Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 81: Capturing Dementors (Part 2)

"Who do you think he is?" Ron said suddenly after sitting down. It seemed that the sudden appearance of adults on the Hogwarts Express caught their attention.

"Professor Remus John Lupine!" whispered Hermione.

After seeing her again for two months, Eisen was surprised to find that Hermione seemed to have taken hormones, and her height had increased a lot. Moreover, not only did her face become a little thinner, but her figure also became more slender.

The four words "cardamom years" are really appropriate for Hermione at this time.

"How do you know? You know him?" Harry was taken aback.

"Isn't it written on his suitcase!" Hermione said, pointing to the luggage rack above Lupine's head, on which was a slightly worn-out suitcase tied with many ropes. In one corner was stamped "Remus John Lupine," with the letters peeling off.

"What do you think he'll teach us?" Looking at Lupine, who was still sleeping on his side, Ron looked at the two of them.

"Isn't that obvious?" Hermione rolled her eyes and whispered, "With Lockhart gone, there's only one professorship vacant at Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts, isn't it?"

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is indeed difficult for the trio to describe. In first grade, Professor Quirrell taught the class. In the second grade, it was replaced by Professor Lockhart. In the third grade, it was replaced by Professor Lupine.

The three of them had vaguely known some rumors, rumors that every professor in this course could not teach for a full year.

"Hmm—then I really hope he's up to it." Seeing Lupine's morbid expression, Ron became suspicious. "He looks bad, like he's going to fall if he casts a spell—"

"I think since Dumbledore chose him, there should be no problem!" Hermione looked calm.

"As if Lockhart wasn't Dumbledore's choice—" Ron curled his lips, then turned to look at Harry. "What did you tell us earlier?"

Harry's expression was shocked, and he told him all the private warnings from the Wesleys and his wife.

Hermione covered her mouth with her hands, then put it down and said worriedly: "Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to find you? Oh, Harry, then you must be careful, very careful. You Don't ask for trouble, Harry!"

"Of course I won't ask for trouble!" Harry was suddenly annoyed, "It's usually the trouble that finds me."

"How stupid would Harry be to go after a lunatic who wanted to kill him?" Ron shuddered.

"It's a good thing we're going to Hogwarts, and with Dumbledore at the school, he wouldn't dare to go there—" Hermione said, looking at Harry, "I mean, as long as you don't run around, there won't be any dangerous!"

"Hermione's right... where's the noise?" Ron nodded, and suddenly looked around. The faint but sharp whistle made Ron frown.

"It came from your suitcase, Harry." Ron stood up and took Harry's suitcase off the luggage rack, and weighed it in his hand, "Harry, your suitcase didn't contain anything?"

"That's right, but you have to put on a show, right!" Harry gestured with his hand, and showed the storage ring in front of the two of them. Afterwards, he stepped forward and took out a pocket looking glass from the suitcase.

"Put it back in the suitcase, or wake him up!" The Sightglass screeched an alarm, causing Hermione to frown and point to Professor Lupine beside him.

Afterwards, Harry took out a pair of old socks, wrapped the looking glass, and stuffed it into the suitcase. With the case closed, the sound is barely audible.

"We can check it out at Hogwarts," said Ron, sitting down. "Devis-Bance's sells this stuff, Fred and George told me about it."

"It's in Hogsmeade, isn't it?" Hermione said sharply. "I read that it's the only place in England that doesn't have Muggles—"

"Yeah, I want to go to the Honeydukes candy store—" Ron said, drooling from the corners of his mouth and a dreamy expression on his face.

"It's a great idea to get away from school for a while and explore Hogsmeade, isn't it?" Seeing Ron's expression, Hermione froze and looked at Harry.

"Yes, that's right, you must tell me when you feel this way." Harry said in a muffled voice, his tone suddenly lowered.

"What do you mean?" Ron looked at Harry in surprise, as if awakened from a daydream.

"The Dursleys didn't sign that consent form for me, and I met Fudge at the Leaky Cauldron, and he wouldn't sign it for me either. I can't go!" Harry explained why.

"Aren't you allowed to go?" Ron froze for a moment, then seemed to think of something, "Maybe—Professor McGonagall, no, Professor Eisen can sign for you! Otherwise, we can ask Fred and George directly, they Know that there are many secret passages in the castle that can lead to the outside—"

"No, Ron!" Hermione retorted loudly, "You just said that Sirius Black is still looking for Harry, Harry is safest staying in Hogwarts, I don't think Harry should leave the school -"

"But if we're with Harry, he wouldn't dare—" Ron wanted to retort, but his voice trailed off when Hermione looked sullen.

Eisen, who was sitting on the top of the car, gradually felt drowsy when he heard the voice of the trio. Feeling the speed of the Hogwarts Express going north, Eisen felt very moving.

After the time came in the afternoon, the sky gradually became gloomy. The clouds in the sky gradually thickened, and it didn't take long for it to rain. When the raindrops fell on top of Eisen's head, they seemed to have touched an invisible cover and slid to both sides.

The wind roared unknowingly, and the raindrops became bigger and bigger. The Hogwarts Express train went slower and slower, and gradually stopped.

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creak creak——

A short and piercing sound came, and a black shadow rushed towards the Hogwarts Express. Afterwards, bursts of icy coldness seemed to emerge out of thin air, trying to freeze everything.

With God's perspective fully open, Eisen saw that the black shadow was a monster in a cloak floating in the air. The monster's face was completely covered by the turban, and its two hands protruded from under the cloak, shimmering, somewhat transparent, but it seemed to be the color of something dead and soaked in water, a little gray and knotted scab.

There is no doubt that this thing is a dementor.

The dementor got into the car, and seemed to be sucking something. The little wizards in the carriage were in complete chaos. Facing the dementor, Harry seemed to remember something horrible, then slipped from his seat and passed out.

Seeing that the dementors were about to show their power, Lupine, who had fallen asleep at the critical moment, woke up, grabbed his wand and cast a call of god protection on the dementors.

Then, a silver wolf appeared out of nowhere and drove the dementor out of the car.

Seeing this, Eisen had a thought, and with a flash of his invisibility, he jumped to the side of the dementor out of thin air. Then, the surrounding air quickly twisted, and the surrounding space seemed to be compressed, binding the dementor there.

Afterwards, Eisen took out the crystal ball cage prepared in advance. While thinking about it, you can see that the dementor shrinks rapidly, and the silver chain in the crystal ball emerges from it, ties up the dementor and then returns to the crystal ball.

Almost instantly, Eisen had managed to capture a dementor. Then, without caring about anything else, a phantom came to the secret base invisibly.

After entering the cubicle dedicated to dementors, Eisen placed the crystal ball on a transparent ice table.

In the crystal ball space, the shrunken dementors clashed left and right, but they couldn't break through the crystal wall of the crystal ball to escape. The silver chains in the crystal wall glowed with a faint silver light.

After pondering for a moment, Eisen took out a blank crystal ball and set it aside, and began to cast magic. Since the magic power in his body exceeded 10,000, all kinds of magic methods have become more arbitrary.

Eisen first released the silver chain of the Patronus and imbued its power into the crystal wall of the dementor. Then, a spell was cast to connect the two crystal balls.

Fingers slid across the air, and one after another runes condensed in the air, floating above the crystal ball in a fixed frame. Afterwards, the cold air around the room gradually gathered, converged, condensed, and then turned into streaks of silver energy into the runes, and then converted into power and poured into the crystal ball that held the dementor.

In the crystal ball where the dementors were held, the silver chains in the crystal wall emitted a faint silver light. The silver light gathered and transmitted out. After passing through the dementors, it condensed and rushed to another crystal ball.

This crystal ball will surge with a force every minute, constantly pulling the surrounding cold air and gathering it in the room. Then it is condensed and turned into energy to enter the runes above.

When Eisen stopped all his movements, the two crystal balls and the runes floating above seemed to form a loop, which was constantly running.

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