Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 37 Follow-Up

"However, I was trying to save Justin. If I hadn't told the snake not to attack him, Justin would have died!" Harry tried his best to find a reason for himself.

"Is this what you meant when you spoke to the snake?" Ron looked at Harry in surprise.

"That's right, you were all there at that time—" Harry said impatiently, as if he had found a breakthrough.

"But what Professor Eisen said just now is right, you are using another language, making a 'hissing' sound like a snake, no one can understand!" Hermione said angrily.

Harry turned to look at Ron.

"That's right, the voice you spoke just now was scarier than the snake's. It sounded creepy, as if you were giving orders to the snake and urging it to attack Justin!" Seeing Harry looking at himself, Ron Affirmed what Hermione said.

"Everyone knows that talking to snakes is the ability of Salazar Slytherin, so if you reveal the ability of Snake's Old Tongue, everyone will think that you are the heir to the Chamber of Secrets. In this case—" Hermione lowered her voice.

"In this case, everyone will think that the attack was caused by you!" Ron took up the topic and said the serious consequences.

"But you know, I'm not!" Harry felt very uncomfortable.

"Yes, but it's too difficult to prove it!" Ron looked puzzled and didn't know what to say.

Afterwards, the three set their sights on Eisen.

"You guys go back first, don't worry, I'll talk to Principal Dumbledore!" After a moment of thought, Eisen said to the trio.

Seeing the three of them looking at each other, and then leaving with a heavy face, Eisen began to ponder.

how to say? Harry's exposure was a matter of the old tongue, although almost all the students would identify him as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets and the murderer of the attack.

But in the eyes of the professors, this is impossible.

Because the attack was caused by a kind of advanced black magic, Harry, a second-year wizard, couldn't do it. You know, this is Dumbledore's conclusion, and it is absolutely impossible to overturn it just because Harry is a cliché.

So, what if Dumbledore found out that Harry was a Clapton? Could he really be considered Slytherin's heir?

But now that the secret of Harry's Craptongue has been revealed, Eisen feels it's okay to say something to Dumbledore.

Later, Eisen approached Dumbledore, and the two talked for a while about the matter.

"Professor Eisen, your acuity is indeed surprising, but I have to say that your speculation is very reasonable. The terrifying monster released after the secret chamber is opened is probably the basilisk!"

"It's easy to guess at this point. Salazar Slytherin has the talent to talk to snakes, and Slytherin's symbol is also a snake. Then, the opened secret room must be a snake. Strange.

Moreover, who can be regarded as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets? A Slytherin student? No, it should be someone who has the same old tongue as Salazar Slater Lin! "

"So, Professor Eisen, do you suspect that Harry, who has the old tongue, opened the Chamber of Secrets, then released the Basilisk and manipulated it to create the attack?"

"I've been around Harry for quite some time, and I know what qualities he possesses, but, Professor Dumbledore, do you know where Harry's old tongue came from? He's really Salazar Slytherin's." Descendants?" Eisen shook his head, and brought the topic to Harry's talent for old tongue.

"I'm not sure if that's true, Harry's snarky accent reminds me of something, I need a little time to figure it out." Dumbledore was silent for a while, his tone a bit heavy.

"I found some information in the library that the basilisk can make eye contact with the victim and cause fatal injuries. Last time, Professor McGonagall said that the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago, causing the death of the crying myrtle , I think, she died after looking at the basilisk!

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However, two attacks at the school, Lady Norris and Colin Creevey, were petrified. I carefully recalled the situation at that time. There was a puddle of water on the ground when Mrs. Norris was attacked. Perhaps, it met the eyes of the basilisk through its reflection in the water.

And Colin Creevey, if I remember correctly, had his camera burnt and melted. This means that he may have met the eyes of the basilisk through the camera. "

"You mean, the two attacks were eye contact with the basilisk indirectly, so both the cat and Colin were just petrified?" Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right, if the next attack happens, if it's not such a coincidence, it may actually cause casualties!" Eisen said his speculation, but it made Dumbledore serious.

"Then Harry—"

"I could look at Harry, but if there's another Oldspeaker hiding in the castle—" Eisen said, shrugging.

"Okay, I will inform the portrait of the castle and the professor that it will be a hard time. Most of the students will go home during the Christmas holidays. Then we can have a full inspection of the castle." Dumbledore pondered for a while before making this decision.

The next day, as if to set off the restless atmosphere surrounding Hogwarts, the night's flakes of snow turned into blizzards.

In desperation, the last herbal medicine class of the semester was cancelled. But Professor Sprout isn't resting on her laurels, she's wrapping a scarf around the mandella in case something goes wrong. You know, this is an important material to save Mrs. Norris and Colin Creevey.

It was a very bad day for Harry. Because everyone looked at him strangely, and when someone saw him coming, they would subconsciously back away, as if he would suddenly open his fangs and swallow himself.

Harry wanted to follow Hermione's suggestion to explain the situation to Justin, but was stopped by some of Justin's Hufflepuff roommates.

Of course, if Ernie MacMillan, Hannah Abbott and others were not so pale at that time, perhaps Harry's heart would feel better.

In fact, after some conversation, everyone took him for an evil dark wizard. In the end, Harry didn't see Justin either, so he could only leave angrily.

The blizzard outside the castle and the gloomy attitude made the whole school terrified. But compared to the bad weather outside, Harry's mood was also extremely down.

"I belong to Gryffindor!" Harry comforted himself, but he always remembered that he was going to be sorted into Slytherin by the Sorting Hat.

But what made Harry even more anxious was that everyone thought he was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, but he knew that the murderer of the attack was still hidden.

Harry thought that he had exposed his old tongue, and that being considered by everyone as the murderer of the attack was already the worst thing that could happen. But what he didn't expect was that even if he was wandering in the hallway because he was sulking, he would encounter even worse things.

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