Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 13 Hello, Hogwarts!

The experiences of the past nine years have made Feeney yearn for friendship and family even more. Unfortunately, these two things are the hardest for him to get at this time.

After a while of calm, the car slowly drove into Hogsmeade Station, which meant that they were about to arrive at Hogwarts.

Feeney stood up and put on the prepared wizard robe with a nameplate engraved with his name on it.

Because it was specially customized, this wizard's robe was not uncomfortable to wear, even though it contained a complete set of casual clothes.

At this time, a voice began to echo in the carriage.

"We will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage in the carriage. Someone will send your luggage to the school in batches."

Feeney did not leave the cubicle immediately, but sat there for a while.

Because he knew very well that at this time, the corridor outside the carriage would be full of students, crowded and chaotic, so it was better to wait for a while before getting off.

Sure enough, after a while, there were fewer little wizards in the carriage and it became a lot more relaxed. Of course, not all the little wizards left. Feeney just avoided the rush hour and was not planning to be late.

Following the flow of people and walking out of the car door, there was a dark and small platform. At this time, the weather had begun to turn cold and the wind was biting. Even Fini, who was wearing two layers of clothes, couldn't help but feel a bit cold and shivered. trembling.

At this time, a dim light was seen jumping up and down and swaying left and right above the students' heads.

A loud and honest voice sounded,

"All first-year students come here!"

The one who shouted was the gamekeeper of Hogwarts and Dumbledore's strongest supporter. Rubeus Hagrid, a giant hybrid, was also a student of Hogwarts, but was expelled for some reasons.

He is a very kind person, but a little honest. However, his kindness will obviously not be shown to Feeney, who is from the Black family.

Hagrid's thick hair covered his big face, which actually looked a little cute. This big furry face flashed in the crowd,

"Come on, come with me! Are there any freshmen? Walk carefully. The freshmen are following me."

Hagrid kept shouting, holding the dim lamp high. Maybe he didn't hold it high, just because he was too high, it seemed like he was holding it high.

The freshmen stumbled and followed Hagrid down a narrow and steep path. It was dark on both sides of the path, probably a dense forest.

Hagrid led the new students diligently and at the same time, he did not forget to introduce to them,

"You're about to see Hogwarts for the first time, just turn a corner,"

Continuing to walk forward, the long and narrow path suddenly became clear, and then a large black lake came into view.

At the end of the lake is a huge castle with many turrets and towers.

The castle is located between two towering peaks, and the glass on the windows of the tower shines brightly under the starry sky.

'Hello, Hogwarts! ’

The moment he saw the huge castle, Feeney said to himself,

In the world of the previous life, which child did not imagine that when he was eleven years old, an owl came to his window with a letter printed with four college badges and a capital H, and tapped on the window. Tell him that you were admitted to the Magic Academy,

However, no one in the previous life could realize this dream, but now, Feeney has achieved it,

"A boat can seat four people."

By the lake, Hagrid pointed to the boat in the lake and said to the freshmen,

Just like on the train, most of the little wizards avoided Finny and were unwilling to take a boat with him.

However, the number of these ships is certain. To match the number of little wizards, it is rare for a person to be alone in a ship.

Eventually, a boy and two girls got on a boat with Feeney,

"Is everyone on board?"

Hagrid, who was sitting alone in a boat at the front of the fleet, shouted loudly. After making sure that no little wizard was left behind, he continued,

"Okay, let's go!"

"Well,,, why do they seem to be afraid of you?"

A little witch who was on the same boat as Feeney timidly asked Feeney, and her words made the boy and the other girl's faces turn blue-white, looking very frightened.

Feeney glanced at the fear on the faces of the two young wizards and knew in his heart that they might be half-blood wizards or pure-blood wizards who were close to Dumbledore.

Shaking his head slightly, he smiled and said to the little witch who asked the question,

"Your parents are both Muggles, right? Oh, you know what Muggle means, right?"

The little witch was still a little scared, nodded timidly, and said in a weak and almost inaudible voice,

"I know, it refers to ordinary people who don't know magic. Professor McGonagall said it when she went to my home."

"It seems so. Your parents are both Muggles, so you don't know."

Feeney nodded, flashed the ring representing the Black family on his finger and said,

"I am from the Black family, one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families. Therefore, they either dare not approach me out of fear, or they reject my existence."

The little witch was still a little confused. Obviously, she didn't know about the war between the second dark lord in the wizarding world that she came into contact with nine years ago.

Feeney shook his head and explained with a smile,

"So, Voldemort, do you know? My family was one of the few families that publicly supported Voldemort at that time. Therefore, many mixed-blood wizards or pure-blood wizards who are close to Muggles are afraid of my family."

The little witch was obviously frightened by these words, and her body trembled a few times.

Feeney continued,

"Of course, I don't support Voldemort, he is a guy with mental problems,"

Feeney's words shocked the other two little wizards who were born in the magical world. After all, Voldemort had only disappeared for nine years, so he was not necessarily dead yet. People's fear of him has not completely disappeared.

Feeney looked at their paler faces and trembling bodies, and shook his head in disappointment. In his opinion, Voldemort was a neurotic terrorist who had some ideals but incomplete ideas, and was a bit extreme.

And he is a terrorist with a narrow vision, no ambition, and no strategy. You must know that the first generation Dark Lord’s sphere of influence covers almost all the magical world in the world.

And Voldemort only dominated the small circle of Britain. A little further, it only affected other countries in Europe, such as Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Even Voldemort's name has not been heard of.

"That's why they fear me,"

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