Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 2 Astral Projection?

The new school year has just begun, but the whole of Hogwarts is already buzzing. In the corridor and aisle, the whispering voices of the little wizards continued to enter Eisen's ears. Compared with the empty castle before, this kind of popularity is more joyful.

A few minutes later, Eisen and Dumbledore arrived in the Headmaster's office together.

"Okay, Professor Eisen, did you come to see me for something?" Sitting behind the desk, Dumbledore showed a little curiosity on his face.

"Um - yes, there is indeed something that needs to be said!" Eisen sat on the chair next to him, and looked at Dumbledore.

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When Dumbledore heard Eisen's words, his face suddenly became strange: "Hmm—Professor Eisen! Don't tell me, you found another Horcrux?"

"Of course not, I don't have such a great relationship with Horcruxes!" Eisen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and Dumbledore thought he could find all Horcruxes, right?

"So, what are you going to say?" Dumbledore paused slightly.

"Before, we discussed creating a new magic to expel Voldemort's soul fragments from Harry." Eisen's face became serious, "I don't know, how far is the progress?"

"It's very difficult. I don't have any clue yet. I have to say that the Horcrux is indeed a remarkable invention!" Dumbledore's face also became serious.

"So, is there no way to collect the soul fragments from the Horcrux?" Eisen felt a little outrageous. Since magic is so idealistic, this method should be able to be researched.

"Repent!" Dumbledore's eyes narrowed.

"Confession?" Eisen repeated, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"That's right, making a horcrux is a very evil black magic. It needs to split your own soul to make it. But if you really feel what you have done and can sincerely repent, you can make your soul whole again! said Dumbledore, nodding.

"But obviously, it is impossible for Voldemort to have the idea of ​​repentance!" Eisen said in a flat tone, but couldn't help complaining in his heart, if Voldemort could repent, the sun would not rise from the west!

"Yes, then—" With that said, Dumbledore looked at Eisen, as if asking what it was.

"Professor Dumbledore, I think you can take a look at this—" Eisen looked down, took out a comic book from the storage ring, opened it to a certain page, and handed it to Dumbledore.

"This is—" Dumbledore took it with curiosity on his face.

"The comics in the Muggle world, I think some of the ideas in them are quite interesting." After pointing, Eisen sat down on the chair again.

Dumbledore carefully looked at the contents of the page that Eisen turned to in the manga, and Eisen sat quietly beside him without disturbing. For a while, the office fell silent.

After a few minutes, Dumbledore looked up at Eisen meaningfully and said, "Astral projection?"

"Yes, a kind of magic conceived by Muggles, astral projection can make people's souls go out of their bodies. Maybe you can consider this aspect and develop a new magic spell." Eisen said his thoughts calmly .

"This is a new idea, maybe you can try it." Dumbledore nodded slowly after pondering for a while.

Eisen nodded calmly and didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something. After a moment, Eisen looked at Dumbledore, hesitated for a moment, but said it anyway: "Do you think Occlumency is useful?"

"You mean—" Dumbledore frowned.

"Voldemort's soul fragments have been splashed on Harry for more than ten years, and the connection between Harry and Voldemort will become closer and closer. So, will there be a day when Harry's mind is affected and occupied by Voldemort's soul fragments —” Eisen paused at this point, believing that Dumbledore understood what he meant.

"Harry and Tom are different, he chose Gryffindor, has a lot of real friends—" Dumbledore said, but then changed his tone, "But, you're right, that connection did make Harry insecure , so you plan to teach him Occlumency?"

"Harry had been having nightmares for a while, and I taught him Occlumency, but I don't know if he has learned it." Eisen explained briefly.

"You're right, Harry does need Occlumency to cut off contact with Tom." Dumbledore reached out and handed the comic book back to Eisen.

In two years, although Eisen has made slow progress in Occlumency, he has successfully mastered it. It's just that Eisen is temporarily unable to achieve the level of fabricating memories in his mind.

However, when thinking of Occlumency, Eisen thought of Legilimency as opposed to Occlumency. Obviously, in the world of wizards, Legilimency is also a magical skill.

This ability is not just mind reading, it can also interpret other people's memories and emotions, and even modify other people's memories to some extent.

From this point of view, there may be some similarities between Legilimency and the Forgetting Curse.

However, what Eisen was sure of was that Legilimency was useless to him. Because Legilimency is not something that can directly read other people's memories out of thin air. This also requires an action, which is to invade other people's brains, and then the action of reading memories and emotions can be completed.

As for the current Eisen, not to mention that he has learned Occlumency, but the huge magic power in his body is enough to resist the foreign magic power that invades him.

"So, do you have anything else to do?" Seeing that Eisen hadn't spoken, Dumbledore continued to ask.

"Oh, no more!" Eisen stood up and was about to leave.

However, when turning around, an idea suddenly popped up in Eisen's mind, so he stopped and turned to look at Dumbledore, "By the way, Professor Dumbledore, I have a question to ask!"

"What?" Dumbledore looked at Eisen suspiciously.

"Flying Curse, does this spell have a distance limit?" Eisen looked curious, "I mean, super long-distance object summoning. For example, cross-country summoning, cross-continental summoning, or even cross-planet summoning! "

After hearing Eisen's question, the corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched faintly, and then looked at Eisen strangely.

"Have you tried it?" Dumbledore asked after a moment of silence.

"No, that's why I asked you, the most powerful wizard of our time!" Eisen shook his head.

"The object to be summoned by the Flying Charm, the farther away it is, the more difficult it is to summon. But as long as you really concentrate and concentrate, the summoned thing will fly over. So—" Dumbledore explained, with a deep meaning Look at Eisen.

"So in theory, interplanetary summoning is possible. Right!" Eisen showed a clear look on his face.

"Yeah, so what do you need to summon?" Dumbledore wondered what Eisen was thinking.

"I think, since there is a high probability that Voldemort made Horcruxes for Hufflepuff's gold cup and Slytherin's locket, why not try the Flying Curse?" Eisen said seriously.

"That's not a good idea!" Dumbledore shook his head. "The Flying Curse can be broken by the Intercepting Curse. If Tom really made Hufflepuff's gold cup and Slytherin's locket into Horcruxes, I believe he will Casting spells to intercept the possibility of being summoned by the Flying Curse."

After leaving Dumbledore's office, Eisen was still thinking about the Flying Charm. The Flying Curse Eisen has been practicing for a long time, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as free-wheeling.

When casting this spell to summon an item, you must concentrate on imagining the item in your mind. That is to say, it is impossible to call something directly based on a name alone.

In other words, if Eisen wanted to summon the sun, he would have to physically visualize the sun in his mind. To summon the moon, you have to imagine what the moon looks like in your mind.

As for, it is basically impossible for Eisen to summon a meteorite to fall by shouting "Meteorite is coming". Maybe, after Eisen's magic level breaks through the sky, he can do it, but it's definitely not possible right now.

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