Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 114 Shopping in Diagon Alley

After thinking about it for a while, Li En stopped thinking about it.

"Let's go, we need to buy a lot of things today." Lean said to Hermione.

There are indeed a lot of things to buy today, Lockhart's books account for half of them, and second grade students can already bring brooms to school.

The owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore has been extremely happy these two days. After all, every little wizard stepping into the door of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore means that he will leave here with a lot of Lockhart's books.

Every time a book is sold, he makes a profit.

Professor Lockhart is not only handsome and powerful, he is also beautiful in what he does, and he is especially considerate of the little wizards.

The owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore wished all the professors could learn from Lockhart.

"Welcome." The owner of Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, who was wandering far away, saw the two little wizards coming in and said mechanically.

At the same time, he was mentally calculating how much money would be added to his account.

"Ah, it's Mr. Zell, and Miss Granger, welcome, welcome." The store manager's face almost turned into a flower with a smile.

This is a big customer. Not to mention that Lean has signed a long-term book purchase plan. Hermione alone will take away one or two extra-curricular books in addition to the textbooks every time she comes.

"A few books just arrived today. I was thinking of mailing them to Mr. Zell, but I didn't expect you to come today." The store manager said, taking out a small package from under the counter to prove himself What is said is true.

"Excuse me for bothering you. There's no need to mail it. I'll just pick it up myself later." Lean smiled and nodded. Flourish and Blotts Bookstore was very timely every time it mailed books.

"Haha, don't bother. I wish I had to worry a little more." The store manager was also very happy, at least he saved the cost of an owl errand.

Lean was talking to the store manager here. He didn't need to buy any books because he had one for all the books.

Hermione was selecting the extracurricular books she wanted to read in the bookstore. As for the textbooks, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore would thoughtfully pack them for every little wizard. All you had to do was tell the waiter your age.

Hermione didn't pick out books very quickly, because she needed to buy a whole set of Lockhart books this year, and the money she could use to buy extra-curricular books became in jeopardy.

If it weren't for crucibles, telescopes, etc. that didn't need to be purchased repeatedly, maybe the money exchanged at Gringotts this year wouldn't be enough.

It can also be seen from here that this year's freshmen will most likely not have an easy time.

In the end, Hermione gritted her teeth and bought the two books she had always wanted.

"I remember I gave you the key?" Rean said, looking at Hermione who looked distressed.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Lean: "It's not hers after all."

"Haven't you ever thought about earning some Galleons? Refining potions, making some alchemy items, etc."

"Of course I've thought about it, but to be honest, I'm not that proficient in potion skills. I'll lose money if I make it rashly. Hogwarts doesn't teach alchemy, so if I suddenly start it, wouldn't it be a waste of materials."

Hermione was a little troubled. In fact, she had thought about these methods, but in the end she gave up because she didn't have any galleons in her pocket.

As for borrowing money from Rean, Hermione didn't even think about it at all. She didn't want their relationship to deteriorate because of money.

In fact, Hermione was a little too worried.

"Hermione, do you want to come work for me?" Rean suggested.

"Huh?" Hermione was a little confused.

"That's right, I need an assistant to help me organize the potions. You know, I have a plantation in my name, so I still have plenty of potions."

Although Lean wanted to help Hermione, he also knew that giving Hermione money rashly would definitely not work. This little girl looks soft and weak, but she is actually stronger than anyone else.

Hermione also understood Lean's intention at this time. To be honest, she was quite touched at the moment. At least Lean could take care of her little self-esteem.

"Okay, but let me tell you in advance that I don't want your herbal medicine." Hermione still got vaccinated in advance to prevent Lean from using the herbal medicine to practice her skills in the name of her assistant.

"Of course." Of course, Lean would not give Hermione herbs directly. That was no different from giving money directly, so why would he make this excuse.

After the two of them finished their discussion, Rean suggested trying some ice cream.

Due to professional reasons, Mr. Granger has always required their family to pay attention to their diet. It is impossible to have something like ice cream.

After getting the ice cream, the two found a double seat in the store and sat down.

The store manager thoughtfully set up several seats of different sizes, including single seats near the bar and double seats. There are also booths at the far end that can seat up to six people.

No matter how many people come, they can always find a location that meets their needs.

Hermione ate in small bites, feeling extremely satisfied with every bite. In the past month, the little girl has never had the opportunity to enjoy a bite of sweets as comfortably as she did today at home.

Although Hermione ate in small bites, she did so at a slow pace, and the cup of ice cream quickly reached the bottom. Seeing this, Lien pushed his untouched cup of ice cream over.

Perhaps it was magic on the cup, but the ice cream still showed no sign of melting.

"Huh? Aren't you going to eat it?" Hermione wiped the remaining ice cream around her lips with a tissue and said with some unfinished meaning.

"You go ahead and eat it." Lean said with a smile.

In the past few days at home, pudding has been cooked in different ways every day, and he does not care about these things anymore.

"Okay." Hermione nodded, put her spoon into Rean's cup of ice cream and scooped it up.

"What else should we buy after eating?" Rean asked. He only read the series of Gilderoy Lockhart in the catalog attached to the letter sent by Hogwarts, and didn't read the rest at all.

Of course, he still kept the ticket that came with the letter.

"Herbs used in Potions class, various transfiguration materials used in Transfiguration class, flower pots and various seeds used in Herb class, etc." Hermione said a lot while eating ice cream, as if she was reciting.

"It seems we are quite busy today?"

The little girl who was eating ice cream sighed and nodded with a painful look on her face.

In fact, there were quite a few little wizards with the same sad faces in the ice cream shop, some because of Lockhart's books, and some because it was troublesome to move so many things.

Not every little wizard has a seamless stretch bag like Lean.

After Hermione finished eating, the two of them ran around Diagon Alley together.

I don’t know if it’s for the purpose of exercising the little wizard’s physical fitness, but these shops are quite far apart.

In addition, Ryan and Hermione were playing and walking at the same time, so it took until the sun went down to buy everything they needed.

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