Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 38 Before The End Of The Semester

After hearing Eisen's words, Dumbledore was slightly taken aback, then seemed to think of something, and slowly said three words: "Gringotts!"

"Obviously, everyone in the wizarding world knows that if you want to find a safe and reliable place to store things, then besides Hogwarts, Gringotts is the place." Eisen spread his hands.

"It's really Tom's style—" Dumbledore frowned, not knowing what to think.

"I know about Gringotts, and the anti-theft measures inside are very strong. If I were Voldemort, I would store Horcruxes there." Eisen nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll investigate." Dumbledore frowned, and said slowly.

"Leaving aside Hufflepuff's gold cup, we're sure it's our next target, but Harry—how's that new magic going?" Eisen nodded slightly and changed the subject.

"Astral projection?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, and then said in a heavy tone, "There's been some progress, but not much."

Eisen nodded, and fell silent for a moment.

The operation that touches the soul, Eisen has been trying this time. Starting from the dream world created by the Oneiroi Curse, he continued to dig out his own memory.

Unfortunately, the soul has not yet been touched.

Although Eisen believes that the magic spell he created has gone in a different direction from the production of horcruxes involving the soul, he still feels that starting from memory can build a bridge to the soul.

At that time, after Eisen's dream world becomes more and more powerful, the potential of the body should be tapped out, which will involve the soul level.

As for now, Eisen thinks it should be a matter of time.

After leaving the principal's office, Eisen went about his own business.

Ever since the dream world was created with the Oneiroi spell, Eisen's life suddenly slowed down.

Practicing spells, learning alchemy, and exploring knowledge about ancient runes and potions are no longer a burden for Eisen.

After all, the flow of time in the dream world is controlled by Eisen's mind. This means that when learning some knowledge, he can completely master it in the dream world. Practicing a spell, he can practice it to the highest level in the dream world.

Of course, in Hogwarts, besides teaching the students, Eisen also used the dream world to add time buffs to Hermione every day.

This not only gave her more time to study, but also allowed her to have more fun.

As for the actual combat training between the trio, with the blessing of Eisen's dream world time buff, the level has improved by leaps and bounds. By the end of November, the trio had thoroughly mastered some practical spells such as Obstacle, Stopping, Patronus, Stunning, Petrifying, Iron Armor, and Disarming.

Even in class, Snape still turned the class upside down, and Trelawney still made some nagging prophecies, which made all the little wizards extremely depressed.

But the trio is in a good mood. Harry, in particular, had been at ease ever since Sirius Black was free and was going to live with him.

Of course, there was one more thing that raised Harry's spirits quite a bit, and that was Team La Wen Kerao's victory over Team Hufflepuff.

In this way, if Gryffindor can beat La Wen Keluo in the next game, then there is still a chance to win the Academy Cup.

However, Gryffindor had already lost to Hufflepuff once before. Although Harry was unlucky and was affected by the dementors, he lost after all. So, they can't lose again.

At this time, the weather has become bitterly cold, but it basically has no effect on wizards.

Time flies, and it is December in a blink of an eye.

During this time, Eisen spent a lot of time practicing the Oneiroi spell every day. Every time one casts the Oneiroi spell, it strengthens memory and self-knowledge. Therefore, Eisen's dream world is becoming more and more stable.

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Recently, Eisen has a faint feeling that his dream world seems to be accumulating a force.

This kind of power seems to be able to produce a qualitative change in the dream world. But when the power can be accumulated enough, Eisen has no way to perceive it.

In addition, in addition to the daily practice of casting the Oneiroi Curse, Eisen has also made some progress in the solidification of magical effects, but the progress is not large, and it still fails to meet Eisen's psychological expectations.

During the second week of December, the deans of each college began to keep a list of students who stayed away from home for Christmas.

In the past, Harry would never go home and stay at Hogwarts. But this year, because of Sirius Black, Harry had already agreed to spend Christmas with him.

Based on this, Ron had to plan to bid farewell to his little friend and go home for Christmas as well. As for Hermione's choice, it was beyond Eisen's expectation. She planned to stay in school, claiming that she wanted to check some materials in the library.

Although it's not Christmas yet, the entire Hogwarts Castle has already begun to spread the Christmas atmosphere.

Professor Flitwick, the teacher of the Charms class, even used magic to conjure up some shimmering fairies, flapping their wings and dancing in the classroom, decorating the whole classroom.

As for Professor Snape in Potions, he was dismissive of it. But I don't know if he was hurt by the matter of Peter Pettigrew. During this period of time, he seemed to be even colder.

In the last week of the semester, wizards above the third grade can go to Hogsmeade once again.

On Friday evening, when Eisen was eating in the auditorium, the little wizards were discussing something, and everyone was in high spirits.

"It's great to have everything you can buy for Christmas," Hermione said. "My mum and dad love the fudge mints from Honeydukes. Buy some and send them!"

"Won't Harry go with you?" Eisen sat aside, seeing Harry's dull look, couldn't help asking.

"Harry's going to be left alone at school again—" Ron said with his mouth full of rolls, swallowing.

"As I said earlier, Sirius is your godfather. As your guardian, I think if you write him a letter, he will be happy to sign it for you to go to Hogsmeade." Eisen motioned to Harry For a moment, "After all, that trip to Hogsmeade wasn't really Hogsmeade, was it!"

"I forgot, thank you Professor Eisen!" Harry paused after eating slowly, as if stunned, then quickly jumped up from his seat, thanked Eisen and left in a hurry.

"Hey - what did Harry do?" Seeing Harry's actions like this, Ron next to him was stunned and asked.

"Write to Sirius, maybe he can go to Hogsmeade with you tomorrow." Eisen said calmly after swallowing the last piece of chicken.

"Professor Eisen, are you home for Christmas?" Hermione stared at Eisen with wide eyes.

"I'll probably go out and do some errands, but I'm supposed to be at Hogwarts the rest of the time. Anything?" Eisen hesitated, then asked Hermione.

"That's really great, I'll stay at school for Christmas, I want to study more!" Hermione couldn't hide the joy on her face, this was her purpose.

"No problem! I just like a very studious student like you!" Eisen was taken aback, then gave Hermione a meaningful look, and nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor Eisen!" Hermione blushed and turned her head away from Eisen.

Seeing this scene, Eisen shook his head suddenly. Although Hermione's academic master attribute is brought into play a lot with the blessing of Eisen's dream world time buff. But the attributes of playing games and entertainment have also been developed a lot.

If it wasn't for Eisen's intentional control, he even thought Hermione would be led directly into the ditch by his own game.

Every night, Eisen used the dream world to open up to increase Hermione's study time by dozens of times. In this way, even if Hermione used the time-turner to take all the courses, she still had enough time to rest.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Hermione's condition has recovered rapidly during this period of time. This even made Eisen think that she didn't choose so many courses at all.

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