Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 30 Teaching The Patronus Charm

With a thought, after completely crushing the two ice fish, Eisen flashed back to Hogwarts Castle, his office.

To be honest, if Eisen didn't have Gold Finger, then he would have invented a method to immobilize magic effects on himself, and he would definitely be eager to try it.

After all, this can greatly increase Eisen's strength and bring him a great sense of security in this world.

But now that there is Gold Finger, after comparing the two, Eisen found that although he created such a method through experiments in the dream, compared with Gold Finger, it is still much immature.

Of course, the most important point is that Eisen is still confident in his own strength at present, and he does not have the sense of urgency to face danger.

Therefore, choosing to greatly increase one's own strength may carry some unknown risks, which indeed cannot satisfy Eisen.

Furthermore, since such means have been created, there is still a long time in the future, and Eisen has enough time to perfect it.

Perhaps, one day in the future, Eisen's means of immobilizing magical effects on the body has been perfected to the same level as Gold Finger. At that time, it is the best time for this ability to exert its effect.

Of course, Eisen knew that this was not possible for the time being at his level. But even if it doesn't reach the level of Gold Finger, it must be as perfect as possible.

After thinking for a while, Eisen turned the chair into a recliner and fell into a deep sleep.

To be honest, I have been doing experiments in the dream laboratory for several months. Although the dream world is completely under Eisen's own control, thinking with his brain for a long time still makes him feel a little sluggish.

Time passed slowly, and when Eisen came out of the office, it was already evening.

Eisen, who came to the auditorium for dinner, found little wizards in groups, still discussing about Sirius Black and Pettigrew.

It can be seen that if there are no major events in the recent period, the enthusiasm for this matter will continue for a while.

Time moved forward quickly, and after the dementors disappeared from the castle, the atmosphere of the whole school became lively again.

After the incident of Sirius Black and Pettigrew lasted for a period of time, it tended to gradually disappear.

However, as the savior Harry's old enemy, Della Comalfo spent all day hanging around in front of Harry. Either pretending to be a dementor, or pretending to be stunned by a dementor to taunt Harry.

Even Harry, who had a new family, lost that joy and resented Della again. Ron got mad about it once, throwing a big, slippery crocodile heart in Malfoy's face during a Potions class.

Although Ron breathed a sigh of relief, Snape directly deducted fifty points from Gryffindor.

However, I don't know if it was because of casting the Cruciatus Curse in front of the trio, which revealed the "handle". Although Snape's face was a little colder in the Potions class, it didn't have that particularly targeted meaning.

The little wizards suddenly found that although Snape was still so annoying, he was no longer so annoying!

On Saturday night, in the Response Room, before the new actual combat training started, Harry expressed his troubles.

"Professor Eisen, why do those dementors affect me so much? Am I too weak?" Harry was so annoyed by Malfoy's entanglement that he couldn't wait to ask the question in private.

"Well—it doesn't have much to do with whether a person is weak or not." Seeing Hermione and Ron looking at him as well, Eisen understood what they meant. "The reason those dementors affect you more than others, so that you pass out. It's because you have experienced horrors that no one else has experienced."

"Because of Voldemort?" Harry pursed his lips, his throat tightened a bit, "When they surrounded me, I could hear the sound of Voldemort killing my mother."

"Yes, that was a terrifying experience like never before!" Eisen was silent for a moment, and then continued, "Dementors are one of the most hateful creatures on earth, they appear in groups in the darkest and filthiest places.

They celebrate corruption and despair, capable of sucking joy and beauty out of the air. If you get too close to a Dementor, any good, happy memories of your life will be sucked away by it, leaving only the worst memories of your life, which can plunge one into fear and despair. "

"So, it's normal for Harry to fall from his broomstick and pass out?" Hermione beside him showed a look of sudden realization.

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"That's right, believe me, anyone who faced the situation at that time would have fallen off the broomstick." Eisen nodded.

"But why are they going to the Quidditch match?" Ron said suddenly, "I mean, everyone knows that the dementors are sent by the Ministry of Magic, and they are stationed at the entrances only after Headmaster Dumbledore agrees. Yes. They haven't gone anywhere else before."

"Because they're hungry." Eisen continued, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Dumbledore doesn't let them into the school, so they're always hungry.

I told you earlier that positive, positive emotions are a feast for them. The huge crowds around the Quidditch field, the enthusiasm, the high spirits, were too much of a draw for Dementors. "

"Then Azkaban must be very scary!" Harry swallowed as if thinking of something.

"That's right, if a wizard stays with a dementor for a long time, he will be completely incapacitated." Eisen looked very calm.

"Could it be that only after turning into Annie Magus like Sirius Black, can he not be affected by the dementors?" Ron showed a tangled look on his face.

"Of course not, don't forget that Professor Dumbledore repelled the dementor." Hermione glanced at Ron and Harry, and then her eyes lit up, "Also, on the train, do you remember? Professor Lupine also made the dementor The monster retreated."

"Professor Eisen, do you know that method? Can you teach us?" Harry's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to look at Eisen and asked.

"Yeah, I know a little bit, but I'm not an expert—" Eisen said, frowning slightly. Speaking of the Patronus Charm, the fact that Eisen's Patronus is a silver chain is extraordinarily strange.

Moreover, there is no way to explain it. Could it be that you want to show your timidity in front of the trio?

"But if there is another Quidditch match and they come again, there must be a way to deal with them—" Harry's face was extremely determined.

"Well—well, you can learn the Patronus Charm!" Eisen said slowly. It suddenly occurred to him that if the Patronus Charm is not proficient in casting, the Patronus will not take shape, but a mist will emerge.

This can be done if he takes a little bit of control. In this way, when he was demonstrating, he didn't have to show his patron saint in front of the three of them.

"That's called the Patronus Charm?" Hermione's face showed surprise.

"That's right, the Patronus Charm!" Eisen nodded, "I have to remind you that the Patronus Charm is a very advanced spell, and most wizards in the entire wizarding world cannot cast it. So, you have to Be prepared to learn and practice for a long time.”

"Don't worry, Professor, I will study hard!" Harry's face revealed an excited look.

"Okay, today's actual combat training is suspended, I will teach you how to cast the Patronus Charm." Eisen took out his wand and began to demonstrate to the trio.

"The incantation of the Patronus Charm is 'Calling the Guardian'. When casting this spell, pay attention to the movement of my wand!" Eisen looked at the trio, and then waved his wand quickly, "Calling the Guardian——"

Trails of silver mist emerged from the top of Eisen's wand, and quickly swam around several people. It looks like a cloud of mist is constantly flowing.

"Remember, apart from the incantation and the movement of the wand, the most important thing about casting this spell is that while you're reciting the spell, you must recall in your mind the happiest event in your memory. Only then, Patronus Only the spell can be successfully cast!" After the silver cloud wandered around for a few times, Eisen stopped casting spells.

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