Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 357 The effect of voice protection is beginning to show, and pilot projects are being rolled

After all the outstanding students left, Ron looked at Lin Xia and asked impatiently:

"Lin Xia, what exactly is the sound guardian you invented?

I have been wanting to ask you since Professor McGonagall announced the type of your paper."

Lin Xia said calmly: "A musical note that can drive away weirdness, you can treat it as a talisman that uses sound, which has the same function as an ordinary talisman."

Harry said: "But the sound guardian only needs to hear the sound to play a protective effect, while the talisman needs to be worn on the body, and the two transmission methods are still very different."

Draco concealed his shock and couldn't help asking: "Are you sure that the 'sound guardian' can achieve the same effect as the talisman? I'm not questioning this thing, but it's too incredible!"

He hasn't heard of such a strange object that uses sound to play a protective effect, but if it is a strange object that uses sound to attack, then he has heard of several.

And the sound of the "sound guardian" plays the role of driving away weirdness, which is difficult to achieve.

Generally speaking, the protective effect is used to protect oneself, and it is difficult to drive away weirdness.

After all, the wizarding world has not studied those strange phenomena in depth, and does not know how they are formed and how they can disappear.

Such an effect can be achieved with just a piece of music, which somewhat overturns Draco's understanding of strange objects. Even if it is an item similar to a talisman, it will not seem so abrupt.

But Lin Xia said with certainty: "This is what I studied in the Researchers Association, and the effect has been certified by the association.

The association notified the magic ministries of various countries a long time ago, hoping to promote this thing as much as possible.

The British Ministry of Magic took the lead in agreeing. If there is no accident, the melody of "voice protection" has been promoted in some remote magic villages in the UK."


In a remote mountain village in Gurnissville, England.

This is a village where wizards and Muggles live together. Because of its remote location, people here only go out once a month to purchase supplies.

But because it is remote enough, it can cover up some things. In the basement of this village, there is actually a research room specializing in the study of weirdness.

The wizards in this village are not ordinary wizards. They are elite Aurors or well-known scholars transferred from all over the country.

They live with Muggles and live here incognito for at least three years, just to study and explore the formation of weirdness.

The wizard world and the evil god world have actually merged little by little many years ago.

It was just not so serious at that time. Occasionally, some supernatural events would break out in some places. People didn't care and thought that some wizards were doing experiments in Muggle villages and didn't handle them well, which caused panic among the villagers.

It wasn't until a wizard investigated something in depth that he found that it had nothing to do with wizards.

Those things just suddenly appeared there, and no one knew where they came from or where they disappeared.

Later, as the wizards investigated more deeply, they gradually discovered that the supernatural things that suddenly appeared were not unique to the wizard world, but rather like visitors from another world.

At first, wizards called these things aliens.

As the investigation progressed, the wizard world studied those things more and more deeply, and even encountered some humanoid creatures that could speak. After communicating with them, they realized that they came from the evil god world.

That was a world completely different from the wizard world, with its own set of operating rules.

The rules there were disordered, and humans lived at the bottom, being oppressed by all kinds of weirdness.

Those things that wizards found very weird were everywhere in the evil god world.

There were weird deaths every day, but there were also weird births every day.

There were strong and weak weirdness, and strong weirdness could raze a city to the ground. And weak weirdness could only cause trouble among the lower-level humans.

It is said that there is also a promotion mechanism within the weirdness, but wizards do not know what the conditions for promotion are, and it seems to be something related to fear and belief.

Wizards call the weirdness of the evil god world coming to the wizard world "smuggling".

At the beginning, the weirdness smuggling was not frequent, and it might only happen once every six months.

But later, there were discoveries every one or two months.

Moreover, they only found some weird things with greater impact, while some with weaker impact may not even encounter wizards and die on their own.

With this in mind, the wizarding world has set up some special departments to deal with weird things, not in the open, but in secret.

At that time, the evil god world and the wizarding world had been communicating frequently, but the weird things were foreigners after all and could not stay in the wizarding world for a long time.

Later, the evil god world seemed to find that the wizarding world had more humans and sufficient faith, so it coveted the wizarding world.

Once those stowaways appeared, they would confuse people's hearts and set off wars again and again.

Originally, the weird things only confuse Muggles, so wizards did not take it seriously.

But later, those weird methods became more and more powerful, and even wizards were bewitched.

Once wizards were bewitched, the impact was huge. At that time, wizards were alert to creatures like weird things and killed them as soon as they appeared.

During that period, the wizard world and the evil god world frequently waged wars. It may also be that the two worlds communicated too closely. Soon, a place that overlapped with the evil god world appeared in the wizard world. The wizards called it the "boundary point".

Now there are still many wizards who suppress the weirdness in the boundary point and do not allow the weirdness to sneak in.

The two worlds influence each other. The evil god world has suffered several defeats, and the culture on that side has been infected and impacted by the wizard world.

Many humans in the evil god world rebelled and fought for their rights, so that humans would believe in themselves instead of believing in evil gods.

But the wizard world has also suffered defeats.

The biggest defeat is that their knowledge has been invaded by the evil god world. Every wizard who wants to read the banned book and gain more powerful power will be invaded by the evil god's power and tempted to fall.

There are many low-level wizards with great potential, and even high-level wizards may not be able to resist this kind of fall.

Among them, the most serious one is Voldemort.

When Voldemort was reading the forbidden book, he leaned towards the evil god and developed his own followers. Even though he had been killed once, he still continued to create panic.

"What's going on? Has the strange power weakened?"

In the underground laboratory, a wizard asked seriously.

Another wizard carefully observed the data, then looked at the strange thing imprisoned in the center, and shook his head slowly.

"No, the power of 'audio protection' has no effect on intermediate weirdness."

Another wizard asked: "What about the effect on Muggles?"

The wizard who was observing the data shook his head again, "Almost no effect. At first, they will feel a little irritable. I call it 'withdrawal reaction'.

Although we didn't let the weirdness contact them, the weirdness is underground. Even if we are very good at it, the magnetic field will overflow over time, which will still cause some physical and psychological effects on Muggles.

This effect is very subtle and will not erupt under normal circumstances, but it will erupt and sweep in a certain situation, which can quickly destroy the body and mind.

Later, these Muggles got used to it and felt happy instead.

Several Muggles came to ask me what the music that was played outside every day was. They wanted to buy discs to listen to it. They felt that under the influence of this music, their moods were much calmer."

I don't know what he thought of, the wizard who was observing suddenly turned around and asked: "By the way, do you know the Great Compassion Mantra?"

"The Great Compassion Mantra?"

The other wizards looked at each other. They had never heard of this word before and it was very unfamiliar.

The observer was not surprised to see this. When he heard this word from the Muggle, he did not react to what it was.

"It is said that this is a very magical scripture from the distant East, which has the effect of saving the dead.

When they listen to the music outside, they feel like they are listening to the Great Compassion Mantra. Some people even think that this music comes from the Great Compassion Mantra.

A Muggle has a relative in the East, and he specially asked his relative to send him a tape of the Great Compassion Mantra. It finally arrived here after traveling across the ocean. After it was broadcast, it was found that it was completely different. "

A wizard was moved and asked: "Have you heard the Great Compassion Mantra? Does it have any effect on the weirdness?"

The observer nodded, "Hearing what they said, I went to listen to it out of curiosity.

No effect on the weirdness What effect? ​​It's just ordinary music, which is very different from the "Voice Guardian". However, for some believers, this song has a deep belief. "

"So the test results show that the "Voice Guardian" can only make ordinary wizards and Muggles calmer? "

The researcher said: "You didn't find that since the sound guard was played, the strange and noisy movement has become much smaller, and there are almost no strange events outside.

I suspect that this piece of music also has the effect of expelling strangeness, but it takes a longer time to observe. "


At the same time, in a remote mountain village in northern England.

It was night, and the sound of the "Voice Guardian" kept echoing in the quiet village, breaking the silence and adding a bit of human touch to the quiet village.

There are more than 30 households in this village, most of which are wizards, and a small number of Muggles live together.

Those Muggles are related to wizards and know about the wizarding world.

It has been a week since the installation of the "Voice Guardian".

At first, this sound was quite annoying, but now everyone seems to be used to it, and many people fall asleep with the music.

Occasionally, I can't hear it during the day, and I feel uncomfortable.

Some wizards in this village were once bewitched by strange things and had to rely on conservative treatment with drugs. They were afraid that their minds would be disturbed if they were emotionally excited, so they came to the village to cultivate their bodies and minds.

Recently, a wizard changed the treatment drugs to cold pills. For the first time, he felt that his thoughts were extremely clear and he thought about things very smoothly.

While his mind was clear, he thought about why he was bewitched by the evil god's whispers. After thinking about it, he wanted to pursue a higher level of power.

After coming to the village, he suppressed himself from using magic, but occasionally he was invaded by the evil god's whispers. That was because he wanted to pursue a stronger power from the bottom of his heart.

With the help of cold pills, the wizard calmly and clearly analyzed what he wanted and faced his desires honestly.

He decided that he couldn't escape anymore, he had to take a formal step forward!

Along with the 'vocal guard', he discussed with several other wizards who were watching over them.

The wizards discussed it for a few days and decided to send the wizard to a secret institution to study.

The wizard persuaded him: "The level of attack you have is still very low and you can control yourself.

If you enter that secret agency, you will have to face the whispers of the evil god all the time, and you will have to fight against the weird...

Although you will become stronger, it is also likely to become more painful. Have you decided? "

The wizard said with great certainty: "I'm going. Only by honestly facing my desires and no longer escaping can I defeat it!"

The wizard who was originally looking after him watched as the wizard was picked up by other wizards who came.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared that the wizards took out a notebook and recorded the various reactions the wizards had after taking the 'Voice Guard' and cold pills together.

"This is the third person who has asked to leave since the Sound Guard was deployed, all in pursuit of more powerful power.

Taking cold pills alone, they have not made up their mind so quickly, so does the 'Voice Guard' still have the effect of making people understand their true intentions? "

Another wizard replied: "I don't know, but we can take a closer look. The effect of these two things combined with each other is far more than 1+1=2. It is obviously greater than 2 or even greater than 3."

A wizard couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know who developed these two things. They are really amazing. How did his brain grow?"


In a remote mountain village in eastern France.

The villagers looked at the Auror from the Ministry of Magic curiously, assembling a small thing in the open space. They were all curious.

Some wizards came to ask: "Didn't the radio just be installed last year? Why should it be replaced this year?"

When not facing extremely vicious criminals, Aurors are still very helpful and replied: "This is not a broadcast, but a 'vocal guard'. You can think of it as a large guardian talisman.

It protects you by constantly playing sounds, and it should have a slight effect of driving away weirdness. "

The wizards living here are already very old. As they get older, they know many things that they need to know. These wizards also know about the world of evil gods and strange invasions.

Their expressions changed, could they actually expel the strange? !

When did the Ministry of Magic get such a magical thing?

A wizard walked around the sound system several times, but no matter how he looked at it, it didn't feel like a strange object.

The Auror shrugged and said, "It was developed by the Researchers Association, where there are research madmen and there are many inventions made every day.

The association specifically told the Ministry of Magic that it was useful, and asked the Ministry of Magic in each country to select a few pilots to promote and try it out.

We have just rolled it out here, and it has been used in the UK for half a month. It is said that the effect is very good, so our Ministry of Magic is also interested. "

"It was researched by the Researchers Association?"

When other wizards heard this name, they couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Since it was researched by the association, it must be effective."

"Yes, the association never deceives us." (End of Chapter)

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