Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 80: Capturing Dementors (Part 1)

That's right, unlike other patron saints, what Eisen casts is not so much a patron saint as a guardian deity.

Because the patron saint of Eisen is a silver chain. When Eisen successfully cast the Patronus for the first time, he was stunned for a long time when he saw that his Patronus was actually a chain.

After all, it's a pretty outrageous thing to do. But later, Eisen gradually looked away. As for why his Patronus is different from other people's, Eisen didn't want to understand, but guessed that it might have something to do with his Gold Finger.

Of course, there is another difference. Although other people's patron saints can release entities, they still look relatively virtual. Unlike Eisen's patron saint, who can directly change into a metal chain that looks like a substance according to his mind.

This is also the biggest reason why Eisen is unwilling to use the patron saint to spread the news in front of others. After all, it is too conspicuous.

However, this situation made Eisen very puzzled, that is, if he transforms into Annie Magus, will the animals he transforms into random changes, or will he become chains? This caused Eisen a lot of headaches.

The halo of light formed by the silver chains wrapped the room, and then a faint luster appeared, and a force permeated the entire room in Eisen's perception.

Eisen ignored this and instead focused on the unicorn hair in his hand. The silver light flickered on it, and gradually under Eisen's control, it wove out of thin air.

A series of ancient magic texts emerged out of thin air, shrouded in the light of the patron saint, and then combined and engraved on the unicorn hair.

This is a magical method, which is also mixed with the concept of conversion spell in the branch of transfiguration. This means does not exist in theory, but when Eisen's will is strong enough, this means is very reasonable.

Gradually, the luster of the silver chain patron saint faded away, and the unicorn hair in Eisen's hand was braided into a smaller silver chain.

Feeling it carefully, Eisen found that the small silver chain made of unicorn hair already had the characteristics and aura of the patron saint on it.

With a thought, the small chain in Eisen's hand rose into the air and plunged into the crystal ball on the table. Walking in the crystal wall of the crystal ball, they finally connect end to end to form a flawless ring.

Afterwards, the silver chain covering the entire room disappeared under the control of Eisen's thoughts. Looking at the crystal ball on the table, after a few laps of the faint silver light, the luster gradually faded.

After taking a long breath, Eisen nodded in satisfaction.

Although his method was implemented for the first time, Eisen had no doubts about whether he could effectively catch the dementor.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

After putting away the crystal ball, Eisen left the secret base in a flash. Next, it is time to wait for the Dementor to appear.


On September 1st, Eisen arrived at King's Cross Station after eating early in the morning. Since the purpose of this operation was to capture the Dementors, Eisen put a Disillusionment Charm on himself to avoid being seen by others.

At 10:40, Eisen saw the figures of Harry and others from the perspective of God. A group of people got off the two cars, and each carried their luggage to platform nine and three-quarters.

After they all passed through the wall and entered the platform on the other side, and boarded the Hogwarts Express, Eisen followed him to platform nine and three-quarters with an invisible phantom.

Seeing that the platform was full of wizards and witches sending their children to school, Eisen couldn't help but sigh. This is not the first time he has stood on platform nine and three quarters.

The old-fashioned steam locomotive parked on the track next to it was still emitting smoke. Every time he saw this scene, he gave Eisen the illusion of turning back time and space.

For ordinary Muggles, 1993 was already the information age, but for the wizarding world, it seemed that they were still stuck in the steam age.

I don't know when the Hogwarts Express can be replaced by a high-speed rail! Such thoughts swirled in Eisen's mind, and then made Eisen laugh again. For the wizarding world who is unwilling to change, perhaps this "ridiculous" idea will never be realized.

Of course, times have changed, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

In Eisen's sight, Mr. Weasley led Percy, Fred, George and others through the full compartments, entered a very empty compartment, and helped put the suitcases in. Then the Wesleys said goodbye to each of the children.


At eleven o'clock, the Hogwarts Express whistled and set off in the direction of Hogwarts. Eisen didn't board the train, but dodged, teleported to the top of the last carriage of the train, and sat down cross-legged quietly.

Looking across the carriage, Eisen could see that there was a person sitting by the window, who seemed to be in a deep sleep. The man was wearing a battered wizard's robe, patched in several places, which looked to be aged. He has a sickly face and looks exhausted. Although he is only in his thirties, his light brown hair has a lot of gray hair mixed in.

If there is no accident, this is Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the new school year - Remus Lupine.

Lupine had an unfortunate experience in his early years, because his father offended the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. As a result, the werewolf got his revenge on Lupine. So, when Lupin was four years old, Lupine was bitten by a werewolf and turned into a werewolf.

The werewolves in this world are very strange monsters. They will completely lose their sanity on the night of the full moon, and will attack their relatives and friends after becoming fierce. So, after Lupine turned into a werewolf, his parents basically gave up on sending him to Hogwarts.

But after Dumbledore became Headmaster, he planted a Whomping Willow on the school grounds to cover the passage leading to the Hogsmeade Shrieking Shack. In this way, when Lupine is in school, every full moon night, he can go to the screaming shack to transform.

And every full moon night, the screams and roars of Lupine's transformation in the Shrieking Shack caused rumors of ferocious ghosts to spread in Hogsmeade village. In response, Dumbledore encourages the spread of rumors as a way to keep people away from the Shrieking Shack. In this way, people's safety is guaranteed.

In this regard, Eisen can only say that the headmaster Dumbledore is indeed very responsible and tried every means to get Lupine a Hogwarts education.

However, the werewolf in this world, in Eisen's opinion, does not seem to be a blood transformation, but more like a transformation brought about by a disease, and it is still an incurable disease.

Even the wolfbane potion formulated by Professor Snape can only suppress the ferocity of werewolves on a full moon night and restore their sanity, but cannot completely cure them.

Therefore, there is one more thing Eisen needs to pay attention to in this world, and that is to be careful not to be bitten by a werewolf. Because if bitten by a werewolf, Eisen is not sure that he can solve it.

After all, the whole wizarding world, including Dumbledore, couldn't solve the werewolf problem. Of course he didn't think he would be safe after being bitten by a werewolf.

However, then again, if the science of potions in the wizarding world develops further, there may not be any potions that can completely cure werewolves in the future.

If that's the case, and the werewolf transformation is controllable and rational, it's just another Annie Magus transformation. After all, the potion of Wolfsbane has been able to restore the werewolves to sanity on the night of the full moon, and no one is sure that there will be a potion with better effect in the future.

The Hogwarts Express turned a corner, and Eisen saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the carriage that Lupine was in, in his line of sight. Apparently, the trio wandered around until it was only this car that was found to be vacant.

The three of them entered the carriage, closed the door, and sat a little away from the window. It could be seen that the three of them were a little apprehensive about the sudden appearance of an adult wizard on the Hogwarts train.

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