Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 2 Hogwarts

How could anyone other than him be able to activate the chakra lift?

At the beginning, he tried his best to design such a complicated way of entry and exit. Like the old Uchiha Madara, he played a mole underground, just to hide himself. How could anyone else find it here?

This is absolutely certain, the other party is definitely coming for him.

However, whether the other party has good intentions or malicious intentions, it is not easy to judge for the time being.

Kyle quickly formed a dozen handprints to mobilize the Chakra in his body. After ensuring that he could instantly perform ninjutsu when needed, Kyle pinched the mark with one hand with his left hand, and took out a pistol from under the table with his right hand and aimed it at the door. direction.

Who says ninjas can't use some modern weapons?

Sir, times have changed!

The iron gate of the stronghold slowly opened, and two figures appeared at the door.

They were greeted by a bullet at their feet.

"Explain your purpose!" Kyle aimed the pistol at the heads of the two intruders and shouted loudly.

Dumbledore looked at Kyle's strange-colored eyes that were no longer familiar, and his eyes were slightly moist.

And when his eyes touched Kyle's guarded eyes, Dumbledore's face became a little complicated for a while, and he hesitated.

A child who has lived on his own for five years must have had a hard time.

However, after Dumbledore saw the living room decoration behind Kyle, the guilt in his heart eased a little, and it seemed that Kyle's living environment was not too bad.

Dumbledore's tone was kind, and he tried his best to show his kindness, "Don't be afraid, child, we have no malice."

Kyle looked at the strange old man with half-moon glasses in front of him, and the old man behind him who had been facing him sideways, his right hand holding the gun lowered slightly, "Aren't you here to catch me?"

"No, boy, we're here to pick you up." Dumbledore tried to step forward, but when he made a move, Kyle immediately took a half step back vigilantly.

Are you serious about taking a half step back?

Small actions can hurt so much...

Before figuring out the situation, Kyle will never give the opponent any chance to get close.

What if this lousy old man who looks weak is a master of physical skills?

Besides, if he can enter and exit the base in his way, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Pick me up?" Kyle wondered.

Dumbledore nodded, "Son, you're a wizard."


What? wizard! ?

Kyle was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and the doubts on his face were even greater.

He is a ninja!

When did he get involved with the wizarding profession, and he didn't get along at all, okay?

This bad old man didn't find a better reason for trying to fool people.


Whitebeard old man! ?

wizard! ?

It's you! Sword Saint Gandalf!

Kyle looked up and down the old man in front of him, and he didn't hold a stick and a sword in one hand.

Kyle asked uncertainly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Albus Dumbledore, and I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in England."

Dumbledore pointed to the old man next to him who had never looked directly at people since just now, "This is Newt Scamander, a famous magical zoologist in the wizarding world."


The room suddenly fell silent.

Kyle: Fuck (a plant)!

Isn't this the character from the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" that he saw in his previous life?

When he crossed over, the movie Sorcerer's Stone had just released the remake not long ago.

When he was surfing the Internet, he could see the heated discussions of fans everywhere, and finally he downloaded it and watched it when he was bored.

The plot of the movie has long been forgotten, but he still remembers the names of the three main characters, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, and the villain Voldemort.

As for Newt Scamander...

Who is that? Never heard of it.

But since he could name Albus Dumbledore, it meant that the other party was not fooling him.

It's 1991 and it's unclear exactly when the first book in the Harry Potter series was published by Kyle, but there is absolutely no such book now.

Except for J.K. Rowling himself, no one in this world can name Dumbledore.

Kyle, who took off some defenses a little, threw the pistol aside, but still kept the chakra in his body in a mobilized state to ensure that he could perform ninjutsu instantly.

Then he politely invited the two to sit down in the living room.

Although he was a little surprised at the change in Kyle's attitude, Dumbledore didn't pay too much attention, but said slowly:

"You must also know that you have some kind of ability beyond ordinary people, and Hogwarts is a school that specializes in teaching young wizards like you with magical talent."

Wait, here comes the problem.

How did the British wizarding school come to the US to recruit people?

You know this is New York, USA!

Magic school...isn't there in America?

Can't there be only one UK magic school in the world?

Other countries should have it too.

In that case, even if the school is recruiting, it should be the Neon Konoha Ninja School who came to recruit him.

There is another question. Kyle always thought that the energy flowing in his body was Chakra, but now it seems that he made a mistake in his brain?

But why was he able to perform those Naruto ninjutsu he remembered through the knot?

Kyle, who was full of question marks, temporarily suppressed his doubts about chakra and magic, and said, "Why did Hogwarts in the UK recruit me? Is there no magic school in the United States?"

Newt ignored his question, but took out an old-fashioned pocket watch from his arms and glanced at it.

The hour hand pointed to three in the morning.

"I think it's time for you to go now, the Aurors of the Magical Congress of the United States are about to arrive," Newt said.

"Now? Wait, what about my belongings? And what is an Auror? I won't go with you until you explain it clearly."

Seeing Kyle's vigilant look, Dumbledore sighed helplessly and began to explain:

"Aurors, compared to your Muggle world, are the so-called police, oh yes, Muggles are those who don't know magic."

"The Magical Congress of the United States wants to arrest you." Dumbledore briefly explained to Kyle.

Then he took out his wand and tapped the teapot on the table in front of him, "Mentos."

The teapot vibrated for a moment, glowing a strange blue light, then froze and turned black again.

"What are the Aurors doing? Arrest me? I'm a law-abiding citizen!" Kyle was a little surprised.

Dumbledore glanced at the open safe not far away with a half-smile, "Law-abiding citizen? Where did the money come from?"

"This, this... Who put so much money in my safe? This is unintentional..."

Dumbledore interrupted Kyle's botched performance, "They want to catch you, and it has something to do with your father."

"Okay, if you delay any longer, the Aurors should be here, put your hand on the teapot, we're going to England with the portkey, and I'll explain to you when we get there."

"Then, I wish you a smooth journey." Newt stood there and waved at the two of them, without any intention of moving, obviously not planning to go to Hogwarts with them.

"There will be a period later, Newt." The next second, Dumbledore triggered the door key.

Kyle only felt as if there was a hook behind his belly button, slammed forward with an irresistible momentum, and then he lifted his feet off the ground and flew forward like a gust of wind, seeing nothing in front of him. unclear.

Fortunately, this uncomfortable feeling quickly disappeared.

At the moment when his feet touched the ground, the scene in Kyle's eyes instantly changed from a blur to a clear towering castle.

The portkey pulled him forward, almost knocking him to the ground in a shit-eating posture.

Fortunately, he was agile after five years of physique practice. After a body roll, he stood up numbly and began to look at the scene in front of him.

The huge castle is surrounded by rolling hills, and next to the castle is a vast lake, sparkling in the sunlight, and occasionally a huge tentacle shadow can be seen in the water.

"Is this where I go to school in the future!" Kyle exclaimed.

Dumbledore nodded with a smile, "Welcome to Hogwarts."

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