. Judging from the original book, Fox is the only creature that can take Voldemort's Avada Kedavra.

Although it was reborn in nirvana on the spot after swallowing the Avada Kedavra curse, it did successfully resist the death curse. Moreover, apart from the rebirth of Nirvana, there are no other side effects.

Thinking of this, Eisen had to sigh that the talents of some magical creatures were too powerful. Of course, right now Eisen actually has the means to deal with Avada Kedavra.

The first way to deal with it, as mentioned earlier, is to rely on excellent reflexes to avoid the attack of the Avada Kedavra. Eisen is fully capable of doing this.

Another method is to use the Flying Curse or Transformation Curse to bring rocks, slabs and other objects in front of you to counteract the Avada Kedavra Curse.

A more direct and crude method is to use the phantom to leave the place invisibly in an instant.

It's just that Eisen felt that his strength was not enough, and he couldn't passively deal with the Avada Kedavra.


The word flashed through Eisen's mind, and he stood up directly from the recliner, with a look of surprise on his face. At this moment, he suddenly discovered a blind spot that he hadn't noticed for a long time.

For a long time, he has been considering various magic props, from which to reproduce various extraordinary characteristics, but he has neglected a passive defense prop - the three-piece anti-spell hat.

This thing is the work of Wesley's twin brothers. Wearing this thing, as long as the enemy wants to cast a curse on you, you just need to stare at the opponent's eyes, and the curse will be directly reflected back.

This thing looks like an artifact! Thinking of this, Eisen wanted to give himself a slap in the face, why did he forget about this magic item?

Although the three-piece anti-spell hat set made by Fred and George does not work against powerful spells, the key point is that Eisen is sure to make more powerful props by himself. If it can be achieved, it means that Eisen can be immune to most curses.

Thinking of this, Eisen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

With a thought, the deck chair behind Eisen turned into a card and was put away. Then with a dodge, Eisen disappeared in place. At the same time, Eisen's figure appeared in the library.

Living in Hogwarts, those days without students, gave people a particularly relaxed feeling. In Eisen's view, this is completely a kind of paradise-style life.

But it's a pity that this way of life only exists because the little wizards are on vacation. It won't be long before the little wizards start school, and the school will be lively again.

On July 4th, Eisen's Gold Finger automatically gained a miracle feature as usual. After several years of accumulation, Eisen's strength has grown to a very impressive level:

Character: Eisen Turner

Extraordinary Talent: Magic (Activated)

Magic value: 10960 (add 10 points of magic every day)

Extraordinary characteristics: excellent-level spellcasting characteristics (fit degree 115) (already fused), legendary-level immortality characteristics (already fused), perfect-level observation characteristics (already fused)

Miracle feature: 1 copy (automatically get 1 copy every year)

How to use the miraculous properties obtained, Eisen has already planned. Eisen took out the crown of La Wen Keluo, which he had found in the Room of Requirement, and tried it out.

But unfortunately, perhaps because it was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort, Eisen's Gold Finger didn't respond to it at all.

It has to be said that this is a regrettable result.

After putting away the crown again, Eisen started experimenting again. He first took out the magic tape recorder he made earlier. As a result, the hint given by Gold Finger did not meet his expectations.

This magic tape recorder, which records the sound of mandella seedlings, gives an excellent level recording sound characteristic and an excellent level sound attack characteristic.

If there was a choice, Eisen would of course choose the second extraordinary characteristic. But right now, Eisen has no plans to incorporate this feature.

Then, Eisen took out the self-healing bracelet that he made not long ago. The result was not as Eisen expected, and Gold Finger also responded.

However, what surprised Eisen was that he thought he could get at least a perfect level of self-healing properties from the self-healing bracelet, but what he didn't expect was that it only gave a quality judgment of excellent level.

Such a judgment result made Eisen realize that perhaps the ability of the self-healing bracelet is not as powerful as he thought. For example, when fighting against the Avada Kedavra, it shouldn't be very effective.

Without much hesitation, Eisen put the self-healing bracelet away again. The reason why he didn't reproduce it and fuse it into his body was because Eisen had already planned for this miraculous feature.

That's right, like the Philosopher's Stone that Eisen was able to touch when the trio was in first grade. One of the special props that Eisen will have access to during this period of third grade is the Time-Turner that Hermione will get.

The Time Converter is a very magical prop that allows people to travel back in time to achieve the purpose of time travel. Of course, in the setting in the original book, wizards can only use it to go back to the past, but not to the future.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

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