Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 197 My first goal is to win, that’s all

At noon, Snape immediately came to the principal's office seriously and quickly.

At this time, there was darkness in the office, and the most dazzling thing was actually Fox with a faint red glow.

"Oh" Dumbledore walked out of the back room, raised his hand in the shadow, and the curtains suddenly slid open and hung on both sides.

"Severus, what happened?" Dumbledore asked straight to the point.

Light filled the office, and Dumbledore, dressed in white robes, looked energetic.

"I just came back." Dumbledore noticed his gaze, and then explained: "Look for the remaining Horcruxes. In my opinion, Riddle will not only have one Horcrux, what do you think?"

"Maybe." Snape said calmly: "There is no point in referring to my ideas. He himself doesn't trust anyone. None of us know what he is thinking."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and agreed, "That's true."

As he said that, he took out the tea cup, added honey that made Snape's eyes twitch, and then poured hot water into it.

"Trelawney has made another prophecy."

"Is there anything special?" Dumbledore stirred the thick honey in the cup with a spoon.

"She predicted that Mu En would die in the competition he held. Others who could fight against the mysterious man would also die!"

Dumbledore's expression became much more serious, and his blue pupils looked straight at Snape.

"What do you think of this prophecy? Her state and expression when she made this prophecy."

Snape's pupils shrank, and after a moment, he had to force himself to recall what happened more than ten years ago.

After a while, he shook his head helplessly.

"I don't know. That bastard drank a lot, and her mental state is very bad today.

I couldn't tell whether she had a sudden inspiration or was just pretending to attract attention. "

Dumbledore tapped his fingers on the glass, making a tiny tinkling sound.

After Snape's endurance was close to the limit, he slowly spoke: "Severus, I think we don't have to stick to the prophecy."


"No, no, no! Severus, forget it, whether it is true or false, don't do anything unnecessary.

Just think about it, if Voldemort hadn't known about the prophecy, would there have been such tragic events in the future? ! "

Snape's face suddenly became uncertain. His original intention was to warn Dumbledore, but...

"Well, I guess you're right." Snape had to admit, Dumbledore convinced him.

Dumbledore nodded and asked about today's lunch and the afternoon's game arrangements.

After Snape replied dryly, he left the office.

After he left, Dumbledore showed his thoughts.

"Except for Moon Jones, anyone who can fight Voldemort will also die."

"Harry Potter?" said Delis on the wall: "This prophecy is not very friendly."

"But this is reasonable, isn't it?" Another principal said: "It just meets the previous prophecy."

"Prophecy? Reasonable?!"

"Of course, we'll die together." The principal spread his hands.

"Let's first assume that this prophecy is true, then the problem will be very clear. Everyone who can resist the mysterious man is dead. Then who can cause it. Who can do it except the mysterious man himself.

Did the mysterious man survive this confrontation in the end?

If the prophecy made thirteen years ago is to be followed, then obviously the mysterious man will also die by then!

If both prophecies are correct, they will die together. Then this is the most likely outcome.

Otherwise what is it? Is it predicted that the child will defeat the mysterious man head-on? "

"Okay, shut up!" Dai Lisi said unhappily: "No one wants a child to die, okay? Fortunately, you are still the previous principal. 'The most likely scenario', it sounds like you are very I’m looking forward to this result!”

As he said that, the old principals on the wall started arguing.

"I said when this prophecy came out that he could only be a hook or a bomb - in short, it would not be ridiculous to say that this child defeated the opponent head-on.

In other words, the prophecy back then refers to what will happen decades after the mysterious man rules the wizarding world! "

"It's ridiculous enough for you to do reasoning and analysis with a prophecy here!"

"I'm just making reasonable assumptions."

"Okay, okay!" Dumbledore raised his hand and stopped the commotion on the wall.

"Albus, what do you think?"

"As I said just now, I will not do unnecessary things just because of this prophecy." Dumbledore said with a slight smile:

"Perhaps, those unnecessary things are exactly what led to such a tragedy!"

"Hopefully." Dai Lisi said.

After lunch time passed, the afternoon game also began.

The little wizards gathered in the arena bustlingly,

Heading to the grass field for the competition, Harry and Hermione were walking in front.

Draco and Crabgoyle were tiptoeing in the back, sitting and warming up.

In fact, this kind of behavior is not good for casting spells, but it can wake up the body and warm the blood, which is still beneficial in the duel field.

Then, he turned his attention to the two people in front of him.

If I give each of them a stick and don't let them compete, will I definitely win?

But soon, he gave up this idea.

Might as well pray that I get a bye.

There were twenty-eight second-grade applicants. After two rounds of screening, a total of seven little wizards participated in today's finals.

Three of them, plus Neville.

The remaining two were Ravenclaws and one Hufflepuff.


Soon, the contestants officially entered the stage.

Above, Jordan is mobilizing the emotions of the audience. He has been doing this job for more than a month, racking his brains to come up with jokes every day.

Harry turned around, looked at Draco who looked nervous, and patted him on the back, almost giving him a break and choking several times.

"Why are you so nervous? Be confident, your sweat won't lie!"

"Neither can yours!" Draco said flatly.

"And my primary goal now is performance, not so-called experience or verification of my sweat. I'm not pursuing a bloody duel, I just want to win!"

Harry smiled helplessly, shrugged and said, "Okay, then I hope Lady Luck will help you."

"That's best." Draco raised the corner of his mouth.

But he really wasn't that nervous anymore.

Like Harry said, sweat doesn't lie.

If the goddess of luck doesn't help me, at least - at least I still have the honor guard that I have worked hard for for so many days, which is enough to support myself to give it a try!

Hiss. Is this the feeling of having power in your own hands?

This was the first time Draco felt this way.

Something wonderful! A very good feeling.

Then, the drawing of lots began.

Lady luck was clearly not on Draco's side.

Hermione embarrassedly showed the blank ticket in her hand.

Draco could only smile, look at the ticket in his hand, and then look for his opponent - the Ravenclaw.

He couldn't remember the names of these irrelevant people.

At the same time, Harry also looked at his opponent, who also looked at him cautiously.

"Harry, that's great. I thought I would meet you later."

"Neville. What a coincidence."

Harry also became serious!

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