Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 350: The First Ancient Magical Text Class

This group of black-clad men wrapped themselves tightly in heavy wizard robes.

Some even wore black masks, as if they were afraid of being discovered.

Black Manor has been abandoned since its successor, Sirius Black, was imprisoned in Azkaban.

It's strange to say that Sirius is not the only Black.

But the others seemed to be ashamed of this surname. After getting married, they never returned to the manor, let alone inherited the manor.

However, the nobles with a long history have always been like this.

It would rather the appointed heir be completely destroyed than to be handed over to the female wizard to inherit.

All wizards unanimously follow the ancient tradition in representing the interests of the nobles.

The dense creepers covering the manor do not have the beauty of lush greenery, but rather look more like vines that trap the manor.

Because no one has taken care of it for too long, even if the manor is large, it looks lifeless.

Walking to the corner, you can still see the spider webs connecting the leaves and the door. This manor seems to be just a dead house, and no one has come to visit.

But this manor is not a person, no, not a living creature.

If the information they investigated is correct, then Kreacher, the servant who has guarded the Black family for generations and the house elf who is extremely loyal to his master, still lives in the manor, waiting for Sirius who will never come back.

This group of people chose an evening time to come.

The reason why they didn't choose to come late at night is that this lifeless mansion will open the protective shield at 8 o'clock in the evening to resist the invasion from the evil god's whispers.

If these guests who come to visit don't want to be stopped outside the door by the protective shield, they can only visit the mansion one step ahead.

A man in black knocked on the iron door of the manor.

"Dongdong! Dongdong!"

The iron door made a series of decayed and dilapidated wails under the strong knocking, as if it would break in the next second.

As the thumping sound continued, the manor inside also strangely echoed with wisps of melodious echoes.

The group of black-robed wizards waited silently for more than ten minutes.

Just when they thought that there was really no living creature in this manor, suddenly, a thin house elf with big eyes and sparse hair appeared in front of them.

It was wearing a wrinkled suit, as if it had not taken a bath for many days.

As it approached, the wizards could smell a tattered and decayed smell.

One wizard couldn't help complaining: "Oh, shit! How long has this house elf not cleaned itself? I thought I smelled a corpse!"

Facing human wizards, Kreacher still retained the most basic courtesy. At least he didn't drive them out because of the wizards' complaints.

Complaining is normal. Not every master will treat house elves as normal creatures.

They are slaves, and they deserve to die at the hands of their masters.

Kreacher looked at the wizards who suddenly arrived through the dilapidated iron gate with vigilance: "Who are you?"

The wizard standing in the front said: "I am a companion of your former master, Regulus Black. Now, I need your help."

Kreacher stared at them dimly: "You are not sent by the Ministry of Magic."

Its figure suddenly trembled, and its tone became a little excited, and it stammered: "You are, you are the subordinates of that great being, right?"

A wizard said arrogantly: "Since you have recognized our identity, why don't you let us in!"

Kreacher did not open the door immediately, but continued with a trembling body: "My master has Dead, my master Regulus is dead...

Now my master is Sirius Black. The last time he met me was to let me close this manor. I can't go against his will..."

Its expression became a little crazy. The memories of the past seemed to be unbearable for it. It muttered to itself:

"I said, I know, Master Regulus shouldn't do this. The pride of the nobles shouldn't lower his head..."

A black-robed wizard said impatiently: "I am Regulus's partner. You know who your master was loyal to when he was alive. Hurry up and open the door of the manor. Now, we need your help!"

Kreacher looked down on Sirius Black.

Compared with Regulus, Sirius was so rebellious, unlearned, and arrogant. He made friends with that group of mudbloods. He didn't have the demeanor of a noble child of the Black family at all!

Before the previous head of the family died, he kept talking about removing Sirius Black from the family. The family couldn't have such a person.

Sirius will only tarnish the reputation of the Black family!

However, Master Regulus has died. As a house elf dedicated to him for generations, he can only recognize the last heir as his master.

No matter how much it disagrees with Sirius, it is impossible to go against his will. This is the will of the Black family!

A touch of red flashed across Kreacher's face, and he said emotionally: "The manor has been closed, and no one can open it. I can't go against the master's order. I can't. I have to protect the Black family..."

The black-robed wizard believes that Kreacher, the house elf, has been locked up for too long, and his brain is a little rusty!

How pitiful, he has been staying in the gloomy manor alone for more than ten years.

Kreacher must have been driven crazy a long time ago!

A black-robed wizard suddenly said: "As long as you help us, we can revive your favorite Regulus. How about this deal?"

Kreacher suddenly stopped talking, staring at the wizard who was speaking, and said in a low voice: "Resurrection? Resurrect Master Regulus?"

The wizard smiled slightly, like the snake in the Garden of Eden that tempted humans to fall.

"Yes, you know how great the person we are loyal to is. He has come back from the brink of death again and again, and everyone thinks he is dead.

But the fact is not so. He has seen through the mystery of death and restored his strength in secret. As long as he wants, he can definitely resurrect your master."

Kreacher said as if bewitched: "Resurrection, how to resurrect, in order to resurrect Master Regulus, Kreacher is willing to do everything."

The black-robed wizard said: "The premise is that you have to help us."

Kreacher removed the barrier that had been set up for many years, took the initiative to open the manor, and welcomed this group of black-robed wizards with different thoughts.

What these people didn't know was that in a dark corner somewhere in the manor, there was a skinny black dog lying on the ground, and the dark eyes were extremely humane and silently watching this scene.

Another day passed.

The little wizard began to contact a new course, that is, "Ancient Magic Rune Class"!

The little wizard needs to prepare the "Magic Rune Dictionary" and "Magic Pronunciation Table" in advance. This is the first class and the knowledge that needs to be learned this semester.

The classroom for the ancient magic course is very special. It is on the third floor, but the little wizard has never seen this classroom.

Only by stepping on a certain floor tile and then jumping to another floor tile can you see this classroom.

The decoration style of the classroom is exquisite Baroque style. As soon as you walk in, you can feel a luxurious atmosphere.

Professor Babel has a young and beautiful face, beautiful long golden hair, and pointed ears.

This makes some students think that she may have elf blood.

Compared with the beautiful professor, even some students who are of noble birth have no confidence.

In front of Professor Babel, she is a real aristocrat.

From the beginning, the little wizard received the dry goods that could not be done any more, starting from the most basic semantic understanding.

Other professors will tell the little wizard in the first class what help they will get from studying this course and what they can learn.

But Professor Babel did not say that. She did not even explain to the wizard what the ancient magic can do.

She stood on the podium and the first sentence she said was: "Ancient magic words belong to the field of genius."

The second sentence was: "I don't pray that everyone can recognize ancient magic words, but at least under my teaching, it is necessary to read a few ancient magic words."

The third sentence was: "Most of you will never come into contact with any derivative products related to magic words in your life. Don't compare the strange things made by ancient magic words with the half-baked alchemy products on the market."

Professor Barbie glanced at all the little wizards and said meaningfully:

"Alchemy is just a branch developed from ancient magic words. If you have a talent for ancient magic words, you can not only become an alchemist, but also become a more noble existence.

It's just a pity that this is the language of genius, but since Hogwarts has opened this course, giving you the opportunity to glimpse the mystery, then cherish this opportunity."

Professor Barbie began to explain the meaning of the first basic magic word, writing and drawing on the blackboard.

The other little wizards kept taking notes. The more they listened, the more they felt that these ancient magic words were very abstract.

There is no memory association method at all. You can only memorize the meaning by rote.

Ron and Harry felt relieved when they heard the magic rune taught by Professor Barbling. They learned it in the laboratory last semester.

According to Lin Xia, their understanding of magic rune is comparable to that of fifth-year students.

If it weren't for the big pie of making alchemical wonders hanging in front of them, Harry and Ron are not sure whether they can continue to persevere.


Steel and mecha are the romance that belongs only to men!

Ron stood up the dictionary and asked in a low voice: "Harry, is Professor Barbling a noble? What is her last name? I have never seen such a noble."

Although Harry and Ron's magic rune teaching was brought back by Lin Xia from Professor Barbling, they have never seen the professor.

From Lin Xia's mouth, they only thought that this professor was quite mysterious.

Now, in addition to mystery, the labels of "very beautiful" and "strange and unique" are added.

Professor Babel suddenly turned around and said, "I'm not a noble, don't worry. If you don't pay attention, I won't deduct your points, and I won't chop off your heads to use as a stool."

The other little wizards immediately followed her line of sight, and Ron's cheeks immediately turned red.

Babel said slowly, "I have a lot of experience in health preservation. As long as you live long enough, you can see a lot of things, including the privacy of the nobles that you are interested in, and witness history again and again."

Professor Babel is not completely unwilling to teach, although the little wizards have been hit by her once -

No one thinks that they are geniuses, and from the beginning they think that they can't learn the language of geniuses.

But she still mobilized the interest of the little wizards from other aspects.

"Perhaps, you like to listen to me talk about the romantic affairs of the nobles in a class where everyone can pass, such as."

She paused, suddenly turned to look at Draco, and said with a smile: "The head of the Malfoy family three hundred years ago, and his wife who was taken by force."


"Ding Dong--"

The melodious bell rang, and the little wizards finished the ancient magic class happily.

After the little wizards came out, they turned around and looked at the back. There was no classroom, only an empty corridor.

A little wizard said: "This is so cool. The classroom can only be seen through some kind of scouting. Does the classroom really exist in the space we are in?"

Lin Xia's crisp voice came: "Of course, we can't see it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The classroom for the ancient magic class is hidden in the gap of space. Only people who are very sensitive to space changes can see this classroom."

Another little wizard asked: "Lin Xia, is Professor Barbling a human?

I mean, is she a ghost? She knows the private affairs of the nobles three hundred years ago. She has lived for at least three hundred years. Can humans live so long?"

Lin Xia smiled: "For this question, you should ask Nicolas Flamel, is he a human or some kind of creature."

Some little wizards also gathered around Draco and asked if Professor Barbling's revelations were true?

In this class, with the concentration of the little wizards, everyone passed. In the last ten minutes of the class, Professor Barbling told everyone the story of the Malfoy family three hundred years ago.

It was really a story with twists and turns.

You don't love me, I don't love you, you fell in love with him, I killed him, and then took you away...

And the head of the Malfoy family killed his own brother!

Draco looked a little flustered, but he concealed it well and said arrogantly: "How can I know about what happened three hundred years ago? Maybe Professor Babel heard it from somewhere, or saw it in some special books that record gossip!"

Lin Xia and others went to the laboratory, and the little wizards dispersed.

Ron looked at Draco and said hesitantly: "You were so nervous just now, didn't Professor Babel really say that the family history was right?"

Draco pinched his eyebrows: "I don't know, what happened three hundred years ago, even my father may not know, the family will not deliberately keep the scandal.

But, I know that family at that time, he did have a twin brother, who died at the age of eighteen, and the cause of death is unknown." (End of this chapter)

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