"Eisen, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting!" Arthur looked a little embarrassed when he saw Eisen sitting in the corner.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just came here after visiting other places in Hogsmeade village, and I didn't wait long!" While beckoning the other party to sit down, Eisen said briefly, and there was nothing Care too much.

"By the way, you said on the envelope that there are equipment problems to be solved. What's the situation?" Immediately afterwards, Eisen asked the question directly without Hanhu's procrastination.

"Er—okay." Eisen's blunt attitude obviously took Arthur by surprise, but then he nodded with a smile and started talking about the problem he was having.

After some conversation, Eisen understood what Arthur's problem was. In other words, this is actually what Eisen didn't explain clearly.

After doing some research in his spare time, Arthur found that movie theaters in the Muggle world needed film projectors and tapes to play movies, but these things could only be purchased in the Muggle world.

And because he used magic to transform Muggle cars, he was warned by the Ministry of Magic and was stared at by many people, so he couldn't get the projection equipment for the time being, and he couldn't do research. So here's where things get stuck.

After understanding the cause and effect of the matter, Eisen suddenly felt a toothache. It turned out that all of this had to be blamed on Ron and Harry. If they hadn't been driving to Hogwarts in a flying car, Arthur wouldn't have been fined 50 galleons, and he wouldn't have been caught tampering with Muggle items, so he couldn't get a movie player now.

For a while, Eisen was a little silent. Do you want him to write a letter to his father and ask the company to purchase a movie projector? But in this case, wouldn't it be too much trouble?

After a long while, Eisen's mind flashed, and he almost couldn't help but slap himself.

In fact, he said that he was going to open a film company in Diagon Alley to show movies related to Muggle life, as if he really wanted to make movies and play movies. But in fact, there is no need to make it so complicated.

He only needs to get a VCR and video tapes, and if he adds a TV, he can still send Muggle movies to the wizarding world. And this is basically able to meet the current needs.

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In this way, there is no need for a dedicated film projector and related equipment.

At the moment, Eisen told Arthur his thoughts. In Eisen's view, such a solution should be a very good one.

"However, Diagon Alley is full of traces of magic. Under the interference of magic, the TV can't be used?" After listening to Eisen's plan, Arthur frowned and thought of a key question.

"Well, then simply put the video recorder and TV in the Muggle world, and then use a double-sided mirror to connect the screens played on the TV and play them in Diagon Alley. That should be no problem." Regarding this, Eisen simply I thought of a simpler and cruder method.

For example, the film company in Diagon Alley intends to show films every night. Then Eisen can make an agreement with his father in advance to start playing a specific movie at a fixed time every night in a specific room in the company.

Then a double-sided mirror can be pasted on the wall directly opposite the TV, and another double-sided mirror can be pasted in the shop in Diagon Alley, and then the image in the mirror can be extracted and projected onto the pre-prepared curtain by magic means, or Projecting directly onto a wall also works.

In this way, the desired effect of Eisen can also be achieved.

After expressing their ideas in detail, the two finally decided on the plan after some discussion.

Afterwards, the two decided to split into two groups.

After purchasing the two-way mirror, the two left with one mirror each. Arthur planned to rent the shop in Diagon Alley directly, then install the double-sided mirror, and then arrange the appropriate protective magic.

And Eisen came to his own film company and arranged a basement to play some movies or documentaries introducing the lives of ordinary people every night. At the same time, he had to arrange the double-sided mirror and take protective measures to prevent others from discovering abnormalities.

Of course, in order to prevent some unexpected situations, Eisen also deliberately left a "∞" magic mark on the double-sided mirror he was holding. Once someone wants to go back here through the double-sided mirror in Diagon Alley, he can sense and directly destroy the double-sided mirror, directly breaking the connection between them.

Since Eisen's action goal this time is very clear, it didn't take too much time after these things were done. At six o'clock in the afternoon, Eisen had returned to Hogsmeade village again.

After meeting with Arthur again, the two chatted about the movie's running time and pricing. But none of that matters to Eisen.

Anyway, he has arranged to play it on time at seven o'clock every night. As for Diagon Alley's broadcast every few days, Eisen said that it is all up to Arthur. As for how much to watch a movie, and how to set the price, Eisen also planned to let Arthur figure it out.

After all, Eisen is definitely not as good as Arthur in understanding the living standards of wizards. That being the case, Eisen simply did not intervene.

However, after this matter was over, Eisen remembered that it seemed that Hermione had been fooled into being his employee. But after the previous arrangements were made, he realized that the so-called film company was so much like a leather bag company, and there was no place for Hermione as an employee at all!

This—this is outrageous and embarrassing. Forget it, let's talk about it later!


Time will always pass by inadvertently.

More than a month has passed since Eisen parted ways with Arthur and returned to Hogwarts again. Hermione, who was in the trio, continued to focus on learning, so her spellcasting ability improved a lot.

Because Harry had to participate in Quidditch training regularly, he was affected by Wood's enthusiasm every time, so that he was exhausted from training, so although he was very tired, he also lived a relatively fulfilling life.

However, occasionally hearing the voice of the basilisk made him a little irritable.

After the arrival of October, due to the invasion of the cold wave, many staff and students in the entire Hogwarts castle were infected with influenza.

Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey's refreshing potion is very effective, but anyone who drinks this potion will feel better immediately. But its side effects are also obvious, that is, smoke will be emitted from the ears for several hours.

Ginny has also been sickly and unable to cheer up recently, and Percy directly poured some refreshing medicine. However, due to the sudden onset of the flu, they did not notice that Ginny was not actually ill.

For this, Eisen certainly knew that she was not actually ill, but was affected by Voldemort's diary.

But right now Eisen doesn't have much energy to focus on other things, because he has a more mature idea of ​​​​enhanced apparition after gaining a deeper understanding of human body deformation.

For this reason, he deliberately reduced the time for in-depth study of alchemy knowledge in this short period of time.

Finally, on the eve of Halloween, Eisen, with the help of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, cleared all obstacles to creating an enhanced version of Apparition.

That night, after the students had already had dinner and returned to their lounges, Eisen couldn't wait to come to the Charms classroom.

When Eisen came here, Dumbledore and others were already waiting for him. Apparently, while an enhanced version of the Apparition spell had been created, it had to be watched, as with Apparition, in order to try it.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it would be too bad!

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