Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 39 Buckbeak Punishment Notice

"Professor Eisen, are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Ron asked suddenly.

"Hogsmeade? Hmm—" Eisen hesitated for a moment.

To say that during this time, Eisen is really fine. After all, whether it is learning knowledge or practicing spells, it can be done in the dream world. Therefore, time in the real world is suddenly abundant.

However, going to Hogsmeade village with the little wizard doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Thinking of this, Eisen glanced at Hermione, and seeing her expectant look, he simply nodded and replied, "You can also go to Hogsmeade for a stroll!"

Generally speaking, during Hogsmeade week, when the students go, there will be professors going with them, the purpose is to prevent any accidents for the students.

Like last time, both Professor Snape and McGonagall followed.

Unlike the students, who happily wandered around Hogsmeade, the professors didn't think so. After all, professors can go to Hogsmeade at will.

For them, Hogsmeade is like the back garden of their own home, they are already familiar and cannot be more familiar. So who wants to hang out in their own yard on purpose?

On Saturday morning, Hogwarts Castle was snowing, and it was unusually quiet outside.

Walking through the hall, Eisen came across Harry, Hermione, and Ron in cloaks and scarves. Several people were chatting about something. It could be seen that Harry's mood was exceptionally high.

Harry had written to Black last night and seemed to have gotten a signature from him agreeing to go to Hogsmeade.

Led by a group of professors, the little wizards came to the village of Hogsmeade.

Different from the commercial street in modern society, people come and go wearing fancy clothes, the shops on both sides of the street are arranged irregularly, the signboards at the door are shining with colorful brilliance, and the words and paintings are enchanted to swim in the air.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing is that there are garlands of holly on the door of every store, and the enchanted candles are hung on the trees in clusters.

Eisen had been here before, so his desire to explore Hogsmeade was not that strong.

Professor McGonagall and others went directly to the Three Broomsticks. Eisen volunteered to take up the patrol task. The little wizards rejoiced and went into the Devis-Bans store, Zocco's joke shop...

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From the outside, it looks like Christmas is in full swing this year, even in Hogsmeade. Whether it is a small hut or a shop, it is covered with a layer of crisp snow.

For Eisen, visiting the whole of Hogsmeade is just a moment.

After turning into light, the whole world stood still in Eisen's eyes. Then, Eisen spent a ten-thousandth of a second wandering through Hogsmeade.

When Eisen recovered, the world was buzzing again.

The trio entered Honeydukes, Eisen noticed, and stopped under an "Unusual Flavors" sign at the farthest end of the store.

As far as the eye can see, there are bloody lollipops and clusters of cockroaches. Ron said something enthusiastically, but both Hermione and Harry showed disgusted expressions.

Eisen turned around and came to the Three Broomsticks bar. He saw Professor McGonagall and others leaning against the window, and a Christmas tree next to them blocked their figures. However, Hagrid's figure is so tall that the upper half of his body is exposed.

"Professor Eisen, the inspection is over?" Professor Flitwick picked up a glass of red wine, poured it into his mouth and belched.

"I'm faster." Eisen said blankly, and asked the owner, Ms. Rosmerta, for a glass of cherry juice.

After a quick glance, Eisen noticed that Hagrid's mood was a bit depressed. Holding the hot mead, he took a sip from time to time, and only nodded at Eisen's arrival.

"Merry Christmas!" Eisen gestured to Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, then looked at Hagrid: "Hagrid, what's going on?"

"Bad news!" Hearing Eisen's question, Hagrid's eyes seemed to be a little red, and then he handed an envelope to Eisen.

After taking the envelope, Eisen opened it, only to see something written on it:

"Dear Mr. Hagrid, We have further investigated the incident of the hippogriff attacking the students in your class, and we have accepted Professor Dumbledore's assurance that you are not responsible for this regrettable incident-- "

"However, we must express our concern about this problematic hippogriff. We have decided to support Mr. Lucius Malfoy's formal complaint and the matter will therefore be referred to the Dangerous Creatures Committee. … "

"...we will hold a hearing at the Commission's London offices on April 20, and we request that you and your hippogriff be present on that date. During this period, the hippogriff shall be Tethered and quarantined. Your colleagues..."

"No way, everyone knows that your Buckbeak is not an evil hippogriff!" Eisen comforted as he slapped the letter paper on the table.

"You don't know those weirdos from the Hazardous Creatures Committee!" Hagrid said, tears seeming to be streaming down his face. "They're going to fuck this funny animal, and they're going to kill it!"


Hagrid's emotions did increase a bit, but Eisen couldn't bear to look at them at the thought of Hagrid calling them funny animals.

To others, they are somewhat scary animals, but to Hagrid, they are either funny or cute. It can only be said that Hagrid is indeed extremely talented.

Before Eisen could say anything, the door to the Broom and Broom opened suddenly, and Hermione, Harry, and Ron strode in striding in, rubbing their hands together.

Following Eisen's gaze, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Hagrid all set their sights on the trio. The trio who originally wanted to come in and have a few cups of butter beer froze for a while.

The three of them quietly sat in the empty seats next to them, and the fire from the fireplace next to them brought them a lot of warmth. Noticing what Eisen said, Harry and Hermione pricked up their ears and listened.

"That's Ms. Rosmerta, I'll order a drink!" Ron looked at a woman with a curvaceous figure and a marked face at the bar, blushing a little.

After finishing speaking, Ron rushed over impatiently.

There were a lot of young wizards in the Three Broomsticks, so the professors didn't pay much attention to the arrival of the trio, so they looked away.

Eisen smiled and nodded towards the trio, then turned to look at Hagrid: "Don't worry, look, there are still four months until the hearing on April 20th, I think you need to prepare some strong plea, so that Buckbeak can be proved innocent!"

"That's useless!" Hagrid took a swig of his drink and said indignantly, "Those demons from the Dangerous Creatures Committee, they were all bought by Lucius Malfoy. If I lose the case, Buckbeak—"

Eisen nodded slightly, showing a thoughtful expression. In fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal at all. But Lucius wanted to hold on to it.

Lucius had been kicked out of the Board of Trustees last year after failing to oust Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts. Naturally, the prestige of the Malfoy family is not as good as before.

Therefore, in order to boost the family's prestige again, Lucius seized an opportunity. As long as he can make a breakthrough from Hagrid and Buckbeak, it means that he will win the next round of the contest with Dumbledore.

In doing so, he could regain the family's lost prestige.

Apparently, it had been so long since Della Comalfo's injury that the Ministry of Magic and the School Board had had some discussions.

Eisen guessed that the members of the Hogwarts school board were unwilling to offend Dumbledore, but they were also reluctant to give up the Galleon sent by the Malfoy family.

Thus, Dumbledore held Hagrid free of any responsibility, but Buckbeak, the hippogriff, was put to death.

This is the result of the exchange of interests. As for the hearing, Eisen thinks it is just an unnecessary procedure. It can be said that if there are no other accidents, Buckbeak's execution is doomed.

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