Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 14 Professor McGonagall

Feeney pointed to the two little wizards on the same boat and said,

"As for the other pure-blooded little wizards, it was because of my eldest brother, who openly opposed Voldemort. When Voldemort fell, my parents had passed away and my second brother disappeared. I did not help any Death Eaters, even According to some family information, many people were reported through Professor Dumbledore, so the descendants of these Death Eaters reject me and even hate me.”

Now the little witch understood that the handsome and aristocratic young man in front of her had offended almost everyone in the magic world. Therefore, there was a hint of sadness in the eyes he looked at Feeney.

Feeney saw the worry in the little witch's eyes and couldn't help but sigh, she is really a kind little witch.

"Don't worry about me, I can still handle this. I haven't asked yet, what is your name? My name is Phineas Black, and I have the same name as a former headmaster of Hogwarts. He is my ancestor. "

The little witch was obviously a little flattered, especially in front of a boy who had scared her before, but now felt some sympathy for her.

"Ah, my name is Angelina Johnson. Nice to meet you,"

Feeney smiled and looked at the other two little wizards.

"what about you,"

Because of Feeney's explanation, the two little wizards were no longer so afraid of him, so they spoke,

"My name is Roger Davis."

"I'm Alia Spinnet."

While the four people were talking, the fleet was gliding in a row on the mirror-like water. Except for Fini and the four little wizards, everyone else was silent. This caused Fini's previous explanation to be ignored by almost everyone. Everyone heard it, including Hagrid,

This made Hagrid, who didn't have any good feelings for Feeney, burst into tears. He felt that Feeney had been living alone all these years. However, his transformation was not known to others.

As the fleet got closer and closer to the cliff where the castle was located, the little wizard's head looked up higher and higher as he looked up at the magnificent castle.

"Lower your head!"

Hagrid shouted as the fleet reached the edge of the cliff. The little wizards naturally did as they were told.

However, when the fleet passed the entrance of the waterway that ran under the castle, which was covered by a curtain of ivy on the cliff, the little wizards discovered that the only one who needed to bow their heads was Hagrid. .

After a long time, they finally docked. It was an underground port. Judging from the surrounding environment, it seemed that it was not a commonly used passage. It might be that only young wizards would go here when they were in school.

From this port climb a rocky moss and pebbled mountain path. After a long time, we came to a piece of grass under the shadow of the castle.

Looking at the huge oak door of the castle in front of them, the little wizards stopped in tacit agreement.

Hagrid stepped forward and turned around to ask,

"Is everyone here?"

After making sure it was correct, he started to knock on the door. His huge fist knocked on the oak door three times, and the sound was more like hammering on the door.

The door opened immediately, and standing at the door was a tall, black-haired female wizard with a serious expression in emerald green robes.

Feeney knew her. He had read her article on the train not long ago. She was the deputy principal of Hogwarts, the one who wrote the admission notices to the little wizards, Professor Minerva McGonagall. .

Hagrid's next words also confirmed that Finny did not admit his mistake.

"Professor McGonagall, the first years are all here."

Professor McGonagall nodded and said to Hagrid,

"Thank you, Hagrid, I'll take them in."

As Professor McGonagall pushed the door completely open, the entrance hall inside officially came into view of the little wizards.

The entrance hall here is so amazing that it can even fit into the houses of some ordinary British Muggle families.

The surroundings were brightly lit by torches on the walls on both sides, the roof was unimaginably high, and in front was a staircase made of beautiful marble leading upstairs.

Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, everyone walked forward along the floor filled with colorful flags. After walking for a while, they came to the door of another door, where they could even hear hundreds of people inside. The noise of students.

Professor McGonagall stopped here, turned around and looked at everyone, and said,

"First of all, welcome to Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall's voice was very loud and majestic.

"The opening dinner will begin soon. But before that, you will be assigned to your respective houses. The assignment ceremony is very important, because for you, your house is your home in Hogwarts. You must Take classes, live together, and play together with other students in the college.”

"There are four houses in Hogwarts, they are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious and long history. They have all trained talented wizards. During your time at Hogwarts, if you abide by the rules, you will be given extra points. If you violate the rules, you will be deducted. At the end of each year, the child in the house with the highest score will be It is a great honor to be awarded the 'House Cup', and I hope you can all bring glory to your house."

After saying this, Professor McGonagall paused and continued,

"The assignment ceremony will begin in a few minutes in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest you use this waiting time to dress up beautifully."

Her eyes swept over the little wizards, and some of the little wizards with wrinkled clothes hurriedly straightened themselves under her gaze.

Professor McGonagall saw this and smiled with satisfaction,

"We will call you when we are ready. Before that, I need you to wait here quietly."

After that, she turned and left. Obviously, the capable Professor McGonagall would never drag on and say more to the students here.

After Professor McGonagall left, there were many whispers around Finney. The little wizards were wondering how they would be assigned to the college next.

Hogwarts has a tradition that is tacitly existed by all graduates and students, that is, not to tell the little wizards who have not yet enrolled at home about the sorting ceremony.

Amidst the many chaotic voices, Professor McGonagall came back.

"Now move forward, the sorting ceremony is about to begin!"

She said loudly to the many little wizards,

"Stand in a line, follow me now!"

Obviously, the whispers of the little wizards just now made Professor McGonagall a little irritated, but she was not angry. After all, this did not violate the rules.

The little wizards walked through the door in front of them and came to a magnificent hall.

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