Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 24 Pettigrew Peter

In the auditorium, the four long dining tables have been moved to a position against the wall.

In the middle, on the spacious open space, a raised stone platform appeared, and the glass cover was placed directly in the center. Eisen has taken back the metal cage, but Peter Pettigrew, who turned into a mouse, still can't escape the shackles of the glass cover.

The trio stood beside Eisen, staring blankly at the mouse struggling in the glass cover, not knowing what to say for a while.

A few minutes passed, and Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Lupine all came to the auditorium.

"Professor Eisen, did Headmaster Dumbledore ask us to come here and say something?" Lupine wanted to ask Eisen for news.

"Let's wait until the principal comes!" Eisen said calmly.

"Potter, Granger, come Wes, why don't you go to bed?" Snape said in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the trio.

"There are some things that Dumbledore intends to let them know—" Eisen said flatly.


The door opened and Dumbledore walked in, followed by a large black dog.


Seeing the ominous omen suddenly, the trio gasped and couldn't help but take a few steps back. Looking at the people standing in the auditorium, Dumbledore turned his head and nodded to the big dog.

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Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of everyone, the big dog changed rapidly. In a blink of an eye, he has become a wizard.

He looked extremely thin, with waxy skin clinging to his skeleton like a skeleton. The hair on the head fell to the elbows in a tangle, messy and dirty.

His eyes were hidden in the deep and dark eye sockets, but they emitted a particularly dazzling brilliance. He grinned with yellow teeth when he saw everyone, especially Snape and Lupine.

"Sirius Black—" Harry exclaimed, and the atmosphere in the auditorium became tense.

"Headmaster, you captured Sirius?" Snape's eyes seemed to be on fire. "I think he needs to be punished!"

After Snape finished speaking, he took out his wand and pointed it at Black, and an invisible sharp edge faltered, about to cut it in half.

Even Harry on the side couldn't help but took out his wand and pointed it at Black.

"Harry, you are so brave, just like your father!" Black didn't move at all, just smiled and saw Harry at a glance.

"Okay, stop it!" Dumbledore waved his hand to stop several people from moving.

"But, he killed my parents!" Harry yelled, his hand shaking with his wand.

"Yes, Harry—I'm killing them!" Black couldn't stop laughing, his sunken eyes looked at Harry, "I persuaded Lily and James to replace me with Peter at the last moment, Convince them to use Peter as a secret keeper instead of me...

It's all my fault, I went to see Peter the night they died, but by the time I got to where he could hide, he was gone. There was no sign of a fight there, and I felt something was wrong, so I went to where your parents lived. When I saw the house they lived in, it had been destroyed. I also saw their bodies—

I knew Peter must have done something bad, and I knew I was terribly wrong. "

"This is really nonsense. Everyone knows that Peter Pettigrew was killed by you, and he was killed twelve years ago." Snape's face darkened.

"Look at this—" Dumbledore sighed, turning the flat mirror over for everyone to see. Sirius Black's name had returned to normal, but Pettigrew's name was still glowing red.

Immediately, Snape, Lupine and the others all turned their attention to the struggling mouse in the glass cover.

Seeing Pettigrew Peter who had turned into a mouse, Black grinned grimly and took out his wand, about to attack him.

"Don't worry, Black, you have to tell everything!" Dumbledore stopped Sirius Black.

Black froze for a moment, then grinned: "Hey, after Lily and James died, I went to look for Peter who was crazy, and I drove him to nowhere to escape, and he yelled to let him go. The whole street heard it, and he said I betrayed James and Lily. Then, before I could curse him, he blew up the whole street with his wand hidden behind his back.

Then Peter hid in the gutter like the other rats—”

While speaking, Black also took out a crumpled piece of paper from his robe. After he smoothed the paper, the content on it was revealed.

That was a photo of Ron's family. Last summer, when Mr. Weasley won the lottery and took his family on a trip to Egypt, a photo was published on the "Daily Prophet".

"See, that's Peter!" Black pointed to the photo, the pet Scabbers on Ron's shoulder, "I recognized him immediately, how many times have I seen him transform? Back to Hogwarts for school, to where Harry was—”

"God, look at its front paws!" Lupine looked at the photos in the newspaper, then at Scabbers trapped by the glass cover, and sighed gently.

"So—so what?" Ron couldn't help but speak.

"It's missing a toe!" Black's cheek twitched.

"That's right, the biggest piece of Peter's remains they found was his finger," Dumbledore said.

"That means we've all been tricked?" The astonishment on Professor McGonagall's face never faded.

"So, Black escaped from Azkaban not to kill Harry, but to find Peter Pettigrew who was hiding beside Ron?" Hermione whispered.

"That's right, stop talking about these things, there is a way to prove what really happened in the past." Black stepped towards the direction of the glass cover.


The mouse struggled and seemed to want to try harder. But he was absolutely unable to escape in front of so many people.

"Forcing him to reveal himself!" Lupine said, glancing at Dumbledore, wondering what he thought, with a look of shame on his face.

Dumbledore walked straight over, tapped with his wand, and the glass cover disappeared without a trace in an instant. Then, a brilliant blue-white light shot from the tip of the wand, hitting Scabbers who was trying to escape.

Afterwards, the small black body suspended in mid-air, and twisted crazily.

Pulling her sleeves tight, Hermione grabbed Eisen's arm. Harry looked quite nervous, and Ron looked at everything in front of him with a pale face. If it weren't for the presence of all the professors, the trio might have screamed.

After the mouse fell to the ground, it gave off a dazzling flash, and then a head appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and its limbs also stretched out. In the blink of an eye, a wizard appeared where the mouse had been.

It was a very short wizard, not much taller than Hermione. His appearance is like that of an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short time. His light-colored hair was disheveled, with a large patch of baldness on top.

What makes Eisen speechless is that his pointed nose and small eyes are very characteristic of mice.

After being forced to show his original shape, Peter Pettigrew rolled his eyes in a circle, swept to the side of the gate, and then quickly turned back.

When facing the crowd, especially seeing Dumbledore present, Peter Pettigrew's breath became short of breath.

"Peter Pettigrew, long time no see—" Black's eyes burst into hatred.

"Little-Sirius, Lu-Lupin, I-I-" Peter Pettigrew rolled his eyes around, but couldn't get any words out.

"I made a serious mistake!" Black stared at Peter viciously, "James and Lily let you be their secret keeper because of my suggestion. I thought that was the perfect plan - Voldemort Will definitely come after me, never think they use something as weak and stupid as you as a secret keeper.

But you told Voldemort that you could tell him their secrets, and that moment must have been the happiest moment of Poor life. "

"Harry, believe me!" Black turned to look at Harry and said hoarsely, "I never betrayed James and Lily. I would rather die than betray them."

Harry nodded blankly and said nothing. From the look in his eyes, it seems that he has lost his mind.

"Peter, you betrayed Lily?" Snape held his wand and looked at Peter Pettigrew with a blank stare.

"No—it's not me, it's all Sirius' spy!" Peter Pettigrew clasped his hands together, as if praying for something.

"How dare you say that about me, you're the spy—you've always liked hanging around people who are bigger and more influential than you, haven't you? It was us—me, Lupine, James, and then It's Voldemort—" Black growled.

"I—" Peter wiped the sweat off his face, as if he didn't know how to refute.

"Crucia—" Snape exploded, and suddenly cast Cruciatus directly at Peter Pettigrew.

"Ah—" Pettigrew immediately lay on the ground and howled. While wailing and rolling, he could be seen in great pain.

Everyone looked at Snape in surprise, but there was no expression on Snape's face, and his eyes were even more empty, revealing only a cold look.

"Severus—" Dumbledore began.

Pettigrew Peter was still rolling on the ground, but after a while, the ground was already wet with sweat.

"Hmph—" Snape glanced at Dumbledore, snorted coldly and withdrew his wand. After that, he didn't care about anything else, he turned and left the auditorium.

Seeing Snape's reaction like this, Eisen somewhat understood the reason. It's just that Snape just cast the Cruciatus Curse in public like this, wouldn't he worry about being imprisoned in Azkaban?

Looking at Peter Pettigrew who was relieved on the ground, Eisen could only say that he deserved it.

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