Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 25 Dealing With

Eisen was also quite emotional about the matter between Snape and Lily.

The two were childhood sweethearts, but in the end they became strangers. Right and wrong among them, Eisen didn't want to be entangled, he just felt that Snape was a bit pitiful.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione said timidly. "Can I—can I say a few words?"

"Oh, of course, Hermione!" Dumbledore replied calmly.

"Hmm - Scabbers - I mean, he slept in Harry's dormitory for three full years. If he was working for You-Know-Who, why didn't he ever try to hurt Harry?" Hermione asked. Apparently, she still doesn't know much about Peter Pettigrew.

"That's right!" screamed Peter, who had stopped struggling, and pointed at Hermione with his missing finger, "Thank you! Got it, Lupine, Dumbledore! I never hurt a hair of Harry, why would I?" hurt him?"

"I'll tell you why." Black looked disdainful, "Because you wouldn't do anything for anyone if it wasn't good for you. Voldemort has been hiding for twelve years, and it is said that he is completely dead.

Surely you wouldn't kill someone who's completely down, right under Dumbledore's nose, would you? Before you can be sure that he is still the most powerful person, you must hide, right? Otherwise, why did you hide from a magical family for twelve years? "

Peter Pettigrew faltered, completely speechless.

"So, Black, are you going to kill Peter?" Dumbledore looked at Sirius Black.

"Of course, I've been waiting for twelve years, and I don't want to wait any longer!" Black smiled, pointing at Peter with his wand.

"No—" Peter Pettigrew gasped, turning his head to look at Lupin, "Lupin, you don't believe him...didn't Sirius tell you that their plans had changed?"

"If he thinks I'm a spy, of course he won't tell me all the plans, Peter." Lupine's tone was calm, but his eyes were a little red. Then he looked at Black, "I think, that's why you didn't tell me, did you? Sirius?"

"Forgive me, Lupin!" Black stared at Peter Pettigrew without turning his head.

"It's all right, Padfoot, old friend." Lupine pulled out his wand. "In turn, I thought you were a spy, and you'll forgive me, won't you?"

"Of course." A wanton smile appeared on Black's face, "Will you kill him?"

"Yes, of course I think so too." Lupine said with a gloomy face.

"No, you won't...you won't..." Seeming to regain some strength, Pettigrew panted and crawled towards Ron.

"Ron - haven't I always been your good friend... good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you, you're on my side, aren't you?"


Ron stared at Peter in extreme disgust, then remembered something and couldn't help retching.

"He used to sleep in the same bed as me!" Ron looked up and revealed the tragic truth.

"Benevolent child—merciful master—" Peter Pettigrew crawled on his stomach, continuing to crawl toward Ron, "you won't let them do it, I'm your rat, I'm a good pet—"

"If you're a better mouse than a human, then there's nothing to brag about, Peter." Black's face flashed with anger, and he said through gritted teeth.

Ron stepped back quickly, ducking aside, out of the way of Peter Pettigrew. Then, Pettigrew, Peter, turned to Eisen and looked at Hermione.

"Good girl... smart girl, you - you won't let them do this - help me!" Peter Pettigrew was clearly on the verge of breaking down.

Hermione hid behind Eisen with a single step. Seeing Peter Pettigrew's miserable appearance, Eisen was not moved at all.

"Harry - Harry - you really look like your daddy, like he -" Peter Pettigrew turned to Harry, seemingly grasping at straws.

"How dare you face him? You still talk about James in front of him?" Black yelled angrily.

"Harry, James won't let me be killed, he'll understand me." Peter Pettigrew whispered, keeping his eyes on Harry.

"You betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort, what else do you want to say?" Black stepped forward and kicked Peter Pettigrew hard, then pointed his wand at him.

"Peter, you should understand that we will kill you, goodbye!" Lupine stepped forward and aimed his wand at Pettigrew Peter.

"No, you can't kill him!" Harry seemed to suddenly remember something, and stopped in front of the two of them after yelling.

"Harry, you lost your parents because of this gangster!" Black couldn't help but roared, and Lupine on the side also looked at Harry in shock. They didn't understand why Harry would shield the real murderer.

"I understand, but we can put him in Azkaban, just don't kill him!" Harry gasped and stated his purpose.

Eisen noticed that Dumbledore on the side looked appreciative of Harry's decision.

"Harry!" Peter Pettigrew gasped and fell to his knees, "You—thank you, are you doing me a favour? Thank you—"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"I didn't do this for you, I did it just because my dad wouldn't want his best friend to kill someone, especially someone like you!" Harry had a look of disdain and contempt.

"You're the only one with the authority to make such a decision, Harry!" Black took a deep breath, "But, come to think of it, what did he do?"

"He's going to be in Azkaban." Harry looked at Black. "If anyone should be in there, it's him!"

"I think what Harry said is right!" Eisen said suddenly at this time, seeing that everyone was looking at him, he continued, "There are dementors stationed at each entrance of Hogwarts, everyone knows what it is reason!

Because Black escaped from Azkaban. However, the reason why Black was imprisoned in Azkaban was because he was framed by Peter Pettigrew, betrayed Harry's parents, and blew up a street to kill Peter.

But now that Pettigrew Peter was caught, it meant that Black was wronged. If Peter Pettigrew is killed, then there's no way to clear Black's grievances—"

"Professor Eisen was right," Dumbledore said, and with a flick of his wand, Peter Pettigrew passed out. Then he looked at Black, "Sirius, you are Harry's godfather, I think, if your grievances are cleared, you will be happy to live with Harry under a new identity!"

"Sirius Black is my godfather?" Harry froze for a moment.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is right, Black, you are not just Sirius Black now, you are Harry's family." Lupine nodded and looked at Black.

"If Peter Pettigrew is handed over to the Ministry of Magic, it means that Black will be free. If he has his honor restored, then, Harry, you can consider living with him!" Eisen winked at Harry.

"Leave the Dursleys?" Harry's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Yes, I know, you probably wouldn't want to—" Black's eyes flickered.

"No, of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Do you have a house? When can I move in?" Harry's voice cracked.

"You really want to?" Black asked again.

"Of course!" It was a different feeling for Harry to have a different home.

Seeing Harry's answer like this, Black showed a real smile for the first time.

That night, Hogwarts was very quiet, but some people couldn't sleep for a long time.

Dumbledore trapped Peter Pettigrew with a spell, and at the same time, arranged for Sirius Black to live in an abandoned classroom at Hogwarts.

Snape didn't sleep well when he found out who betrayed Lily, and Lupine didn't sleep well when he found out the truth. Harry knew the real culprit who betrayed his parents, and also knew that Sirius Black was his godfather, so many feelings rushed into his heart and he couldn't sleep.

As for Ron, the thought of sleeping in the same bed with an old man for years made him sick.

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