Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 351 Disordered Space

The replacement of noble families is a very important matter, and the nobles among wizards are even more cautious.

The Malfoy family, to which Draco belongs, has been passed down for thousands of years and is a very ancient noble family.

Although this family has an immortal heritage, to be honest, its offspring are not very prosperous.

Any noble, who openly belittles the Weasley family, who are also pure-blooded, actually envy their fertility.

How can they be so fertile!

How come every child born has such a high magical talent!

The Weasley family is also a family that has been passed down for a long time, even if it has never been advertised as a noble.

But there is no doubt that this family has not been excluded in the ancient replacements again and again, which shows the benefits and disadvantages of this family.

Those nobles who are more prosperous than the Weasley family have disappeared in the power changes again and again.

Draco didn't want to believe that in the Malfoy family, where offspring are not prosperous, the two brothers would turn against each other because of a woman.

The impact of this incident on him is far greater than the two brothers killing each other because they want to obtain family positions.

The latter is more in line with people's beautification and imagination of history than the former.

After thinking about it, Draco decided to secretly write a letter to his father to inquire about what happened three hundred years ago.

Maybe Professor Barbling knew a piece of false news?

If he could know the real history and relevant evidence, then he would bravely point out Professor Barbling's mistakes in class next time.

The dignity of the nobility cannot be tarnished by others, let alone damaged by others!

As for Lin Xia, after doing half a day of research on the devil vine in the laboratory, she followed the large group to the auditorium for dinner.

It has been a while since the start of school, and the little wizards began to discuss going to Hogsmeade.

Everyone is imagining that the village has many wonderful things, countless candies, all kinds of strange new things, and it is said that you can also experience all kinds of horror screaming houses.

In the little wizard's fantasy, Hogsmeade is like an amusement park that can accommodate everything.

In this discussion, there is a person who has always remained calm and never participated in the topic, that is Harry.

When Ron and Hermione were discussing, they would subconsciously look at Harry's face.

But when they were in an exciting place, they would forget their partners' feelings.

"We should experience the magical candies first. Each kind of candy has a different feeling. It is said that there are candies that can make people smarter!"

Ron said loudly.

Hermione also said loudly: "It is said that there are all kinds of books in it, some of which are very precious and have never appeared before. We should go to the bookstore first."

Lin Xia said: "Maybe, you can experience your own?"

Ron and Hermione said in unison: "No, it's better to go together. If there is any accident, we can help each other!"

Lin Xia shrugged.

Well, Hogsmeade was originally a safe place, but with the influx of Dementors, now even going to a village is worried about being entangled by Dementors.

They didn't learn the Patronus Charm well. If they were really entangled, they might have to be rescued by Lin Xia.

Ron and Hermione turned to look at Harry, and said in unison: "Harry, what do you think?"

Harry looked left and right, and said very calmly: "Have you forgotten that I can't go to Hogsmeade at all? My uncle didn't sign my consent form."

As soon as these words came out, the overheated emotions were immediately poured with a layer of cold water.

Ron and Hermione's dispute immediately subsided, and everyone looked at Harry cautiously.

Ron asked: "Maybe we can ask Professor McGonagall. You have good grades this semester. Professor McGonagall also understands your family situation and can pass you."

Hermione hesitated a little, but she didn't say it directly with such low EQ.

She thought that what Harry needed more now was comfort.

Lin Xia whispered: "Ron, Professor McGonagall is very fair and selfless. He is also the vice-president of the school. Do you want her to make an exception in this matter just because the student who can't go is Harry Potter?"

Ron whispered: "Why not, Harry has no conditions that can't go."

Just saying this, even he himself was not very confident.

Draco jumped out of the box and said, "Hey, guys, can you not be so rigid? We can think of other ways and don't have to embarrass the professor."

Others looked over.

Draco said slowly, "Why can't you go secretly? As long as the professor doesn't find out, no one will know whether you went or not."

Hermione frowned and said disapprovingly, "This is against the rules!"

Draco shook his head, "Hermione, there are some things we can't be so rigid about. In this regard, we should learn more from seniors George and Fred."

Ron was speechless.

I didn't expect that his twin brothers who always broke the rules and often caused headaches for professors and parents could be used as role models in going to Hogsmeade.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Ron had to think that Draco was right!

Since it doesn't work according to the school's rules, why can't we circumvent this rule?

And the school didn't say what the punishment would be for going to Hogsmeade secretly.

If he remembered correctly, some young wizards went to Hogsmeade Village secretly on weekends when they were in the first and second grades.

Lin Xia packed up the dishes and left because she had to go to Professor Babel's office for something.

Before leaving, Lin Xia said, "You discuss a specific method first. Don't be so impulsive. I'll come back tomorrow to see how to do it.

In addition to circumventing the rules and going there secretly, think of other methods. I believe that with your intelligence, you can definitely come up with another method."

Ron asked boldly, "What if you can't think of it?"

Lin Xia smiled slightly, "Maybe you don't mind having more experimental tasks, or it's too easy, so your brains are turning so slowly."

Others: ...

Shortly after Lin Xia left, Draco and others had finished their meal and were about to leave to discuss in the laboratory, which had become their secret base.

If they discussed in other places, they might be overheard by the young wizards.

But in the laboratory, at least they could ensure safety and prevent eavesdropping.

Suddenly, there was a fluttering sound, and an owl flew over with a letter in its mouth, landing right on Draco's head.

Draco just glanced at the name of the letter, his expression a little solemn.

He looked at Harry: "The matter you asked me to investigate has a clue, let's go to the laboratory to talk."

Harry quickly realized what it was, and nodded stiffly with a slight chill in his heart.

Has the relationship between him and Sirius Black finally been investigated?

At this moment, Harry's mind was full of thoughts.

Could it be a relative he didn't know about, his uncle, cousin, or something else.

He took a stiff step, trying to make himself look more relaxed.

It's no big deal, Harry thought.

He even considered the possibility that Sirius Black might be his father.

Although it was a bit painful to think so, which involved a series of complicated things such as mistaking someone, at least he had another relative in the world.

Compared to being alone, Harry suddenly felt that even if Sirius was really his father, or a criminal who escaped from Azkaban, it didn't seem so important.

At least he was not alone, right?

On the other side, Lin Xia came to Professor Babel's office and knocked gently.

After the class, Babel stopped Lin Xia and asked her to come over in the evening.

After the ancient magic class, they had no other classes, so Lin Xia could go to the professor's office on the spot.

But the professor might not know, or maybe he had something else to do, so he asked her to come over in the evening.

"Come in." A crisp and pleasant voice sounded, as if even a trace of strange magic was echoing in the air.

Lin Xia's eyes flashed a touch of golden light, and fine and dense runes flashed in her eyes. The moment Babel spoke, she keenly noticed the resonance of a special frequency in the air.

A closer look showed that the breath that was emanating was actually magic!

But Lin Xia had not gone very far on the road of magic runes. She could only see what a few of them meant, and she didn't know what the rest meant.

Her eyes returned to normal, her thoughts quickly calmed down, and she suppressed all the abnormalities, not wanting Babeling to discover her special abilities.

Lin Xia pushed the door open and walked in.

She was startled. The scene in the office this time was completely different from what she had seen in the daytime.

The densely packed books floated above, sometimes changing into various shapes, which looked a bit like the books in the forbidden area.

The essence is books, but the external form is completely different.

It's just that Professor Babeling's is even more powerful.

After the books change, they are not fixed in one image, but are still changing. In just a few seconds, Lin Xia found that they changed seven or eight times.

These transformations are not fixed, and it is estimated that they will continue to change.

The ceiling is no longer a ceiling, but a vast night sky. Some books are hung on it, and soon they become a twinkling meteor.

Lin Xia found that the books that turned into stars no longer changed their appearance, but only flashed occasionally, looking like the real thing.

Lin Xia suddenly lowered her head and looked at the floor.

Very good, the floor was no longer a floor, but a vast mountain range. She seemed to be standing on the top of all the mountains, and she could step on a large piece of mountains and rivers by lowering her head.

Suddenly, Lin Xia's pupils shrank slightly, and she saw Hogwarts under the floor.

It looked like a castle, but it didn't look like a castle. It was a rectangular steel, and the forbidden forests on both sides were like two open wings.

"Lin Xia." Professor Barbling's voice came.

Lin Xia came back to her senses and nodded to the professor: "Professor, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Professor Barbling nodded and said: "I want to talk to you about the Wizengamot."

She turned the quill, and the quill seemed to have deformed in her hand.

After a while, it turned into a bird, but soon it turned into an iron ball, and then a book...

After thinking about it, Babeling noticed Lin Xia's gaze and couldn't help but smile.

"It's amazing, isn't it? I also felt amazing when I saw such a scene.

This space is disordered, there is no order, so any of my power may be strong or weak in this space.

After the form of objects loses order, they will not necessarily appear in their original form. They will change freely. As for what they will become, it depends on what this space has seen before.

Today it is in a good mood, so the changes are normal, but if it is in a bad mood, you will see a lot of scary things. "

The last paragraph, Professor Babeling said meaningfully.

Lin Xia thought about it. Since this space is disordered, she may not have stepped into the office, but perhaps another place.

Every time she came to Professor Babeling's office, she always felt like she was in a different space, and the time difference around her was different.

Lin Xia asked: "Professor, do the things that are transformed have lethality?"

Babeling nodded and said: "This is a good question. Because the space is in a disordered state, whether the things that are transformed have power is also disordered and uncertain. Maybe it has, or maybe it doesn't. "

She didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly smiled: "If one day I make the power of disorder unhappy, maybe it will transform into some kind of great terror and kill me. "

Lin Xia said calmly: "Professor, this kind of horror joke is not funny at all."

Babling shrugged, "I thought you would like it."

No wizard likes to control the power that cannot be controlled.

The reason why wizards keep non-dangerous factors is that they have absolute confidence and can correct everything.

So, this space should be safe for Professor Babling.

But there is one thing that the professor is right.

Wizards who are weaker than this disordered space can only rely on luck.

When Lin Xia came here this time, even Professor Babling praised her good luck.

Professor Babling said: "I guess you have received a letter from the Wizengamot, congratulations on winning the Outstanding Youth Medal. After winning the medal, you will automatically obtain the power of a third-level councilor, which is the lowest level councilor.

The chief wizard of the Wizengamot is Dumbledore. You should be able to guess that this parliament is in his hands.

I don't know how much you know about him, but I think you should have a hunch that Dumbledore likes Harry Potter more, so you are an accident. "

Lin Xia asked: "Accident? "

Professor Barbie said "hmm", "According to his arrangement, Harry should get the Outstanding Youth Medal and then get the power of the lowest councillor, so that the next part of the plan can be arranged.

Your appearance has disrupted Dumbledore's arrangement in disguise, but fortunately-"

She changed the subject, "Your path is completely different from Harry Potter's path, and there will be no competition between you." (End of this chapter)

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