Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 77 The Feasibility Of Time Travel

As for magical props like the Time Converter, Eisen found out that it was made with a spell called the Hour Reversal Charm after further understanding.

Obviously, the hour reversal spell is a kind of time magic. In fact, it is not surprising that time magic Eisen appears in this world, because it is completely pastable.

After all, this world already has space-type magic such as the Untraceable Stretching Curse and Apparition, so it is only natural that time-type magic exists.

However, unlike space magic, time magic like the hour reversal spell is very unstable. It is not like apparition, as the spellcaster's proficiency increases, the stability will gradually increase, and finally it will be completely mastered by the spellcaster.

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As for the hour reversal spell, this spell itself is extremely unstable.

Just like Professor Crocker in the Department of Mysteries, as a professional who has been studying time magic all his life, the results of his research show that no matter how the wizard practices it, the hour reversal spell itself is very unstable.

If you want to use it, you can only seal it in a small hourglass container and make it into a time converter to improve the stability and reliability of this spell. In this way, wizards can carry it with them and travel in time.

Of course, even so, the maximum time for wizards to travel through the time converter should be controlled within five hours.

Because of the research on time by the Department of Mysteries, the current conclusion is that if one wants to avoid serious harm to the time traveler and time itself, the time limit for time travel is five hours.

In the original book, Hermione took all the courses through the time-turner when she was in the third grade. A full lesson at Hogwarts was two hours, which was clearly within the five-hour limit, so Hermione's use of the Time-Turner was fine.

Even so, however, Eisen suspected that Hermione was a little affected. Having been in contact with Hermione for two years, Eisen knows what kind of state Hermione is in her studies. It should be very appropriate to describe it with four words like a fish in water.

But after Hermione used the time-turner in the original book, her whole state was not right. Not only the first one to go to the library each day, but also the last one to leave the Gryffindor common room.

The long experience made her nervous. This showed that at least Hermione was under some kind of pressure. Otherwise, she wouldn't have turned in the Time-Turner at the end of the semester.

Of course, Hermione used the Time-Turner to do another thing besides learning, and that was to save the Hippogriff Buckbeak and Sirius Black with Harry.

Time-Turner has formed a closed loop in this matter, which seems very reasonable. The reason for this, Eisen guessed, was that they did it all in three hours.

Of course, the reason why five hours is the best time to time travel using the Time-Turner is because of the serious consequences of previous experiments.

It is said that there was an experiment in the Department of Mysteries in which a witch was trapped in time travel to 1402 for five days.

As a result, when the witch returned to modern times, her own body was directly subjected to the baptism of time, aging for a full five centuries. In the end, the witch died in the spell injury unit of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries.

The body has aged for five centuries at once, and there is no doubt that this is an irreparable error. But if you think about it carefully, this kind of consequence does not seem to be a problem for Eisen now.

Because Eisen has been able to live forever, then naturally there is no need to worry about the side effects of time travel such as aging of the body.

It's just that this kind of damage to the time traveler's body is just one of the consequences. Worse still, another injury was horrific for all.

For example, during the five days the witch was trapped, the lives of some of the people she encountered were also affected. The intuitive impact is that the descendants of about 25 of them disappeared directly in modern times. Because the descendants of those people were not "born" in modern times at all after being affected.

For such consequences, Eisen can actually understand. After all, if the trajectory of one's life is changed, it is not surprising that the future will change.

However, time itself is also affected, which Eisen doesn't quite understand. It is said that the day the witch returned to modern times was on Tuesday, but that day lasted for two and a half days, and the following Thursday ended after only four hours.

What makes Eisen wonder is how does the wizarding world know that a certain day is a Tuesday? Isn't it determined according to the rotation of the earth and the calendar?

But if there is no difference between the time in the wizarding world and the time in the Muggle world, then Tuesday lasted for two and a half days, does it mean that the earth's rotation has actually slowed down by more than double. And only four hours passed on Thursday, does it mean that the earth's rotation speed has accelerated several times?

Such changes, regardless of the possibility of earthquakes and tsunamis, the drastic changes in the magnetic field alone will lead to huge disasters around the world. As a result, the Ministry of Magic just had a lot of trouble covering it up.

After pondering for a long time, Eisen felt that this should also be some flaw in the original book. But no matter what, at least Eisen didn't dare to use the Hour Reversal Curse.

Even if Eisen got the time converter, the purpose is to make Gold Finger work, to see if he can replicate the time travel feature.

If such a goal can be achieved, it will definitely be of great significance to Eisen. This means that time travel is definitely a lot more feasible for Eisen.

After concentrating his thoughts, Eisen changed his gaze and saw the scene outside Hogwarts Castle. The sky was clear and cloudless that day, and it looked extraordinarily clear. The sun shines on the green lawn, with a little light, giving people a feeling of vitality.

With a slight thought, Eisen turned his gaze to Dumbledore's office, and found that he was not in the office, but was resting in a small bedroom in the back compartment of the office.

Since Gold Finger didn't respond to pulling Wen Klaw's diadem, it was only natural to give it to Dumbledore.

Thinking in this way, Eisen came to Dumbledore's office in a flash,

The office was the same as usual, with portraits of the previous Hogwarts headmasters hanging on the walls. They were snoring softly with their eyes closed, as if they were resting. Behind the huge desk, on a shelf, lay the crumpled and torn Sorting Hat.

On the gilded perch behind the door, Dumbledore's pet phoenix, Fawkes, was fully grown, with bright red and gold feathers, and looked much prettier. After Eisen arrived, it stared at him, making strange noises from time to time.

"Hmm—" Dumbledore came out of the cubicle, and then saw Eisen standing aside, "Professor Eisen, can't you let me, the old man, have a good rest for a while?"

"Professor Dumbledore, how's the injury on your hand?" Eisen smiled and changed the subject easily.

"It's not bad, maybe you won't have to wait until the new school year starts, and the injury will fully recover!" Dumbledore stretched out his right hand, and the scorched black marks on it had faded a lot.

"This is really good news!" Eisen sighed from the bottom of his heart while speaking. After all, it was in Eisen's best interest for Dumbledore to live well.

"Okay, thank you! But I think, you didn't come to me at this time to ask if I'm okay!" Dumbledore's face changed, and he looked directly at Eisen, as if waiting for his reaction.

"That's right, there is something very important to tell you!" Eisen didn't care about the change in Dumbledore's expression, but took out something and put it on the desk, then turned to look at Dumbledore.

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