Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 31 Teaching In Dreams

The three of them looked at the silver cloud and mist around them in surprise, and then saw the cloud and mist dissipate.

"Professor!" Harry seemed to suddenly remember something, "Why is the Patronus cast by Dumbledore a phoenix, and yours is just a cloud?"

"That's right, didn't I say earlier that I'm not an expert in this field!" Eisen's mouth twitched slightly, but he still explained, "After learning the Patronus Charm just now, all the clouds and mists are cast. Only Only after you have mastered the Patronus Charm completely can you cast a specific form of the Patronus!"

"So that's the case!" The trio looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Okay!" Eisen shrugged his shoulders slightly, "Then you can start practicing by yourself."

"Call God Guardian—"

"Call God Guardian—"


The three practiced the Patronus Charm on the field.

Regarding the Patronus Charm, the original book said that this defensive spell is a very advanced spell, and most wizards and witches in the entire wizarding world cannot cast it.

However, no mention of Dumbledore, Lupine, Snape et al. In the Chapter of the Order of the Phoenix, many students learned the Patronus Charm under Harry's leadership.

Although the Guardian Shendu they cast wasn't as powerful as Harry's ability to dispel hundreds of dementors, they were all successful.

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This is confusing, doesn't it mean that the Patronus Charm is a very advanced spell that is difficult to learn? Why do many students learn everything within a short period of time?

Or is it because the Death Eaters are part of it that most wizards and witches can't learn it? Thinking of this, Eisen showed a thoughtful expression.

"Call God Guardian—"

"Call God Guardian—"

Seeing that several people on the field are still trying to cast the Patronus Charm, but there is no sign of success. Eisen hesitated a little.

Several months of experiments in the dream world have proved that there is no problem in doing things in the dream world. So, can he cast the Oneiroi spell on the three of them directly, and pull them into the dream world to practice the spell?

It can be expected that Eisen can freely adjust the time flow in the dream world, so after the three are pulled into the dream, Eisen can control it, allowing the three to spend a "beautiful" learning time in the dream.


It seems that it is also possible to put it on the study of various subjects, so Hermione, a top student, should not resist such a method.

Looking at the time, there are still five minutes before the duel team's actual combat training ends. Eisen made up his mind and directly called the trio who were practicing the Patronus Charm on the field.

"Professor, is it time yet?" Coming to Eisen's side, Hermione's pretty face flushed slightly, but her breathing was a little short. It seems that during this period of time, regular combat training has increased Hermione's physical strength a lot.

"There are still five minutes. However, I have developed a spell that allows you to practice much longer—" Eisen expressed his meaning directly without hesitation.

"Is it the spell that allowed me to go to Hogsmeade for a whole day in the Gryffindor common room that day?" Harry's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, he couldn't wait to ask.

"That's right, I can take you into a dream where you can practice the spell for a whole day, but only five minutes will pass outside." Eisen smiled slightly and explained to Hermione and Ron.

"In that case, can I also study other things?" Hermione reacted quickly, thinking of the twelve subjects that filled her time.

"That's right, Hermione, you should be short of time the most." Eisen frowned, watching Hermione, "You can come to me every night, and I will give you plenty of time to study!"

"That's really great! Thank you, Professor!" Hermione's face flushed a little, but there was surprise in her eyes.

"Okay, I'm going to start!" Eisen smiled and waved his wand at the three of them. After casting the Oneiroi Curse, the three of them were pulled into the dream world in an instant.

In the dream world, Eisen has reconstructed a scene.

This is a canyon surrounded by mountains on all sides, one side is covered with ice and snow, the sky is shrouded in cloudy clouds, and snowflakes are still falling. On the other side, the volcano erupted and magma flowed in the valley.

There is also a jungle full of red and falling leaves dancing. The last side is lush and full of life.

Where they meet in the middle is a flat field surrounded by fences. There are also a few small houses at the edge of the site, which are simply decorated by Eisen.

This scene is where Eisen is going to practice the Patronus Charm for the trio.

In a flash, Eisen and the trio appeared in the middle of the field.

"Wow—" After looking around for a while, Ron couldn't help but marvel, "Professor Eisen, is this true? It's so beautiful!"

Hermione and Harry also turned their heads to look around, and they were really surprised to see the year-round scenery in one place.

"Actually, this is just a special dream!" Eisen smiled slightly, without specifying, "Although it is fake, you should know that what you learn here will not be forgotten after you go out!"

Although Harry was also amazed by the beautiful scenery here, he had experienced the dream world before.

Hermione was straightforward, squatting down and groping on the ground. It seems to be feeling the reality of this world.

Immediately afterwards, under Eisen's leadership, the three began to practice the Patronus Charm.

In order to adjust a good atmosphere for the trio, Eisen also specially adjusted the time to night, so that the sky was full of stars, and at the same time simulated hundreds of dementors, attacking them from time to time.

Every time the dementors attacked and surrounded, the trio had to slow down for a while, and even Harry fell into a coma. But fortunately, in the dream world, Eisen is like a god, who can restore them all with a single thought.

"Call God Guardian—"


Each of them had to deal with dozens of dementors, and the three of them panted heavily and stretched out their wands with pale faces.

As time went by, dots of silver mist flowed out from the top of the trio's wands, forming a thin layer of mist, which had an initial effect on dealing with the dementors.

After a full day of practice, Eisen brought the trio out of the dream.

Opening their eyes, the trio found themselves still standing on the floor of the Room of Requirement, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

"How about it? You can try the learning progress of the Patronus Charm!" Seeing that the three of them were a little dazed, Eisen waved and cast the Happy Charm and the Calming Charm, which brought the three of them back to life.

"Call God Guardian—"


With the same learning progress as in the dream, all three of them successfully learned the Patronus Charm. However, looking at the silver mist circulating around the three of them, they were still far from fully mastering the Patronus Charm.

Judging from the degree of progress in learning the Patronus Charm, Harry was the fastest among the three. It is estimated that within a few days, the Patronus Charm will be fully cast.

In fact, this is also very normal. If Eisen hadn't intervened, Harry would have successfully cast a Patronus in the third grade in the original book, capable of expelling dozens or even hundreds of dementors.

As for the other two, they might not be as gifted as Harry in learning the Patronus Charm, but they managed to master the Patronus Charm in the end.

However, Eisen gave the trio practice exercises, and he believed that the time for the trio to master the Patronus Charm would definitely be greatly shortened.

Judging from the progress of the trio practicing the Patronus Charm, Eisen felt that it would take only a few times for the trio to cast a complete Patronus.

After emerging from the Room of Requirement, the trio returned to the Gryffindor common room, and Eisen himself returned to his office.

When recalling the previous feeling of being omnipotent in the dream world, an idea suddenly popped up in Eisen's mind, that is, can he bring out his omnipotent characteristics in the dream world and raise his spell level to a level Unprecedented realm, and then use it in reality?

After some experimentation, Eisen found that he was indeed dreaming.

Although Eisen has simulated the real world environment in the dream as much as possible, it seems that there are some differences that cannot be felt. This makes the mystery of the spell in the dream somewhat different from that in reality.

This makes Eisen look like a god in the dream world. A simple stun spell can directly destroy continents and planets, but in reality, the power of stun spell can destroy a room at most.

After half a day of trying, Eisen found that he could practice spells, delve into alchemy, and do various experiments in the dream world. But still have to follow the process in real life.

However, everything done in the dream world only takes a short time in the outside world.

In fact, this is also very normal. If it's what Eisen thinks, then don't try to solidify various magical effects on the body in the dream world, and directly use the god-like ability of the dream world to create a magic spell that is immune to all magic and damage. All right.

In this way, if such a spell is used in real life, wouldn't Eisen be invincible all at once! But obviously, this is not realistic.

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