Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 16 Voldemort's Layout Is Too Small

After coming out of the Davis-Bance store, Eisen still hasn't recovered.

After trying to understand some things, Eisen also completely looked away. He could basically predict that if he remained indifferent, the plot would not change drastically within a year or two.

But if he made the enhanced looking glass and gave it to Dumbledore, I'm afraid the plot would be completely messed up. Because, Dumbledore will inevitably find Peter Pettigrew from the enhanced looking glass, which directly overturns the crime of Sirius Black.

In this way, with Dumbledore's power at work, Sirius would surely be acquitted. As for whether Pettigrew Peter will be executed or imprisoned in Azkaban, Eisen estimates that the latter is more likely.

But in this way, the plot of the third part of the original book must be completely ruined. The fourth fake Moody wouldn't be able to hide from Dumbledore at all, so Harry wouldn't be secretly selected for the Triwizard Tournament, and wouldn't be teleported to Voldemort. Obviously, the plot of the fourth part is also completely ruined.

Oh no, maybe after Pettigrew was imprisoned in Azkaban, Voldemort didn't even have a chance to be resurrected. Well, that fake Moody thing can't happen either. In this way, it seems that all the plots behind will be completely ruined. Because if Voldemort is not resurrected, those Death Eaters will not be able to do the following things at all.

Is this the rhythm of the end of the story before it begins?

Thinking of this, Eisen couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead.

But after thinking about it, Eisen felt that it was not that simple. Because Dumbledore was so old, he was absolutely worried that Voldemort would survive. Even if Voldemort lived in Albania as a remnant, Dumbledore probably wouldn't be at ease.

Therefore, Dumbledore's choice must be to destroy all of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and then eliminate him completely. But this brought up a very crucial problem, that is, some of Voldemort's soul splashed on Harry, turning him into a Horcrux. So, to wipe out Voldemort completely, Harry really has to fight Voldemort to the death like in the original book?

Thinking of this, Eisen suddenly felt that he didn't know what to say. If Harry really had to die one last time to kill Voldemort, it wouldn't be too far off the mark. But other than that, how else could Voldemort be killed completely?

It seems that after the enhanced version of the looking glass is made, whether to hand it over to Dumbledore has to be carefully considered. In other words, after handing it over to Dumbledore, at least a proper plan must be made.

But no matter what, it can only be said that Harry was unlucky to become Voldemort's Horcrux by coincidence.

Tsk tsk, when it comes to horcruxes, Eisen suddenly felt that horcruxes are really a scam. It's also a good thing that Harry has the aura of the protagonist, otherwise, Harry's ending must be inevitable.

In fact, Eisen actually felt very sad for Voldemort.

Why does Eisen feel this way? Because he felt that Voldemort's structure was too small.

You said that you have made several horcruxes, why do you have to distribute them to your subordinates for them to preserve when you preserve them? Isn't this an obvious disclosure of the news?

On this point, Eisen can actually make an assumption. Suppose Voldemort didn't tell anyone after he made a few Horcruxes. Directly hide Horcruxes secretly in Antarctica, Arctic Continent, or even deserts, snow-capped mountains, swamps and other places, whether it is hundreds of meters underground or hidden corners.

Or simply throw it into the Marinaya Trench, which is more than 10,000 meters above sea level!

As long as you don't let anyone know, and then apply some powerful spells to protect them, then these Horcruxes will never be found. In this way, Voldemort would not be able to die no matter how hard he was killed.

To give another extreme example, if Eisen transmigrated to become Voldemort, he would even choose to secretly tie the Horcrux to the Voyager 1 probe, and let the Horcrux and the probe travel the universe together.

You know, Voyager 1 was launched in 1977. At this time, Voldemort was still active in the wizarding world, so he definitely had the opportunity to do these things.

After decades like this, Eisen doesn't believe that anyone else can fly tens of billions of kilometers to find this Horcrux. Someone can't stand on the earth and shout "Horcrux is coming" to space, and then the Horcrux will automatically fly to the earth from outer space.

Of course, Horcruxes flying into space also seem to have risks, that is, they will be destroyed by the harsh environment in the universe. After all, the Horcrux can be destroyed by the fangs of Lihuo and Basilisk, and it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be captured and destroyed by stars or black holes.

However, compared with the advantages brought by this method, this risk is obviously within the tolerable range.

Therefore, Eisen felt that Voldemort's layout was too small. After creating the Horcrux, it was really unwise to either secretly hand it over to his subordinates for safekeeping, or secretly hide it in the Room of Requirement.

In fact, Eisen knew that Voldemort wasn't really to blame. Just because he became arrogant after knowing that he was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. This is especially true after splitting the soul. He not only crazily respects the theory of pure blood, but also disdains Muggles.

Therefore, Voldemort probably didn't think about anything from a Muggle point of view at all. His arrogance is such that he will not hide his Horcruxes through Muggle means at all.

Of course, for Eisen, it was also fortunate that Voldemort wasn't that perverted. Otherwise, he might just run away.

After restraining his divergent thoughts a little, Eisen shook his head quite speechlessly. I kept muttering in my heart, "As a passer-by professor, why do I always start thinking about the savior without knowing it? It's a failure, it's a failure!"

Coming to the corner of Hogsmeade Village Main Street, the Pig's Head Pub has already caught Eisen's sight. As soon as the God's perspective was opened, Eisen found that there was no one else in the bar except an old man.

If you don't look closely, you can see that he looks a lot like Dumbledore just from his gray hair and white beard that hangs down to his chest. If Eisen was not mistaken, he was Aberforth Dumbledore, the proprietor of the Hog's Head.

He is the younger brother of Professor Dumbledore, but because of the death of his sister Ariana, he has always had a grudge against big brother Albus.

Thinking of this, Eisen couldn't help sighing, in this world of wizards, everyone has their own story. In the story, everyone has happy and happy things, but there are also sad and painful experiences hidden.

After entering the Pig's Head Bar, Eisen found that the bar's environment was really not that good. Not only the thick dirt accumulated on the windows, but also the floor to the roof, and even the butter beer bottles were stained with thick dust.

However, what is surprising is that the air in the bar is filled with the smell of mutton, which seems to arouse people's appetite.

"Guest, do you need anything?" The old man came to Eisen, looked at Eisen carefully, as if to identify his identity, and asked at the same time.

"Yes, bring me a beer, I want to wait for someone here!" Seeing this, Eisen didn't say anything, but simply mentioned his purpose.

The old man nodded without saying anything, turned and left, and served Eisen a glass of beer after a while.

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Time passed bit by bit, Eisen sat on the chair without speaking, just waiting quietly. When it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, a smile appeared on his face.

Because he had already observed Arthur's figure in advance.

At three o'clock, Arthur entered the Hog's Head on time and appeared in front of Eisen.

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