Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 358 Paying the price in blood

Because of the endorsement of the Researchers Association, the installation of the "audio guard" in France went smoothly.

After a week of installation, the residents of the village were used to listening to this sound.

A researcher came to do an investigation and found that some villagers would feel uncomfortable if they didn't listen for a day.

The researcher wrote in the investigation report: [audio guard may be addictive]

I thought the days in the village would be so peaceful, until one day, a strange creature with red spots all over its body came to the village.

It did not choose to be possessed by a Muggle or wizard, which would consume too much energy for it. At first, it appeared as a ball of mud with red spots.

It lurked quietly in the village, trying to absorb the negative emotions of the village and thrive.

When it grows to a certain extent, it can choose a host to replace it at will.

Because it did not approach the village at the beginning, but lurked in the woods in front of the village, the strange creature did not suffer any harm and did not feel anything wrong.

The strange creature in the evil god world has summed up a set of smuggling experience, and it just follows experience to make itself better integrated.

When the weirdo felt that it had understood almost everything, and the energy accumulation was a bit slow, it decided to quietly crawl into the village in the dead of night.

Before, it was far away from the village and did not hear any movement in the village. It could only see that there were quite a lot of people in the village, and people came in and out every day.

But when it came to the village and heard the voice of "voice guarding", it couldn't help feeling extremely uncomfortable!

It seemed that there was a voice in his heart warning him-stay away! Stay away quickly! Don't enter!

The weirdo quickly crawled out of the village, but its body was exposed to the voice.

When it came to its senses and wanted to retreat, it was too late!

These voices kept echoing in its ears, turning into waves of invisible attacks, quickly destroying its spiritual will.

It was obviously the weirdo that could disrupt the human spirit and seduce humans to degenerate, but under this voice, the weirdo lost control instead.

Who am I?

Who am I?

Am I a human?

I used to be a human!

I am not a weirdo!

Why do I have a weird body?

As the question came, the weird thoughts were extremely confused.

Sometimes I felt that I was a human, sometimes I felt that I was a disordered rule, sometimes I felt that it couldn't move like this, and sometimes I felt that it shouldn't exist...

Under the influence of the sound guardian, its thoughts were extremely confused.

After a few seconds, this ball of mud with red dots finally collapsed and exploded under the interference of the sound guardian!

It was like a ball of sticky magma scattered on the ground of the village. The wet mucus gradually evaporated and dried, and the mud spots printed on the ground gradually disappeared, and finally turned into wisps of dust.

As long as the wind blows gently, it can dissipate between heaven and earth.

But the weird corpse did not welcome the wind, but welcomed one after another researchers in wizard robes.

They collected the dust that fell after the weird death with serious expressions, and talked to each other from time to time.

"I originally thought it only had the effect of expelling weirdness, but I didn't expect it to be able to kill weirdness. This is incredible. Who invented it?"

"The news came that this was invented by a wizard in the UK. The Researchers Association strongly recommended it. It is also rumored that the wizard is still very young and seems to be holding a paper conference at the British Ministry of Magic recently."

"It's a pity that I can't take a leave, otherwise I will definitely fly over to see it!"

"When this group of weirdness entered the village, I almost couldn't help but want to take action. The sound protection is very powerful and is very effective against low-level weirdness."

"Yes, this low-level weirdness is not as vigilant as the intermediate weirdness. If it is a little further away, it can't hear the sound protection. When it gets closer and hears it, it also falls into the net."

A researcher wrote an observation report: [The sound protection has a killing effect on low-level weirdness, an expulsion effect on intermediate weirdness, and an unknown effect on high-level weirdness]


As one observation report after another was sent to the Ministry of Magic of each country, and then sorted out by the Ministry of Magic, it was sent to the Researchers Association.

The Researchers Association used the Eye of the Sage to collect all the data and produced a relatively comprehensive analysis report, which was then compiled into a book and distributed to the Ministries of Magic in various countries.

With the release of this analysis report, the Ministries of Magic in various countries have a deeper understanding of "Voice Guardian".

There were only four Ministries of Magic in the first batch of applications for the trial. At that time, everyone just gave the Researchers Association a face and did not expect the Voice Guardian to have any effect.

Now that the effect is out, the number of Ministries of Magic who applied for the second batch is as high as 20!

Especially those countries located in remote areas, they are very interested in the role of Voice Guardian in expelling weirdness and eliminating low-level weirdness.

This saves countless Aurors!

They are in a remote place, and it is not easy to train talents. They finally train one, but they are used as dogs.

Even so, patrols are often not timely, and weird incidents will break out in the village from time to time, causing the Ministry of Magic there to spend money to invite Aurors from other countries.

With Voice Guardian, they can save a lot of funds!

After reading the report, some researchers also received an invitation from the British Ministry of Magic, and showed great interest in the paper release conference held by Lin Xia, the inventor of the audible guardian.

Privately, these scholars have gathered together for several rounds of discussions because of the vocal protection of this invention.

Others who have good relations with the British Ministry of Magic directly sent letters asking the British Ministry of Magic for the specific date of the meeting.

What's more, it directly contacted Dumbledore.


Dumbledore is working at the Ministry of Magic.

His expression moved slightly, as he received some kind of magic signal. He did not wave the wand, but just raised his head and looked somewhere with his blue eyes.

After a while, a white cloud appeared in front of his eyes.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, and the cloud quickly turned into a sound. With the volume, the cloud also became ups and downs, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking.

"Dumbledore, I heard that a talent has appeared in your British Ministry of Magic. She is the one who invented the voice guardian. Her name is Lin Xia, and she is a little witch."

The voice coming from the clouds was a bit old, but full of energy. He sounded like a young old man in good spirits.

Dumbledore couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Nico, I thought you weren't interested in vocal guardianship."

He suddenly smiled: "Why else did you send me a message to ask me now? You are late. Many people have already asked me a few days ago."

"Hey, man, you have to take care of my reaction speed as an old man. I just finished a 10-year research, and I came to ask you as soon as I got the news after I came out of isolation!"

Dumbledore asked: "Is your research going well?"

Nico sighed, sounding troubled: "No, there is still one step left. The effect on high-level weirdness is too weak. If it is used to deal with intermediate weirdness, the cost is too high and it is not cost-effective."

He changed his words and said, "Voice Guardian has given me a lot of inspiration. I want to have a chat with the inventor."

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Of course, it's time for you to set off now. It will take some time to come to England from your research laboratory. If I remember correctly, you have to set aside some time to enjoy the scenery along the way."

Nico: "Haha, Dumbledore, you still understand me, I'll leave now.

Well, I want to prepare a small gift for Lin Xia, do you have any suggestions? "

Dumbledore said softly: "You still don't know who her teacher is, right? It's Barbling."


Nico said in surprise: "I didn't expect that even the old witch Babuling would accept a disciple. The outside world is changing so fast. It's time for me to go out for a walk.

Well, since she is a student of Babuling, she must be very talented in ancient magic texts. Her standards for accepting disciples are much higher than mine... I think I probably know what gift to give Lin Xia. "

The glowing cloud disappeared in front of Dumbledore, leaving no trace of dust behind.

Dumbledore stood up and walked to the window.

The place he was at was the highest point of the Ministry of Magic and the highest point in the UK. He could look down at the winding mountains, villages and criss-crossing lakes.

The world seems to be made up of small squares that can be erased and reassembled at any time.

Finally, he fixed his sight on a winged terrain, which was Hogwarts.

Dumbledore's eyes darkened, deep in thought.

"Lin Xia, could it be a variable in the divination?

She can still bring many surprises, but Harry's side is what needs to be grasped most. No matter how good the knowledge is, it needs to be protected with force. "

Here at Hogwarts.

Sound Guard has been installed for three days.

During class, the audio guardian will not make any sound. When get out of class is over, the speaker hanging above the pillar will emit a melody.

This sound sounds a bit weird. It is different from the melody of music. It is out of tune and difficult to hum, but once you get used to it, it feels okay.

In Ron’s words: “This melody has a bit of a magical brainwashing feel to it, it’s so cool!”

The little wizard is not sure whether sound guardianship can expel strange things.

But the outstanding students who patrolled at night discovered that during the patrol, after the audio guard music was turned on, the dementors that had been lingering near the windows would stay away from the windows.

This is strange.

One top student couldn't help but said: "Dementors are actually afraid of this thing."

"Have you noticed that since the sound guard was played, the number of unusual movements heard during patrols at night has decreased."

Another outstanding student couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "Yes, every night when I patrol in the early morning, I hear some noise in the bathroom and record it, but the professor went to check and found nothing.

Until the sound guard was installed in the bathroom, I never heard anything strange. "

Another outstanding student said: "We still need to pay more attention. Maybe the sound of the vocal guard is too loud, thus covering up the abnormal movement we found."

As for Lin Xia, after finishing her day's patrol, she returned to the golden wooden house and took out the Wizengamot Medal to study.

Originally she thought it was just an ordinary medal, but during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the dark creature Kabbah was obviously afraid of the medal and did not dare to approach her.

At that time, she only thought that this medal might have been endowed with some powerful aura. Kaba was afraid of this aura, so he did not dare to approach her.

But as she studied the medal and looked at it under a magnifying glass, she realized that it might not be what she thought.

The arrangement of this medal is not simple!

Today was another observation. Lin Xia recorded the structure she saw through magnification. She planned to ask Professor Babuling.

Professor Bablin guided her in the direction of magic runes, and the structure she saw was not an alchemical combination. This was not something that could be achieved from alchemy. Instead, it was a bit like a magic rune combination.

She recorded a distorted text - "JSEN", and each one happened to correspond to a basic magic rune.

These words looked like they were transformed from basic magic runes.

After the research, Lin Xia looked at the box full of forbidden magic runes. In the past half month, the box was very quiet, and it had reached the time she and Tom agreed on.

But the quieter it was, the more uneasy it was, so Lin Xia did not open it.

She decided to leave it idle for a while.

At the same time, a portrait in a corridor of Hogwarts suddenly twisted spontaneously, opening the passage hidden behind the portrait.

A burst of hurried footsteps came from this dark passage, and then the passage twisted, and Bellatrix came to Hogwarts.

As soon as she entered, she heard the melody of voiced protection, and her expression twisted.

"Damn it, damn it, who put music in the school!"

Bellatrix clenched her fists, resisting the irritation in her heart and the urge to return to the tunnel.

Since she was warned by Snape, she has been quiet for a while, not going in and out of Hogwarts, but hiding in a remote mountain village somewhere in the UK.

There are a lot of people there, and the Ministry of Magic cannot supervise it, which is very suitable as a base for Death Eaters.

Originally, they had arranged a series of plans, but just the day before yesterday, the village was actually touched by the dead dog Aurors of the Ministry of Magic!

They thought their whereabouts were exposed, so they hid in the dark, and if it didn't work, they would fight with the Aurors.

With the ability of the Death Eaters, can't they deal with a few Aurors?

As a result, they found that the Aurors were not here to arrest them, but wanted to install something on the tree.

The Death Eaters watched the changes quietly, and no one cared.

What changed was that after the Aurors left, the loudspeakers on the trees all emitted a strange melody, which made them feel uncomfortable, their chests stuffy, and their minds confused.

Fearing that the loudspeakers would be damaged and attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic, they could only move to another remote village.

Unexpectedly, a loudspeaker had been installed in that place a long time ago, playing continuously for 24 hours a day, and the villagers were actually used to it and fell asleep with the music!

But the Death Eaters were very irritated when they heard it, and it was difficult to suppress the violence in their hearts, and they wanted to destroy something to vent.

If it weren't for the master's plan, Bellatrix would not have been patient all the time.

Some Death Eaters couldn't stand the sound and ran to destroy the village.

But they didn't expect that once magic was used, the sound would be louder, as if it kept echoing in their minds, and the magic power quickly leaked out, causing the spell to be unstable.

Not to mention 100%, the power they exerted might not even be 50%.

Because the Auror was exposed, they were counter-detected by the wizards hiding in the village, and they lost a good hand.


Bellatrix covered her head with her hands and looked towards the place where the music came from with a ferocious face.

"Whoever installed this thing, I will make him pay with blood!" (End of this chapter)

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