Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 23: Expose The Identity

"Okay, Eisen, do you have anything else to do?" Dumbledore said suddenly, "I know you'll come to me, but you're not here just to see how lost I am, are you?"

Eisen glanced at the newspaper, then took out the plane mirror and put it on the desk: "Of course not, I just asked you about it by the way!

I also have to thank you for the gift. Recently, my alchemy level has improved rapidly, so I only made a new alchemy item based on the characteristics of the looking glass. However, after refining the props, I suddenly discovered this—"

The content of the plane mirror was revealed in front of Dumbledore, and Eisen noticed that Dumbledore's expression became serious the moment he saw the names.

"Sirius Black, and Pettigrew Peter!" Dumbledore held the plane mirror in his hand and felt something carefully, "This is impossible—Peter Pettigrew is already dead!"

Eisen spread his hands and did not express his opinion.

"Detection Charm, Tracking Charm, Revealing Charm—" Dumbledore stroked the flat mirror, his expression becoming more serious.

Eisen leaned forward and glanced at the flat mirror. "From above, Sirius Black is hiding in the Shrieking Shack, and Pettigrew is hiding in the Gryffindor common room. Just look and see!"

"It's astonishing." Dumbledore took a deep breath, glanced at Eisen before continuing, "but you're right, you have to go and see!"

Then, Dumbledore disappeared from the office in a flash.

Is this using Phantom Invisibility? Eisen was taken aback, his eyes changed quickly and he saw Dumbledore in the Gryffindor common room.

I saw that Dumbledore was holding a plane mirror, and his eyes were on the trio, but there was a puzzled look on his face. In a flash, Eisen appeared directly next to Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Eisen, is there any arrangement?" Seeing that Dumbledore and Eisen came together, Percy, the chairman of the Boys Student Union, took the initiative to join him.

"Percy, arrange for the other students to go to their dormitories to rest!" Dumbledore glanced at the plane mirror, and ordered Percy directly.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore!" Seeing Dumbledore's arrangement, Percy didn't continue to ask, and turned to arrange other students.

"What is Professor Dumbledore here for?"

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't know—could it be the thing in the papers?"

"Who's behind Sirius Black's escape? That's horrible—"

"Stop thinking about it, go back to sleep!"

The little wizard whispered, and when they returned to their dormitories, they looked back, as if they wanted to know what happened.

"Hermione, Harry, and Ron, come here—" Seeing that the trio was about to leave, Eisen beckoned to the trio directly.

Seeing this, the three of them came over in a daze.

Perhaps they heard the voices of some young wizards. When the trio came over, they couldn't help swallowing, as if they were worried about something.

"Ron, put your schoolbag down!" Eisen glanced at the flat mirror in Dumbledore's hand, and found that Peter Pettigrew's name was moving with Ron's movement, so he gestured directly to Ron.

Hearing Eisen's words, Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, as if thinking of something, he stared at the schoolbag on Ron's body.

"Ah—this—" Ron opened his mouth, but seeing that Professor Eisen and Professor Dumbledore were so solemn, he didn't say anything, put down his schoolbag and walked over.

"Professor Eisen, is something wrong?" Coming to Eisen's side, Hermione saw that Dumbledore was still staring at Ron's schoolbag, and tugged at Eisen's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"Shut up, watch—" Reaching out to tap Hermione's head lightly, Eisen turned his attention to Dumbledore.

Harry and Ron, who was one step behind, also saw Dumbledore's strange attitude at this time, and became curious.


A mouse got out of Ron's bag and ran towards Ron.

"Banban—" Ron smiled happily, and stretched out his hands with a happy cry.

Dumbledore's eyes swept over the flat mirror, seeing Peter Pettigrew's name quickly approaching Ron, his eyes flashed brightly, as if he understood something.

Also, Dumbledore took out his wand, and with just one finger, the rat Scabbers, who was sprinting towards Ron, was directly covered by a glass cover that appeared out of thin air.


Perhaps because of being enchanted, Banban the mouse couldn't break the glass cover at all, and Banban, who was trapped in the cover and couldn't get out, screamed anxiously.

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"Professor Dumbledore, that's my pet Scabbers—" Seeing his pet hit the glass cover, Ron hurriedly explained to Dumbledore, with an anxious look on his face.

"That's not your pet Scabbers—" Dumbledore looked serious, and after glancing at Ron, he returned his gaze to the hood.

"This matter has something to do with Ron's pet?" Seeing Dumbledore's serious expression, Hermione was taken aback.

"But it's just a mouse!" Harry couldn't help but say out loud.

"No, that's not a mouse, that's a wizard." Eisen said calmly, glanced at the trio.

"Yes, Annie Muggs, his name is Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore had made up his mind when he saw that the mouse was missing a toe.

"But, isn't Peter Pettigrew already dead?" Harry was stunned for a moment, looking at Professor Dumbledore and Professor Eisen with serious expressions, he couldn't help but continued, "He was announced by Sirius twelve years ago. Luke killed."

"It's not Peter Pettigrew, it's Scabbers—" Ron's face was very ugly, but he still couldn't help emphasizing.

"Oh, that's right, Ron has always kept it as a pet." Eisen nodded slightly, and then looked at Ron, "So, Ron, do you remember how long Banban lived in your house?"

"You said on the train that Scabbers used to be Percy's pet, and he gave it to you later!" Harry seemed to think of something, watching Ron open his mouth.

"Is that a problem?" Ron turned pale suddenly.

"The lifespan of mice is usually only one to two years, but the vast majority of mice do not live for one year. Your pet Scabbers has lived in your house for more than ten years." Eisen explained aloud.

"That means it's not an ordinary mouse." Hermione gave a look of disbelief.

"Didn't there be a witness who saw Peter Pettigrew dead?" Harry said. "A street witness."

"Yes, I also testified to the Ministry of Magic at the time." Dumbledore said slowly, "But obviously, we were all deceived by Peter Pettigrew, and we only saw what we thought we saw."

"But, if Pettigrew Peter is Annie Magus, don't people know?" Hermione suddenly thought of a question, "I mean, we all learned in Professor McGonagall's class that the Ministry of Magic will be able to change Overseen by animal wizards and witches.

There are records to find out what animals they all turned into. I checked Professor McGonagall's records. There are only seven Annie Mags in this century, and there is no name of Peter Pettigrew on it. "

"You're right, Hermione!" Dumbledore gave Hermione a positive look, and then offered an explanation, "But apparently Peter Pettigrew is an unregistered Annie Magus!"


Scabbers was struggling desperately inside the glass enclosure, but it had no way of escaping from Dumbledore's means.

But at this moment, when the trio looked at Ban Ban, they all showed strange expressions. Harry and Hermione were better, but Ron, thinking that he had slept with Scabbers for years, turned pale.

"Professor Eisen, I think you can take them to the auditorium, and I will tell the faculty to gather there." After thinking for a while, Dumbledore gestured to Eisen, then disappeared in place.

Nodding, Eisen stretched out his hand, and a metal cage wrapped the entire glass cover, and then floated up. Immediately afterwards, the trio was greeted and left the Gryffindor common room together.

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