Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 38 The Third Attack

That's right, the third attack happened. And as luck would have it, Harry was the first to arrive at the scene of the incident.

In addition to Nick, who was almost headless, the target of the attack was Justin Fenliery, whom everyone thought Harry wanted to kill.

Perhaps, this is the suffering that the savior has to endure. Before Harry could sneak away from the scene, he was discovered by Peeves.

Then, all the little wizards knew about the third attack.

Of course, when they saw that the person being attacked was Justin, the expressions of everyone looking at Harry changed. When everyone saw the almost headless Nick lying motionless on the ground, especially after the other party had changed from transparent milky white to black and smoky, they panicked even more.

The panic caused by the two previous attacks has largely dissipated. But after Harry exposed his old tongue, everyone became uneasy. The occurrence of the third attack made this uneasiness quickly turn into panic.

When Eisen arrived on the scene, Justin and Nearly Headless Nick were already surrounded by teachers and students. The teachers had to start maintaining order.

"I was caught on the spot!" Ernie pointed his finger at Harry who was pushed into the corner with a pale face, and then shouted loudly, "You still said you didn't encourage that snake to attack Justin, you must know he was Born a Muggle, that's why I'm so relentless!"

"Enough, Ernie!" Professor McGonagall sternly stopped Ernie from continuing.

"Oh, Potter, you bastard, it's funny to see what you did, you killed the students—" Peeves floated above everyone's heads, sarcastically mocking Harry.

Seeing Harry's pale face, Hermione and Ron who rushed over also looked at him worriedly.

"Stop it, Peeves!" Professor McGonagall roared, causing Peeves to back away quickly.

"Professor Flitwick, Professor Eisen, please send Justin to the hospital!" Immediately afterwards, Professor McGonagall made arrangements.

Lifting Justin up, secretly cast a Levitation Charm, Eisen and Professor Flitwick easily sent Justin to Madam Pomfrey.

Along the way, Eisen's attention remained on Harry. After Professor McGonagall conjures up a fan, he tells Ernie to fan Nearly Headless Nick away. After the little wizards were dispersed, Professor McGonagall called Harry away alone.

"Professor Eisen, did Harry Potter attack him?" Professor Flitwick showed a little sadness on his face.

"Of course not, Professor Flitwick!" Eisen's tone was firm. "I talked with Professor Dumbledore, and I think the murderer can't be Harry. I think, Harry just happened to happen to this!"

Things spread faster than Eisen imagined, and it took less than half an hour. All of Hogwarts knew that the attack had happened again.

Moreover, unlike previous attacks, the panic caused by this attack was even greater. Even the calming crystal ball made by Eisen has weakened a lot.

It was known from the whispers of the little wizards at breakfast in the Great Hall. Their attention wasn't on the petrified Justin, but on the petrified Nearly Headless Nick.

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Because Nearly Headless Nick is a ghost, a dead man. However, what kind of means and power can kill a dead person again?

Everyone was talking, with terrified expressions on their faces. As a result, the little wizards almost scrambled to reserve seats on the Hogwarts Express train.

"Professor Eisen, is Harry okay!" In the office, Hermione and Ron were sitting on chairs, they looked at Eisen worriedly, Ron couldn't help but said.

"Of course it's okay, you all know that Harry is not the murderer!" Eisen said, "I told Professor Dumbledore that Harry is a Crapton, and Dumbledore also believes that Harry is not the murderer!"

Hearing this, the two were visibly relieved. Apparently, they figured that as long as Dumbledore believed in Harry, then things weren't too bad.

"By the way, I must remind you that the terrifying monster released from the secret room should be the basilisk. The basilisk was manipulated by the successor of the secret room to cause the attack." Simply, Eisen said this directly.

"We've known this for a long time!" Hermione said, with a trace of doubt on her face, "I also checked some information, but the basilisk does not have the ability to petrify!"

"Think about it, when Mrs. Norris was petrified, the puddle of water on the ground, the camera in Colin's hand, and the transparent Nearly Headless Nick—" Eisen pointed out.

"Professor Eisen said that if you look directly at the basilisk, you won't be killed, but petrified!" Hermione's eyes lit up immediately, and she stared at Eisen with a look of surprise.

"That's right, so in order to prevent some accidents, I think you need to wear these during this time." Nodding, Eisen handed over some sunglasses.

"But if you say that you will be killed if you look at the basilisk, wearing sunglasses will not block your vision." After the two took the sunglasses, Hermione quickly discovered the key point of the problem.

"I cast magic on it, and I can feel the feedback of magic power or curse. Once that happens, it will automatically block your sight." In fact, as long as you don't meet the eyes of the basilisk, there will be no life dangerous. But Eisen still prepared some countermeasures in advance.

"Thank you Professor Eisen!" After putting away her sunglasses, Hermione smiled sweetly.

"Professor, you don't have to be afraid of basilisks if you wear it? It's so cool!" Ron next to him couldn't wait to put on the sunglasses.

"By the way, Hermione, when you were researching the information, you must have found out the weakness of the basilisk—" After nodding, Eisen talked about another matter.

"You mean the rooster's crowing?" Hermione's face showed surprise again.

"But Hagrid's cocks were all killed, it must have been done by the heir to the Chamber of Secrets!" Ron took off his sunglasses and put them away, as if he had discovered the truth, he stood up from his chair, "You know, Harry has been following Together we don't have a chance to kill Hagrid's cock."

"Yeah, so I told Dumbledore that Harry wasn't the murderer!" Eisen affirmed Ron's statement, "But I think you might need this thing!"

Saying this, Eisen had a weird smile on his face. After he stretched out his hand, a tape recorder appeared in his hand.

"This—" After seeing clearly what Eisen was holding, Ron's face turned pale for an instant, as if he had been hit by something, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Yes, Fred and George's works, I think you must know!" Eisen said, pressing the button of the recorder.

Suddenly, the sound of cock crowing resounded throughout Eisen's office.

Seeing Ron trembling and Hermione frowning, Eisen hammered on the recorder, and the sound disappeared instantly.

"I think if you carry it with you, then you don't have to be afraid of the basilisk." Hermione's tone revealed unexpected surprise.

"Fred's crow recorder broke some time ago!" Ron suddenly showed surprise.

"Heir to the Chamber of Secrets!" Eisen nodded, but his face became serious, "So you must pay attention, let Fred and George make some more crowing recorders, and keep them secret!"

After some explanations, the two left without staying here for long.

After the Christmas holiday, the entire Hogwarts castle suddenly became empty.

Harry was very happy about this. Because most of the students left school, it meant no one was hiding from him in the corridors, it meant no one was pointing fingers anymore.

Due to the third attack, Dumbledore had to announce a new decision to ask the teachers to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the entire Hogwarts castle during the Christmas holiday.

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