Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 113 Delayed Withdrawal

The wizards in Diagon Alley really ate two big melons today.

First, a powerful wizard came to Knockturn Alley, and when he entered Knockturn Alley, he killed a dark wizard with thunder.

The second melon is even more delicious than the first melon. It is Lucius Malfoy, the patriarch of the Malfoy family, one of the twenty-eight holy tribes, and Weiss, who is also one of the twenty-eight tribes. Arthur Weasley, the patriarch of the Ly family, conducted a duel in Muggle style in public.

Lean stood not far away, watching Lucius and Arthur having a men's contest.

The wizards in Diagon Alley looked at the two patriarchs wrestling with each other and couldn't help but feel a little happy. Usually they don't have the opportunity to see the ugliness of these big shots, and they can only see it now.

"That's enough, what are you doing?" A loud voice sounded in the ears of all wizards, which attracted everyone's attention.

The wizards raised their heads and saw a giant more than three meters tall, and they immediately started talking.

Hagrid frowned and ignored these comments. He has been surrounded by these discussions since he was a child, but now he doesn't think it matters anymore.

He stepped forward and separated the two people who were struggling together.

"Hey, Weasley, put away your daughter's books." Lucius put all the second-hand books in Arthur's arms and mocked him.

After saying that, Lucius took his son Draco Malfoy and left here.

When Arthur heard this, he immediately wanted to rush forward and fight with Lucius.

"Okay, Arthur, don't argue with Malfoy. It's not like you don't know who their family is."

Hagrid easily grabbed Arthur who was about to step forward and spoke.

Arthur nodded. He had no good impression of the Malfoy family at all. In his opinion, the reason Lucius was able to escape the Ministry of Magic's trial was entirely because of benefits.

This is simply a violation of magical law.

Harry stood behind Hagrid and with Ron.

"Ron, look." Harry noticed Ryan.

"What?" Ron looked at his father, not paying attention to Harry's words.

"The wizard in black robe is the one on the left side of the purple robe."

Harry was afraid of being discovered by Lean, so he didn't point out Lean and could only describe it in words.

Ron quickly spotted Lean because the black robe next to the purple robe was so easy to find.

"What happened to the black-robed wizard?" Ron asked curiously.

He looked carefully from top to bottom several times and found nothing strange.

Too many people in the wizarding world wear black robes.

"I saw him buying a lot of dark magic items from Malfoy's father in Knockturn Alley." Harry looked around and said close to Ron's ear.


Ron's scream startled everyone.

"What's the matter, Ron?" Mrs. Weasley asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, Mom." Ron was a little embarrassed. It was the first time that he was stared at by so many strange wizards.

"It's nothing really," he added.

Mrs. Weasley didn't ask any questions when she saw this. Now she was only concerned about Mr. Weasley's injury.

When the onlookers saw Chief Malfoy leaving, they all knew that the excitement was over, so they dispersed.

This made Mr. Weasley relieved. It was true that he hated the Malfoy family, but this did not mean that he was willing to let the Weasley family become a laughing stock in the wizarding world.

Li En also left with the crowd. After watching the excitement, it was naturally time to go home.

After apparating back to his home, Rean sat in a chair and looked at the diary on the table.

Looking back now, Lean wonders whether Lucius agreed a little too quickly? And if the diary was really sold to him, then why would Lucius go to trouble Mr. Weasley again?

Could it be fake? Rean was startled by his own thoughts.

If it's fake, that's a big loss.

Rean picked up his quill and opened the diary.

"Hello?" Lean wrote in his diary.

There was no response from the notebook, just like an ordinary diary.

Li En was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that he didn't seem to have changed the plot in the end.


Just when Lean was about to close the notebook, a line of words suddenly appeared under Lean's handwriting on the notebook.

At this time, the remnant soul of Voldemort in the notebook was also very strange. I thought it was a silly guy, but I didn't expect this guy to see that the diary was conscious at a glance.

But maybe it was a blind cat that encountered a dead mouse. Tom comforted himself.

Originally he was thinking about how to deal with it, but when he saw Rean trying to close the diary, he had no time to think too much.

When Rean saw Voldemort's reply, he immediately beamed with joy, knowing that his little treasury was about to be opened again.

"Bang!" Lien quickly closed the notebook, put it into a magic seal box, and thoughtfully applied a few sealing spells.

The remnant spirit of Voldemort in the diary didn't even understand what he had done wrong until he was locked in the box.

Three days later, it was the day that Lean and Hermione had agreed to go to Diagon Alley.

"It's such a pity, we should have come earlier." Hermione said standing next to Lean, "Lockhart held a book signing at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore three days ago, and I missed it. And Patriarch Malfoy and Wei Patriarch Sly actually got into a fight in front of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore that day..."

"Wait, how did you know?" Lean was a little surprised. How could this happen so quickly? Even Hermione, who had been staying in the Muggle world during the summer vacation, knew about it.

Hermione looked helpless and took out a roll of newspapers from her pocket and handed it to Ryan: "Don't you even read newspapers?"

"Wizard Daily? What kind of newspaper is this?" Rean had never heard of this newspaper.

"This is the third best-selling newspaper in the UK, and it reported this matter. And when I came in from the Leaky Cauldron just now, I heard many wizards still talking about this matter." Hermione said with a smile. .

Every time she discovers something that Li En doesn't know but she knows, it makes the little girl happy for a long time.

"Okay." Ryan said helplessly.

The most important thing is that the Wizarding Daily also included a dynamic picture of Patriarch Weasley riding on Patriarch Malfoy and punching Patriarch Malfoy.

As long as you look over, Mr. Arthur will punch Mr. Lucius beneath him.

Mr. Malfoy will probably be furious to death. It is better to discuss the matter of the diary in two days. If Mr. Malfoy dies in a fit of anger, there will be no chance of opening the small vault in the future. Lien thought so.

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