Soon, the first game begins.

Neville and Harry walked onto the center of the field together.

"The teacher said that if I meet you, I will say more harsh words." Neville said softly.

Harry nodded, a little surprised at Neville's name, and then nodded: "I can do it, just say it."

"Yeah" Neville held his breath, and then said helplessly: "I don't know what to say."

"Okay" Harry smiled.

At the same time, Jordan's passionate voice sounded in their ears. They were so close that Harry couldn't hear what he was saying. He could only vaguely hear words like dark horse and victory.

Soon afterwards, he selected a third-year Hufflepuff wizard to draw lots.

Harry and Neville were ten meters apart when a blazing flame fell between them.


Spiked rakes emerged from the soil around the entire arena, and a towering house quickly rose from the ground.

"This is?!" Jordan's shock echoed throughout the audience.

"Indoor battle on unfamiliar terrain?! This is the first time such a scene has occurred. Since the last time on the streets of the West, this is the first indoor battle since the start of the game!

A completely unfamiliar room, an enemy I don’t know where he is!

I have envisioned some scenarios where there is only a wall between you and your enemy, or we meet in a narrow road half a second later. These are all possible to see in this game! "

Along with his words, the audience here can't help but look forward to it.

This kind of terrain with more complex variables makes the game too many unknowns.

"The ground beneath Longbottom's feet began to rise! The grass was disappearing, and stone pillars rose around him. That was the balcony.

The terrain has changed, and there are still ten seconds left in the countdown. Longbottom was on the fourth floor balcony at the back of the house.

And Harry Potter is now outside the gate of the small manor! "

At the same time, in the eyes of the audience, the originally dark and thick walls of this ancient four-story manor gradually became translucent. Even though there were many obstacles, the audience from different angles could still clearly see the two people. The position and status of the players.

As for viewers who may be confused because the scene is too transparent and linear, they can also choose to pay more attention to Jordan's explanation, so that they will not be completely unable to see the battle situation.

Similarly, in the arena, Harry's expression also became serious.

As a contestant, he doesn't know where Neville is now, and he doesn't even know how big the manor house is.

He could only see clearly that this was a four-story manor by raising his head, nothing more.

"Hiding outside, waiting for Neville to take the initiative to poke his head somewhere and reveal his position?!"

But soon, he shook his head and rejected the idea.

Uncle Mu En said something before, "Hit the high and beat the low, beat...whatever", it's not a good word anyway.

As for luring Neville out of the manor, it may be even more difficult. If he hides outside, he may be handing over the manor's internal information to Neville for exploration.

Thinking about it, he stepped into it the moment the countdown ended, and first looked across from him. It was a wide hall with luxurious-looking carpets on the floor.


It might be much easier if Neville was opposite him, came in through the back door, and started fighting directly like that!

Thinking about it, Harry took out his wand and pointed it at his feet: "Silently -"

At the same time, the fourth floor!

Neville stood on the balcony. After the countdown ended, he carefully pushed open the small glass door of the balcony.

This is a very luxurious-looking bedroom, about the size of an average living room.

"I don't know where Harry is," he muttered worriedly. The current scene made him a little overwhelmed. He had been practicing spellcasting with the teacher during this period, but the actual combat was not too in-depth. .

According to the teacher, it is: "Running is not something you should think about now. You should walk the road first!"

"Walk. Walk."

At this time, his round face turned red from suppressing it, and then he shook his head violently, made up his mind, and walked out of the house!

At this time, in the classroom, Snape looked unusually interested.

In fact, compared to battles in various landscape environments, there will be more struggles in small spaces in modern times.

"What a beautiful scene." Professor McGonagall was also a little surprised: "Mo En, this kind of large-scale transformation is not easy."

"Actually, it's not bad." Mu En nodded.

The logic of transfiguration in this world is very simple when it comes to constructing something like this that has a basis in reality.

The so-called not easy thing in Mag's mouth should refer to the consumption of magic power.

And this is a problem of the formation, and he himself doesn't need to consume anything.

Of course, the formation is now running at full speed, quite like a graphics card with maximum power.

"Actually, there is also a small room. The two initial positions for the duel are one in the front garden and the other in the basement." Mu En said with regret: "It's a pity that no one has drawn that terrain yet."

He still wanted to see the battle that took place in that scene.

"Now it seems that the two of them should have met on the second and third floors. Harry was slower in the corridor fight. He kept his back carefully pressed against the wall during the search. He was really vigilant." Jordan was analyzing. The situation on the field.

"What an exaggeration. Now that Harry has finished checking the first floor, he wants to continue upwards - wait! What is he doing? He made an own move!

Five, he put five snakes here. What is he doing? Raid and warning? ! Defense Longbottom appears from some unexpected place! "

Outside the court, someone saw Harry's behavior and shouted dissatisfied: "Damn Slytherin, he only does these little tricks! As always!"

"This is called a strategy, idiot!!" Draco didn't take it for granted and turned back to look at the audience.

Jordan also noticed this quarrel. The game was much quieter than before, and everyone was immersed in the silent confrontation in the manor.

Immediately, he also made an explanation: "If you want to release the five snakes, there will be some consumption. And the opponent may also borrow these snakes to counterattack Porter. This is a normal choice and game in a battle!

To give a very simple example, if Harry relaxed his exploration of the first floor because of these snakes, and these snakes happened to not encounter the enemies that appeared on the first floor, wouldn't that actually make him more dangerous? ? "

If it was an ordinary Slytherin, maybe he really wouldn't bother to explain these things.

"Longbottom is clearly on the fourth floor, how could he be on the first floor?" Someone still muttered dissatisfiedly.

Jordan stopped explaining. Is it difficult for a wizard to go from the fourth floor to the first floor?

He felt that there was nothing more to say to this guy who took everything for granted with God's Vision!

On the field, Neville was slightly worse. Although he was controlling his steps, he would always make some unavoidable noises from time to time.

However, his efficiency is obviously faster, and he has already searched the fourth floor before.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped at the top of the stairs, looking down vigilantly!

According to the initial inference, he should continue to descend at this time.

But suddenly, under the gaze of everyone present, he stopped here.

"Wait! Is he going to use this as a base?!" Jordan's voice appeared, answering the doubts of some viewers who didn't quite understand.

At least for now, this can only be explained.

After a while, on the other side, Harry, who had finished checking the second floor, carefully looked up through the corridor.

There is no movement on the first floor, so if nothing else happens, Neville is up there!

And that Longbottom, beyond everyone's imagination, remained motionless at the top of the stairs!

Soon, after Harry carefully searched the third floor, he still didn't meet Neville.

The audience outside the venue gradually became quiet, and the entire venue became audible.

Along the way, Potter maintained extraordinary vigilance.

He was about to collide with Longbottom, who was standing still and guarding his prey like a hunter!

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