Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Extra: Sophie’s May Day (also: a New Year’s letter to book friends)

I wish you all a happy New Year in advance and wish you all good luck in the Year of the Dragon!

Blessings, the first thing a brother sends is always - good health! !

Therefore, I wish all readers good health and all the best in the new year!

Next is the extra story, Miss Sophie on May Day.

"I heard that Wizard Howl's castle appeared again in the wasteland, and I don't know if he is going to participate in the war.

I heard from Fanny that there is a little girl in the south of town who has been kidnapped by Hal! "

“The sorcerer known as the Sea Devil has landed in Hobo Harbor, looking very angry.

Some people said that he even had his captain's hat broken, and those guests said that the captain's hat is a status symbol of a captain..."


Knuckles tapped lightly on the wooden door, interrupting Sophie's silent conversation with the hat in her hand.

"Miss Sophie, the store has been packed up. Come out with us!" The woman asked Sophie in the workroom, holding the expensive handbag she had always cherished.

Today is May Day. Even if the kingdom is currently at war, it cannot stop people's enthusiasm for relaxing and having fun during this rare holiday.

Or perhaps, it is precisely because the haze of war has been weighing down the country in the past few days, so this May Day, people wantonly released their inner depression, making the streets more lively than in previous years.

Sophie stopped her sewing and looked at Betty: "I'm going to finish sewing this hat. I wish you have fun."

Betty showed a helpless expression, "Okay, let's go first."

With that said, she called to the other girls in the store, "Let's go."

At this moment, someone said: "Look over there, it's a moving castle!!"


"Really, you're so close!"

"I don't know if I'll get to the city from Haar."

Sophie also looked out the window. It was a huge castle that looked messy from the outside, or it could be said to be a haphazardly assembled house.

But the most eye-catching thing about it is the trembling and slender legs under the castle. The entire castle is currently relying on it to slowly walk into the wasteland clouds and mist, disappearing in just one glance.

Hal was obviously very popular in the girl's circle. Their conversation went from outside the studio to the hall downstairs, and then slowly disappeared.

Sophie, on the other hand, focused her attention on the unfinished hat in her hand.

She has always been like this. As the eldest sister in the family, she does not have the habit of longing for others.

After a while, she quickly sewed the hat on her hand.

Putting the hat away, she took the earthy yellow hat she always wore, took off her apron and went to the main hall of the hat shop on the first floor, showing two bright smiles in the mirror.

Then, the smile dropped, and she put the hat down again to block her face.


The bell rings.

Sophie looked at the door, and a man stepped in.

She originally wanted to tell the other party that the store was temporarily closed today, but looking at the other party's golden pupils as sharp and dazzling as the sun, she couldn't say no.

The clean and light clothes fit neatly on the man's body. A dark wooden cane, the wood grain exudes golden light.

The black hair looks energetic, and the flawless appearance is adorned with a gentle smile.

Sophie looked at Mu Shi, and he was also looking at him.

She is indeed a very good-looking girl...but she seems a little timid? !

"Hello, I want to customize a hat." The man said: "A three-cornered hat, not a ladies' hat with big feathers. It's made of leather, and there are some badge requirements. Do you need to remember it?"

Sophie reacted, nodded repeatedly, and walked to the front desk: "Please come this way."

The man followed and walked over, his eyes wandering among the finished hats.

Sophie took out a small notepad: "Sir, may I ask your name."

"Moon Jones," the man replied.

Sophie neatly wrote down the man's name in the book, and then asked again: "Okay, please tell me your needs in detail."

Mu En had many requirements, including a special badge imprint, a larger hat brim, and a uniform that should not be too rigid, so that he could not look like a certain naval captain of the kingdom.

After about ten minutes, Sophie remembered all the requirements, and then nodded: "Please wait a moment."

After a while, she came back holding a prop that looked like a stun device on her head.

"Mr. Jones, here's the head size gauge. I'm going to put it on your head."

Mu En nodded: "Please do."

Taking advantage of this time, he also had a conversation with Sophie.

"Are you the only one in this store?"

While adjusting the instrument, Sophie replied to him: "No, today is May Day, and the other store clerks have gone out."

"It seems that I wasted your time. Can I ask your name?" Mu En said.

"No problem, my name is Sophie Hayter."

"Haite?! Is this store owned by an elder in your family?"

This shop is called Haight Hat Shop.

Sophie gently picked up the head circumference measuring device: "My father opened it here twenty years ago, but now my mother is in charge."

It didn't take long to measure the head circumference and head shape. Sophie's hands and feet were very nimble and the measurement was completed in a short time.

"Mr. Mu En, what is your address?"

Mu En stood up and picked up the cane: "I will come and get it myself. Besides..."

As if by magic, a clover badge suddenly appeared in his hand.

"This is for you. I hope it brings you good luck, even if this good luck is only limited to today."

With that said, Mu En let go of the cane, moved forward, and pinned it on Sophie's collar without any explanation.

The cane did not fall down, but was just waiting for Mu En to hold it in his hand again.

After making sure that the brooch was pinned, Mu En turned around and said, "Goodbye, Sophie!"

By the time the girl reacted, the man had already left. Looking at the constantly shaking hanging bell, the girl was full of doubts, and then looked at the brooch on her collar.

It was worth a lot at first glance, and it reminded Sophie of what Petty often said about the enamel craft, which was the latest trend in the royal capital.

"What a... eccentric but generous gentleman..."

She could only shake her head and stop thinking about it. Put away the recorded order book and leave the store.

Mark Chipping Town at night.

Sophie returned to the hat shop, stood at the door, and silently took out the key.

Tonight, she looked worried, and she inserted the key twice in a row before opening the door.

Today’s journey is indeed a bit magical. Magicians in strange costumes, chased by strange golems, walking in the air with festive ribbons and balloons flying...

In addition, her sister Leti's words also made her feel confused.

There are three sisters in their family, she is the eldest sister, and then there is her sister Letty who is an apprentice in a cake shop that she visited today.

The youngest sister, Martha, was born to her current stepmother and the manager of the hat shop.

Because the two younger sisters have not dealt with each other for a long time, as the eldest sister, she often worries about them.

At the same time, as the eldest sister, a role that is most easily ignored, this has also led to her somewhat inferior character and indifferent attitude towards life.

She still remembered what her mother had told them about their future arrangements two months ago.

Sophie continues to work as an apprentice in the hat shop, so that she can inherit this infamous Haight hat shop in the future.

Letty made it clear that she wanted to continue studying - but her mother sent her to be an apprentice in a cake shop.

Martha, her biological daughter - was sent to the magic school in the royal capital to study magic.

Sophie is very happy with this arrangement. It's not that she loves making hats, but...she doesn't know what she likes.

Perhaps she is used to worrying about her family. At only 18 years old, she went from ignoring her own thoughts as a child to having no thoughts of her own now!

Yes, it doesn’t matter whether you sew hats, make cakes, or be a magician.

If it weren't for her two younger sisters, she might really have been like this "indifferent" forever.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think of what the sister sitting on the stacked boxes said in the afternoon:

"We switched identities!"

"I'm actually Martha, and it's Letty who's going to learn magic."

"Mom thinks learning magic is a good way out, but I don't want to."

"Martha didn't want to make cakes either, she wanted to continue studying. So we secretly swapped identities."

"I don't want to listen to her arrangements, I want to live my own life." Letty said nonchalantly, completely different from her well-behaved family!

At that moment, Sophie suddenly realized that she never knew her two sisters.

When they were leaving, Letty, no, it should be said, Martha asked her.

"What do you want to do in the future?"

“I mean, you’re not really going to spend your life sewing hats?”

"You must think about it carefully, sister."

After lighting the oil lamp, Sophie's mind sometimes lingered on her sister's words, and sometimes drifted to the gentle magician she met today.


The bell rings.

Sophie turned her head, a little confused. She remembered that she had locked the door.

A tall, fat woman walked in. The fat on her neck was layered one after another, with a greasy reflection.

"The store has closed. I was about to lock the door. I'm really sorry." Sophie said politely.

"Tacky shop, tacky hat~" The woman's voice was unusually thick, which made people feel uncomfortable.

The eyes, which were narrow due to the accumulation of fat, were exposed from the brim of the hat. The cloudy yellow pupils looked at Sophie like a hyena examining its prey: "You are also completely vulgar!"

Sophie was a little dissatisfied: "This is just a small market shop."

She put down her hat, straightened her waist, strode past the fat woman, walked to the door, and opened the door: "Please come back!"

The fat woman turned around and said, "You are very brave if you dare to drive the Witch of the Wilderness out of the house."

"Witch of the Wilderness?" Sophie looked at the tall and fat woman in horror. Before she could react, there was a sudden sound at the door. When she looked, she saw two black monsters in red male servant uniforms blocking the door.

This... was the monster that was chasing her and the blond magician this afternoon! !

Suddenly, the body of the Witch of the Wild became translucent, and she rushed towards Sophie like a ghost.

"Say hello to Hal for me."

Sophie had never seen such a scene before, and she instinctively arched her body.

Suddenly, the clover badge on her collar burst into a burst of green light, covering her body.

The vibrant green light protected Sophie like a protective shield. The Witch of the Wilderness hovered in front of Sophie with a surprised look on her face.

"This is... Moon Jones' method!! How can you, a country girl who makes hats, even know him?!"

She was greatly shocked inside, but she didn't show it on her face. She just said with a twitching corner of her mouth: "Haha, I was the court mage of the kingdom decades ago. How could such a small trick resist me?!"

She raised her fat hand, and a huge amount of magic power turned into black energy and poured out, covering Sophie's body, intertwined with the green light.

The green light gradually shrank under her control, and at the same time, a proud smile appeared on her face!

Sophie's body could not move at all, and she could only watch in horror as the green light emanating from the armband on her collar clashed with the black energy of the wilderness witch.

The next moment, the green light suddenly shrank and turned into an extremely dazzling light spot. Before the Witch of the Wild could react, it shot toward her head like a bullet.


The Witch of the Wilderness seemed to have been hit by a cannonball, her fat and bloated body flew out and hit the wall!

She climbed up with difficulty, but all she saw was green leaves growing out of her huge bunted hair, and branches seemed to be growing out from under her face, which was extremely ferocious and terrifying!

At the same time, Sophie also noticed the witch's gloomy expression.

The Witch of the Wild gritted her teeth and looked at the clover badge in front of Sophie's collar.

This is not a pure amulet at all, the amulet is just an illusion!

The powerful attack spell hidden under the green protective magic is the true power of this badge!

She was severely shaken.

If she hadn't used this woman to catch Hal, she would really want to squeeze him to death! !


She stood up stiffly and turned into a ghost again, passing through Sophie's body.

This time, there were no obstacles.

She stood at the gate and looked coldly at the hunched Sophie.

"Say hello to Hal for me. And tell Moon Jones he's dead!"

After slamming the door shut, the Witch of the Wilds' expression suddenly changed. She still had the proud and cold attitude before.

Her expression was flustered, and she had long lost her previous dignity. In a panic, she took out a small jar from her sleeve and poured it into her mouth.

At the same time, he quickly stepped onto the small sedan outside the store and gave orders to the devil!

"Let's go! Let's go!"

The spell on the clover badge was much more terrifying than she showed. Now she could feel that her internal organs were beginning to stiffen, and the skin on her body was beginning to become dull and chapped.

If it is not taken care of, I am afraid that it will turn into an immobile tree in a short time.

Another thing that made her panic.

A few days ago, because of some issues related to the war, I conspired with people from the enemy's Wizarding Society to set up a fight with each other in the open sea!

Isn't it rumored among the neighbors that he is now in Port Hob, and that he is full of anger when he is seen? !

Also, how did he know he would be here? Prophecy? !

I'm just afraid that if I delay any longer, the other party will come and kill me.

Hal, she is not afraid!

Mu En is...not too scared!

But if the two of them are in this small town now, and Mu En still brings Hal to trouble her.

escape! !

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