Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Three: The Problem With The Fidelity Curse

Early the next morning, when Eisen came to the auditorium for dinner, he found that the entire auditorium was very lively.

Many people are discussing the dementors in the school, and many people are discussing Sirius Black who escaped from Azkaban. But more people are talking about the savior Harry Potter.

Especially Della Branch, when telling stories to other students in Slytherin College, also pretended to be in a coma to allude to Harry's embarrassment when he fainted.

However, quite a few of Hufflepuff's little wizards were impressed by the disarming spell Harry had cast before fainting.

"I was on the other side of the aisle at the time, you didn't see, Harry was fighting the dementors, the overwhelming red light almost blinded my eyes—"

"Yes, it's unbelievable that Harry's Disarming Curse is so powerful!"

"That's not surprising, I mean, Harry defeated You-Know-Who as a baby, found the Chamber of Secrets entrance last year, and confronted the Basilisk with the professors! Now you see, his power against Dementors is It's normal!"

Listening to the conversation of the little wizards, the corner of Eisen's mouth twitched slightly, resisting the urge to laugh out loud. After eating the Cornish pie in two or three bites and drinking some orange juice, he came directly outside the castle.

In the new semester, Hogwarts is full of vitality, but unfortunately, the dementors guarding the entrances are particularly disgusting.

Eisen sat on the stone steps extending to the edge of the lawn without any scruples, his thoughts gradually diverging.

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Speaking of which, from the beginning to the end of the new school year, Voldemort had no role at all. What happened this school year basically revolved around the prison escaped Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter.

After Sirius Black escaped from prison, everyone in the Ministry of Magic thought that his target would be Harry Potter who was studying at Hogwarts. Therefore, after Harry cast a spell to inflate his aunt during the summer vacation, not only was he not punished, but he was personally arranged by the Minister of Magic Fudge in the Leaky Cauldron.

Harry lived comfortably in the Leaky Cauldron for a full month. After that, when he went to King's Cross, he was escorted by two cars from the Ministry of Magic.

It can be seen that the purpose of the Ministry of Magic is to protect Harry and prevent him from being harmed by Sirius Black.

But Eisen knew that the reason why Sirius escaped from prison was not because he was going to Hogwarts to attack Harry, but because he saw a photo of Wesley's family traveling in Egypt in the "Daily Prophet". In the photo, Scabbers, lying on Ron's shoulder, caught his attention.

Others may not know Banban's true identity, but Sirius Black knows it all. Of course. The reason for all this began when Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort more than ten years ago.

Harry's father, James, is good friends with Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter. Sirius Black is Harry's godfather.

In order to avoid Voldemort, James and Lily used the Loyalty Charm in the house they lived in Godric's Valley, and made the little blue star Black as their secret keeper.

As a result, Sirius Black let Voldemort know that he was the Secret Keeper for fear of being leaked. So after discussing with James, he changed the identity of the secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew.

However, this kind of behavior is too deadly. Peter Pettigrew turned around and sold their news to Voldemort. What happened next was a matter of course, Voldemort killed Harry's parents.

Afterwards, everyone thought it was Sirius Black who leaked the secret to Voldemort. But only he knows that Peter Pettigrew is the culprit.

For this reason, he frantically hunted down Peter Pettigrew, but was unfortunately escaped by Peter Pettigrew. Pettigrew Peter blew up a street when he escaped, and at the same time cut off one of his own fingers, creating the illusion that he was attacked and killed by Sirius. Then, use Annie Magus to transform into a mouse named Scabbers, who has been living in Ron's house.

As for Sirius Black, he became the biggest blame man, and he was directly imprisoned in Azkaban without even a trial, and the imprisonment lasted for twelve years.

Originally, the disheartened Sirius Black was already in despair. But I didn't expect to see Peter Pettigrew suddenly in the newspaper. This time, Sirius Black regained his fighting spirit and escaped directly from Azkaban. Because for him, if Peter Pettigrew can be caught, then all the charges on him can be cleared.

If it follows the original plot, it is a pity that Sirius Black not only failed to catch Peter Pettigrew, but even he himself had to hide outside.

Of course, none of this is a big deal to Eisen.

However, Eisen is still very curious about the Fidelity Curse. It is said that the Fidelity Charm is a very complex charm that can hide something or information about something deep in the secret keeper's soul. Unless the secret keeper voluntarily speaks or writes those hidden secrets.

This means that other people cannot steal the secret content from the Secret Keeper by using Legilimency, Imperius Curse and other methods. Of course, although the Fidelity Charm is magical, Eisen obviously can't use it.

However, what made him feel strange was that since the Fidelity Curse required a secret keeper, why didn't Harry's parents be his secret keeper?

If it is said that the setting of the Scarlet Loyalty Curse is that one cannot become a secret keeper by himself, that would be pure nonsense. You know, Bill Weiss later became the secret keeper of Shell Cottage.

Or even if they really can't be the secret keeper themselves, then James and Lily can also be the other's secret keeper. After becoming their respective secret keepers, wouldn't they live together in a secret home, would they be very safe forever?

Obviously, this is a logically unreasonable loophole. However, to be honest, if this loophole is closed and James and Lily can really become secret-keepers, then the world of Harry Potter may not be able to unfold at all.

"Professor Eisen! What are you doing here?" Hagrid's voice interrupted Eisen's thoughts.

Eisen stood up and gave himself a cleanse, then looked at Hagrid who was coming. Hagrid, in his moleskin coat, was all smiles and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Nothing—what are you going to do?" Eisen said flatly, pointing to the dead polecat that Hagrid was still clutching.

"My first class is about to start, right after lunch, so I'm going to do some preparations!" Mentioning the class, Hagrid immediately gave off a radiant look.

"Hagrid, is your first class going to introduce magical creatures to the students?" Thinking of what would happen next, Eisen felt the need to remind Hagrid.

"That's right, Buckbeak is a very gentle guy, he will definitely be welcomed!" Hagrid smiled all over his face, with anticipation in his eyes.

"Um, Hagrid, I have to warn you!" Eisen hesitated for a moment, and then said, "You're good at dealing with magical creatures, but those students are not as good as you. I mean, you have to watch Those students, don't let them get into trouble!"

"Don't worry, Professor Eisen, I'll be ready!" Hagrid confidently patted his chest with one hand.

"By the way, how does the puppy I gave you look like?" Eisen nodded, looking at Hagrid with interest, as if thinking of something, and asked.

"Oh, that little guy is very cute, just a bit naughty." Hagrid raised his eyebrows, and then thanked Eisen: "But I like it very much, thank you, Professor Eisen!"

Waving his hand, Eisen didn't say anything. After parting from Hagrid, it was already nine o'clock. At this time, the first class of the new school year is basically about to start.

Eisen didn't pay much attention to this. After entering the castle and coming to his office, Eisen disappeared in a flash and came to his secret base.

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